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Summer Spectacular: Kobold Quarterly #14 Ships

The new issue of Kobold Quarterly is now available, in pdf and print. The articles provide a crazed selection of material from across the spectrum: new class options, the ecology of the tengu, new treasures (and new uses for treasure), an entire mini-adventure, and more! Most people think of kobolds as small, but when the Summer Gen Con

Summer Spectacular: Kobold Quarterly #14 Ships Read More »

My First Gen Con: Stan!

It’s the big week! Gen Con! Gamers from all over the world are flying, driving, busing, tunneling and teleporting  to Indianapolis! With all these exclamation points, it’s fitting that Stan! should share his memory of his first Gen Con… (Photo taken by Ed Healy.) ___ Weird as it may seem, I don’t remember my first

My First Gen Con: Stan! Read More »

Strangling Watcher (Urochar)

This horrible monster resembles a gigantic crimson leech slithering upright on four muscular black tentacles. At the top of its writhing trunk rest several quivering feathered antenna surrounding a great lidless eye that glows with baleful orange light. One of the most dreaded monsters of the underworld, strangling watchers (also known as urochars) have long

Strangling Watcher (Urochar) Read More »

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