Search Kobold Press Monsters
Looking for more Kobold Press monsters for your campaign? Use the tools below to filter all of our published monsters by CR, size, type, environment, and more.
Creature | CR | Size | Type | Terrain | Primary Source |
A-mi-kuk | 7.0 | Huge | Aberration | Arctic | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Aalpamac | 7.0 | Huge | Monstrosity | Coastal, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Aaxte | 5.0 | Large | Celestial | Farmland, Urban | Creature Codex |
Abaasy | 8.0 | Huge | Giant | Badlands | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Aboleth | 10.0 | Large | Aberration | Underground, Underwater | SRD |
Aboleth | 10.0 | Large | Aberration | Underground, Underwater | Monster Vault |
Aboleth, Nihileth | 13.0 | Large | Undead | Coastal, Underground, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Aboleth, Nihileth, Nihilethic Dominator | 5.0 | Large | Undead | Coastal, Underground, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Aboleth, Nihileth, Nihilethic Zombie | 1.0 | Medium | Undead | Coastal, Underground, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Abominable Beauty | 11.0 | Medium | Fey | Forest | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Accursed Defiler | 4.0 | Medium | Undead | Desert | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Acid Ant | 0.3 | Small | Monstrosity | Any | Creature Codex |
Acolyte | 0.3 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any, Urban | SRD |
Acolyte | 0.3 | Medium | Humanoid (Any Lineage) | Any, Urban | Monster Vault |
Agnibarra | 1.0 | Small | Monstrosity | Mountain | Creature Codex |
Ahu-Nixta | 3.0 | Large | Aberration | Planar | Creature Codex |
Ahu-Nixta Mechanon | 2.0 | Medium | Construct | Any, Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Ahu-Nixta, Cataphract | 8.0 | Large | Aberration | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Ahu-Nixta, Drudge | 0.5 | Medium | Aberration | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Ahuizotl | 2.0 | Small | Monstrosity | Coastal, Underwater | Creature Codex |
Akaasit | 6.0 | Medium | Construct | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Akanka | 2.0 | Medium | Fey | Desert, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Akhlut | 6.0 | Large | Beast | Arctic, Coastal, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Akkorokamui | 12.0 | Gargantuan | Celestial (titan) | Coastal, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Ala | 8.0 | Medium | Fey | Farmland, Forest | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Alabroza | 1.0 | Small | Monstrosity | Farmland | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Alabroza, Bloodfiend | 4.0 | Small | Fiend (shapechanger) | Farmland | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Alazai | 10.0 | Large | Elemental | Badlands, Desert | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Alchemical Skunk | 4.0 | Small | Monstrosity | Farmland, Forest, Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Alchemist | 2.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any, Urban | Cities and Towns |
Algorith | 10.0 | Medium | Construct | Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Alke | 5.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Grassland, Hills, Mountain | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Alkonost | 0.5 | Small | Monstrosity | Coastal, Mountain | Creature Codex |
Alley Sprite | 0.3 | Tiny | Fey | Urban | Cities and Towns |
Alligator | 0.3 | Medium | Beast | Swamp | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Alligator Turtle | 0.3 | Medium | Beast | Swamp | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Alliumite | 0.3 | Small | Plant | Farmland, Grassland | Creature Codex |
Alliumite, Husker | 2.0 | Medium | Plant | Farmland, Grassland | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Alliumite, Rapscallion | 2.0 | Small | Plant | Farmland, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Alp | 1.0 | Small | Fey | Farmland | Creature Codex |
Alpha Fish | 3.0 | Large | Beast | Underwater | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Alpine Creeper | 3.0 | Huge | Plant | Arctic, Mountain | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Alseid | 0.5 | Medium | Monstrosity | Forest | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Alseid Grovekeeper | 2.0 | Medium | Monstrosity | Forest | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Alseid, Woad Warrior | 2.0 | Medium | Monstrosity | Forest | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Ammut | 9.0 | Large | Celestial | Badlands, Desert | Creature Codex |
Amphibolt | 5.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Swamp | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Amphiptere | 3.0 | Medium | Beast | Forest, Hills | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Andrenjinyi | 15.0 | Gargantuan | Celestial | Forest, Underwater | Tome of Beasts |
Angatra | 6.0 | Medium | Undead | Any | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Angel, Angel of Judgment | 18.0 | Huge | Celestial | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Angel, Angelic Enforcer | 12.0 | Large | Celestial | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Angel, Archangel, Hala'ath | 22.0 | Huge | Celestial | Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Angel, Archangel, Hala'ath, Haladron | 0.5 | Tiny | Celestial | Any, Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Angel, Archangel, Iilari'jil | 23.0 | Large | Celestial | Any, Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Angel, Chained | 8.0 | Medium | Celestial | Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Angel, Deva | 10.0 | Medium | Celestial | Planar | SRD |
Angel, Deva | 10.0 | Medium | Celestial (Angel) | Planar | Monster Vault |
Angel, Eye of the Gods | 1.0 | Small | Celestial | Planar | Creature Codex |
Angel, Fidele | 5.0 | Medium | Celestial (shapechanger) | Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Angel, Kalkydra | 13.0 | Huge | Celestial | Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Angel, Kinnara | 3.0 | Medium | Celestial | Any | Creature Codex |
Angel, Mead Archon | 4.0 | Medium | Celestial | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Angel, Ophanim | 16.0 | Large | Celestial | Planar | Creature Codex |
Angel, Pelagic Deva | 11.0 | Medium | Celestial | Planar, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Angel, Planetar | 16.0 | Large | Celestial | Planar | SRD |
Angel, Planetar | 16.0 | Large | Celestial (Angel) | Planar | Monster Vault |
Angel, Psychopomp | 4.0 | Medium | Celestial | Any, Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Angel, Sammael | 7.0 | Medium | Celestial | Any | Creature Codex |
Angel, Shrouded | 13.0 | Medium | Celestial | Any, Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Angel, Solar | 21.0 | Large | Celestial | Planar | SRD |
Angel, Solar | 21.0 | Large | Celestial (Angel) | Planar | Monster Vault |
Angel, Song | 6.0 | Large | Celestial | Planar | Creature Codex |
Angel, Uridimmu | 14.0 | Large | Celestial | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Angel, Zirnitran | 20.0 | Huge | Celestial | Mountain, Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Angel, Zoryas | 8.0 | Medium | Celestial | Any | Creature Codex |
Angler Worm | 4.0 | Huge | Monstrosity | Underground | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Animal Lord, Bat King | 13.0 | Small | Fey (shapechanger) | Urban | Creature Codex |
Animal Lord, Brother Ox | 16.0 | Huge | Fey (shapechanger) | Mountain, Hills | Creature Codex |
Animal Lord, Lord of Vultures | 12.0 | Large | Fey (shapechanger) | Mountain | Creature Codex |
Animal Lord, Mouse King | 11.0 | Small | Fey (shapechanger) | Urban | Creature Codex |
Animal Lord, Queen of Birds | 14.0 | Large | Fey (shapechanger) | Mountain | Creature Codex |
Animal Lord, Queen of Cats | 15.0 | Large | Fey (shapechanger) | Urban | Creature Codex |
Animal Lord, Queen of Mammoths | 18.0 | Huge | Fey (shapechanger) | Arctic, Grassland, Hills | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Animal Lord, Queen of Scorpions | 13.0 | Medium | Fey (shapechanger) | Desert | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Animal Lord, Queen of Serpents | 12.0 | Medium | Fey (shapechanger) | Mountain | Creature Codex |
Animal Lord, Toad King | 10.0 | Medium | Fey (shapechanger) | Swamp | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Animated Artillery | 10.0 | Large | Construct | Any, Urban | Castles and Crowns |
Animated Bearskin Rug | 4.0 | Large | Construct | Farmland, Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Animated Instrument | 0.3 | Tiny | Construct | Farmland, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Animated Instrument, Animated Quartet | 4.0 | Large | Construct | Farmland, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Animated Instrument, Animated Symphony | 15.0 | Gargantuan | Construct | Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Animated Objects, Animated Armor | 1.0 | Medium | Construct | Urban | SRD |
Animated Objects, Animated Armor | 1.0 | Medium | Construct | Urban | Monster Vault |
Animated Objects, Flying Sword | 0.3 | Small | Construct | Urban | Monster Vault |
Animated Objects, Flying Sword | 0.3 | Small | Construct | Urban | SRD |
Animated Objects, Rug of Smothering | 2.0 | Large | Construct | Urban | SRD |
Animated Objects, Rug of Smothering | 2.0 | Large | Construct | Urban | Monster Vault |
Animated Offal | 9.0 | Huge | Ooze | Any | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Aniwye | 5.0 | Large | Monstrosity (shapechanger) | Forest | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Ankheg | 2.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Forest, Grassland | SRD |
Ankheg | 2.0 | Large | Monstrosity (Animal) | Forest, Grassland | Monster Vault |
Ankou Soul Herald | 21.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Any | Creature Codex |
Ankou Soul Seeker | 8.0 | Large | Dragon | Any | Creature Codex |
Annelidast | 12.0 | Huge | Monstrosity | Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hills, Mountain, Underground, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Anophiloi | 1.0 | Small | Monstrosity | Farmland, Forest | Creature Codex |
Ant, Giant | 2.0 | Large | Beast | Forest, Underground | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Ant, Giant Queen | 5.0 | Large | Beast | Forest, Underground | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Anubian | 2.0 | Medium | Elemental | Desert | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Anzu | 9.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Desert, Grassland, Mountain | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Apaxrusl | 3.0 | Medium | Construct | Desert | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Ape | 0.5 | Medium | Beast | Forest | SRD |
Ape | 0.5 | Medium | Beast | Forest | Monster Vault |
Ape, Giant | 7.0 | Huge | Beast | Forest | Monster Vault |
Aphasian Abomination | 10.0 | Large | Construct | Badlands | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Apostle | 6.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Arborcyte | 8.0 | Large | Plant | Farmland, Forest, Grassland | Creature Codex |
Arboreal Grappler | 4.0 | Medium | Aberration | Forest | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Arcamag | 2.0 | Tiny | Monstrosity | Urban | Creature Codex |
Arcanaphage | 4.0 | Medium | Monstrosity | Any | Creature Codex |
Arcane Leviathan | 16.0 | Gargantuan | Construct | Underwater | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Arcane Painter | 4.0 | Medium | Humanoid (Any Lineage) | Urban | Castles and Crowns |
Arcane Scavenger | 9.0 | Large | Construct | Badlands | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Archdruid | 12.0 | Medium | Humanoid (Any Lineage) | Forest, Grassland, Mountain, Swamp | Monster Vault |
Archmage | 12.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any, Urban | SRD |
Archmage | 12.0 | Medium | Humanoid (Any Lineage) | Any, Urban | Monster Vault |
Archon, Siege | 13.0 | Huge | Celestial | Planar, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Archon, Ursan | 9.0 | Large | Celestial | Any, Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Archon, Word | 1.0 | Tiny | Celestial | Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Aridni | 5.0 | Small | Fey | Forest | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Artist | 0.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any, Urban | Cities and Towns |
Arx | 9.0 | Large | Fiend | Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Asanbosam | 5.0 | Large | Aberration | Forest, Hills | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Ash Phoenix | 9.0 | Large | Undead | Any | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Ashen Custodian | 6.0 | Medium | Fey | Forest | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Ashwalker | 1.0 | Medium | Undead | Any | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Asp Vine | 4.0 | Medium | Plant | Badlands, Forest | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Assassin | 8.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any, Urban | SRD |
Assassin | 8.0 | Medium | Humanoid (Any Lineage) | Any, Urban | Monster Vault |
Assassin Snake | 0.1 | Tiny | Construct | Urban | Tome of Heroes |
Astral Destroyer | 18.0 | Gargantuan | Aberration (Outsider) | Planar | Monster Vault |
Astral Devourer | 8.0 | Medium | Aberration | Badlands, Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Astral Snapper | 3.0 | Medium | Aberration | Farmlands, Urban | Creature Codex |
Astralsupial | 4.0 | Medium | Beast | Forest, Swamp | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Astri | 8.0 | Small | Celestial | Badlands, Desert | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Atavist | 4.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Attercroppe | 0.5 | Tiny | Fey | Forest, Swamp | Tome of Beasts 2 |
August Rooster | 4.0 | Medium | Monstrosity | Farmland, Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Aural Hunter | 5.0 | Large | Aberration | Mountain, Planar, Underground | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Aurora Horribilis | 9.0 | Large | Aberration | Arctic | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Avalanche Screamer | 7.0 | Large | Aberration | Arctic, Mountain | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Avestruzii | 0.5 | Medium | Humanoid (avestruzii) | Grassland, Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Avestruzii Champion | 2.0 | Medium | Humanoid (avestruzii) | Grassland, Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Aviere | 0.5 | Tiny | Celestial | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Avulzor | 8.0 | Large | Aberration | Any | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Awakened Shrub | 0.0 | Small | Plant | Forest | SRD |
Awakened Shrub | 0.0 | Small | Plant | Forest | Monster Vault |
Awakened Tree | 2.0 | Huge | Plant | Forest | SRD |
Awakened Tree | 2.0 | Huge | Plant | Forest | Monster Vault |
Axe Beak | 0.3 | Large | Beast | Grassland, Hills | SRD |
Axe Beak | 0.3 | Large | Beast | Grassland, Hills | Monster Vault, Player's Guide |
Azeban | 4.0 | Medium | Fey | Forest | Creature Codex |
Azer | 2.0 | Medium | Elemental | Planar, Mountain | SRD |
Azer | 2.0 | Medium | Elemental | Mountain, Planar | Monster Vault |
Azi Dahaka | 14.0 | Huge | Dragon | Mountain | Creature Codex |
Aziza | 0.5 | Tiny | Fey | Forest | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Baba Yaga | 20.0 | Medium | Fey | Forest | Creature Codex |
Baba Yaga, Iron Teeth of Baba Yaga | 2.0 | Tiny | Fey | Forest | Creature Codex |
Baba Yaga's Horsemen | 11.0 | Medium | Fey | Any | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Baboon | 0.0 | Small | Beast | Forest, Hills | SRD |
Baboon | 0.1 | Small | Beast | Forest, Hills | Monster Vault |
Badger | 0.0 | Tiny | Beast | Farmland, Forest | SRD |
Badger | 0.0 | Tiny | Beast | Farmland, Forest | Monster Vault |
Badger, Giant | 0.3 | Medium | Beast | Forest | Monster Vault |
Bagiennik | 3.0 | Medium | Aberration | Forest, Hills, Swamp | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Balara | 6.0 | Large | Undead | Forest, Grassland | Monster Vault |
Baleful Miasma | 2.0 | Medium | Elemental | Any | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Balloon Spider | 1.0 | Medium | Beast | Forest, Hills, Mountain | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Bandit | 0.1 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any, Urban | SRD |
Bandit | 0.1 | Medium | Humanoid (Any Lineage) | Any, Urban | Monster Vault |
Bandit Captain | 2.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any, Urban | SRD |
Bandit Captain | 2.0 | Medium | Humanoid (Any Lineage) | Any, Urban | Monster Vault |
Bandit Lord | 4.0 | Medium | Humanoid (Any Race) | Desert, Farmland, Forest, Grassland, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Bannik | 2.0 | Medium | Fey | Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Bar Brawl | 3.0 | Huge | Humanoid | Urban | Creature Codex |
Bard | 5.0 | Medium | Humanoid (Any Lineage) | Any, Urban | Monster Vault |
Barometz | 6.0 | Large | Plant | Forest | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Barong | 17.0 | Large | Celestial | Planar | Creature Codex |
Basilisk | 3.0 | Medium | Monstrosity | Forest, Mountain, Underground | SRD |
Basilisk | 3.0 | Medium | Monstrosity | Hills, Mountain, Underground | Monster Vault |
Bastet Temple Cat | 1.0 | Small | Monstrosity | Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Bastet Warrior-Priestess | 3.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Urban | City of Cats |
Bat | 0.0 | Tiny | Beast | Farmland, Underground | SRD |
Bat | 0.0 | Tiny | Beast | Farmland, Underground | Monster Vault, Player's Guide |
Bat, Giant | 0.3 | Large | Beast | Forest, Underground | Monster Vault, Player's Guide |
Bat, Giant Albino | 3.0 | Huge | Monstrosity | Forest, Grassland, Mountain, Underground | Creature Codex |
Bat, Giant Vampire | 2.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Forest, Grassland, Mountain, Underground | Creature Codex |
Bat, Swarm of Bats | 0.3 | Medium | Beast | Farmland, Forest, Hills, Mountain, Underground | Monster Vault |
Battle Mage | 4.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any | Creature Codex |
Beach Weird | 3.0 | Large | Elemental | Coastal | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Bear, Black | 0.5 | Medium | Beast | Forest | Monster Vault, Player's Guide |
Bear, Brown | 1.0 | Large | Beast | Arctic, Forest | Monster Vault, Player's Guide |
Bear, Polar | 2.0 | Large | Beast | Arctic | Monster Vault |
Bearfolk | 3.0 | Medium | Humanoid (bearfolk) | Arctic, Forest, Hills, Mountain, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Bearfolk Chieftain | 6.0 | Medium | Humanoid (bearfolk) | Any | Creature Codex |
Bearfolk Druid | 6.0 | Medium | Humanoid (bearfolk) | Any, Forest, Planar | Book of Ebon Tides |
Bearfolk Thunderstomper | 6.0 | Medium | Humanoid (bearfolk) | Any | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Bearmit Crab | 2.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Coastal | Creature Codex |
Beetle, Clacker Soldier | 1.0 | Small | Beast | Underground | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Beetle, Clacker Swarm | 3.0 | Medium | Beast | Underground | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Beetle, Giant Bombardier | 0.3 | Medium | Beast | Forest | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Beetle, Giant Fire | 0.0 | Small | Beast | Underground | SRD |
Beetle, Giant Snow | 1.0 | Large | Beast | Arctic | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Beetle, Lantern | 0.0 | Tiny | Beast | Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Beetle, Sniffer | 0.1 | Small | Beast | Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Befouled Weird | 5.0 | Medium | Elemental | Swamp | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Behir | 11.0 | Huge | Monstrosity | Mountain, Underground | SRD |
Behir | 11.0 | Huge | Monstrosity | Mountain, Underground | Monster Vault |
Behtu | 2.0 | Small | Humanoid | Forest | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Beli | 2.0 | Small | Fey | Arctic | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Belu | 10.0 | Huge | Giant | Forest, Swamp | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Berberoka | 7.0 | Large | Giant | Swamp | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Bereginyas | 4.0 | Tiny | Fey | Mountain | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Berserker | 2.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any, Urban | SRD |
Berserker | 2.0 | Medium | Humanoid (Any Lineage) | Any, Urban | Monster Vault |
Bilby | 0.0 | Tiny | Beast | Desert, Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Bilwis | 1.0 | Medium | Elemental | Farmland | Creature Codex |
Birch Siren | 11.0 | Large | Plant | Forest, Planar | Book of Ebon Tides |
Birgemon Seal | 2.0 | Medium | Aberration | Arctic, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Black Bear | 0.5 | Medium | Beast | Forest | SRD |
Black Crier | 11.0 | Medium | Undead | Farmland, Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Black Knight Commander | 5.0 | Medium | Humanoid (Any Race) | Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Black Patch | 6.0 | Large | Ooze | Swamp | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Black Pudding | 4.0 | Large | Ooze | Underground | SRD |
Black Pudding | 4.0 | Large | Ooze | Underground | Monster Vault |
Black Shuck | 11.0 | Large | Fiend | Farmland | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Blaspheming Hand | 3.0 | Large | Fiend | Any | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Bleakheart | 3.0 | Medium | Undead | Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Blemmyes | 8.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Farmland, Forest, Hills | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Blestsessebe | 8.0 | Large | Celestial | Grassland, Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Blink Dog | 0.3 | Medium | Fey | Forest | Monster Vault, Player's Guide |
Blink Dog | 0.3 | Medium | Fey | Forest | SRD |
Blood Barnacle | 0.3 | Tiny | Beast | Coastal, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Blood Flurry | 10.0 | Medium | Aberration | Arctic | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Blood Hawk | 0.1 | Small | Beast | Farmland, Forest, Hills, Mountain | SRD |
Blood Mage | 7.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any | Creature Codex |
Bloodsapper | 3.0 | Medium | Aberration | Any | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Bloodstone Sentinel | 8.0 | Large | Construct | Underground, Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Bloody Bones | 3.0 | Medium | Monstrosity | Farmland, Urban | Creature Codex |
Boar | 0.3 | Medium | Beast | Farmland, Forest, Grassland, Hills | SRD |
Boar | 0.3 | Medium | Beast | Farmland, Forest, Grassland, Hills | Monster Vault, Player's Guide |
Boar, Giant | 2.0 | Large | Beast | Forest, Grassland, Hills | Monster Vault |
Boloti | 1.0 | Tiny | Fey | Swamp | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Bone Collective | 8.0 | Small | Undead | Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Bone Collector | 0.5 | Small | Undead | Any, Badlands | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Bone Crab | 0.5 | Small | Beast | Coastal | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Bone Lord | 19.0 | Huge | Undead | Any | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Bone Swarm | 10.0 | Large | Undead | Hills, Mountain, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Boneshard Wraith | 12.0 | Medium | Undead | Badlands | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Bonespitter | 13.0 | Gargantuan | Monstrosity | Grassland | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Bookkeeper | 0.1 | Tiny | Construct | Urban | Creature Codex |
Bookworm | 9.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Urban | Cities and Towns |
Boot Grabber | 0.5 | Small | Aberration | Underground | Creature Codex |
Boreas | 17.0 | Medium | Elemental | Arctic | Tome of Beasts |
Boreas' Chosen | 7.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any) | Arctic | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Bouda | 5.0 | Medium | Fiend (shapechanger) | Farmland, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Brachyura Shambler | 4.0 | Medium | Monstrosity | Swamp | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Brain Coral | 5.0 | Huge | Aberration | Underwater | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Brain Hood | 0.5 | Tiny | Aberration | Forest, Grassland | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Breathstealer | 7.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Bright Fey | 0.3 | Medium | Humanoid | Forest, Planar, Urban | Castles and Crowns |
Brimstone Locusthound | 3.0 | Medium | Monstrosity | Grassland, Hills, Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Broodiken | 1.0 | Tiny | Construct | Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Broodmother of Leng | 11.0 | Huge | Aberration | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Brown Bear | 1.0 | Large | Beast | Arctic, Forest | SRD |
Brownie | 1.0 | Tiny | Fey | Farmland, Forest, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Brownie Beastrider | 3.0 | Tiny | Fey | Farmland, Forest, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Brownie Mystic | 5.0 | Tiny | Fey | Farmland, Forest, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Brumalek | 0.5 | Small | Beast | Arctic, Mountain | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Bucca | 0.5 | Tiny | Fey | Underground | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Bugbear | 1.0 | Medium | Humanoid | Forest, Grassland, Hills, Underground | SRD |
Bukavac | 9.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Forest, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Bulbous Violet | 1.0 | Medium | Plant | Forest | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Bulette | 5.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Grassland, Hills, Mountain | SRD |
Bulette | 5.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Desert, Grassland, Hills | Monster Vault |
Bull | 0.3 | Large | Beast | Farmland, Grassland | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Buraq | 11.0 | Medium | Celestial | Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Burrowling | 0.5 | Small | Humanoid (burrowling) | Farmland, Forest | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Butatsch | 14.0 | Gargantuan | Aberration | Mountain, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Cactid | 3.0 | Large | Plant | Desert | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Cadaver Sprite | 0.5 | Tiny | Undead | Forest | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Caldera Kite | 7.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Mountain | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Cambium | 14.0 | Large | Fiend | Farmland, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Camel | 0.1 | Large | Beast | Desert | SRD |
Camel | 0.1 | Large | Beast | Desert | Monster Vault, Player's Guide |
Canny Beggar | 0.1 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any, Urban | Cities and Towns |
Capybear | 1.0 | Medium | Monstrosity | Forest, Swamp | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Carbuncle | 1.0 | Small | Monstrosity | Forest | Creature Codex |
Caretaker Weevil | 1.0 | Medium | Beast | Farmland, Forest | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Carnivorous Ship | 13.0 | Gargantuan | Monstrosity (shapechanger) | Underwater | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Carnivorous Sod | 1.0 | Medium | Plant | Farmland, Grassland | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Carrier Mosquito | 3.0 | Large | Beast | Swamp | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Carrion Beetle | 4.0 | Large | Beast | Underground | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Cat | 0.0 | Tiny | Beast | Desert, Farmland, Forest, Grassland, Urban | SRD |
Cat | 0.0 | Tiny | Beast | Desert, Farmland, Forest, Grassland, Urban | Monster Vault, Player's Guide |
Catamount | 4.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Badlands, Mountain | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Catfolk, Basteti | 0.3 | Medium | Humanoid (catfolk) | Any, Urban | City of Cats |
Catfolk, Basteti Cat Burglar | 1.0 | Medium | Humanoid (catfolk) | Any, Urban | City of Cats |
Catonoctrix | 10.0 | Large | Aberration | Badlands, Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Cats of Ulthar | 4.0 | Huge | Beast | Farmland, Urban | Creature Codex |
Catscratch | 3.0 | Huge | Aberration | Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Catslide Monitor | 5.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Urban | City of Cats |
Catterball | 1.0 | Small | Fey | Farmland, Forest, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Cauldronborn | 2.0 | Small | Construct | Any | Creature Codex |
Caustic Charger | 7.0 | Huge | Monstrosity | Badlands, Grassland | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Cavalry Camel | 0.5 | Large | Beast | Desert, Urban | Tome of Heroes |
Cave Goat | 0.3 | Small | Beast | Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Cave Mimic | 7.0 | Gargantuan | Monstrosity (shapechanger) | Any, Underground | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Cave Sovereign | 16.0 | Gargantuan | Aberration | Underground | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Cavelight Moss | 4.0 | Large | Plant | Underground | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Centaur | 2.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Forest, Grassland | SRD |
Centaur | 2.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Desert, Forest, Grassland | Monster Vault |
Centaur Chieftain | 5.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Grassland, Hills | Creature Codex |
Chamrosh | 1.0 | Medium | Celestial | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Chaos Creeper | 9.0 | Medium | Plant | Hills | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Chaos Raptor | 13.0 | Gargantuan | Monstrosity | Mountain | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Chatterlome | 7.0 | Medium | Fiend | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Chelicerae | 7.0 | Large | Aberration | Badlands, Forest | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Chemosit | 5.0 | Medium | Fiend | Farmland, Forest, Grassland | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Chernomoi | 1.0 | Tiny | Fey | Underground | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Cherufe | 14.0 | Huge | Elemental | Mountain, Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Child of the Briar | 1.0 | Tiny | Plant | Forest | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Child of Yggdrasil | 6.0 | Large | Aberration | Forest | Creature Codex |
Chill Haunt | 3.0 | Medium | Undead | Arctic | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Chimera | 6.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Grassland, Hills, Mountain | SRD |
Chimera | 6.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Grassland, Hills, Mountain | Monster Vault |
Chimera, Royal | 15.0 | Huge | Monstrosity | Badlands, Forest | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Chimeric Phantom | 2.0 | Medium | Undead | Any | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Chol, Czol | 5.0 | Small | Fiend (Outsider) | Any, Planar | Monster Vault |
Chol, Icthol | 12.0 | Medium | Fiend (Outsider) | Any, Planar | Monster Vault |
Chol, Trillipol | 17.0 | Medium | Fiend (Outsider) | Any, Planar | Monster Vault |
Chol, Uulgol | 9.0 | Large | Fiend (Outsider) | Any, Planar | Monster Vault |
Chroma Lizard | 4.0 | Large | Beast | Grassland | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Chronalmental | 8.0 | Large | Elemental | Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Chronomatic Enhancer | 12.0 | Large | Construct | Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Chuhaister | 7.0 | Large | Giant | Forest | Creature Codex |
Chupacabra | 0.5 | Small | Monstrosity | Grassland, Hills | Creature Codex |
Chuul | 4.0 | Large | Aberration | Underground, Underwater | SRD |
Chuul | 4.0 | Large | Aberration | Underground, Underwater | Monster Vault |
Cikavak | 0.1 | Tiny | Fey | Farmland, Forest | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Citrullus | 3.0 | Medium | Plant | Desert, Forest, Hills | Tome of Beasts 1 |
City Watch Captain | 4.0 | Medium | Humanoid (Any Race) | Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Climbing Vine | 0.1 | Medium | Plant | Mountain, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Cloaker | 8.0 | Large | Aberration | Underground | SRD |
Cloaker | 8.0 | Large | Aberration | Underground | Monster Vault |
Clockwork Abomination | 5.0 | Large | Construct | Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Clockwork Archon | 13.0 | Gargantuan | Construct | Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Clockwork Armadillo | 0.3 | Small | Construct | Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Clockwork Assassin | 6.0 | Medium | Construct | Urban | Creature Codex |
Clockwork Beast | 0.0 | Tiny | Construct | Planar | Warlock Grimoire 2 |
Clockwork Beetle | 0.5 | Tiny | Construct | Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Clockwork Beetle Swarm | 3.0 | Large | Construct | Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Clockwork Conductor | 0.5 | Small | Construct | Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Clockwork Gardener | 1.0 | Large | Construct | Urban | Tome of Heroes |
Clockwork Hound | 2.0 | Medium | Construct | Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Clockwork Huntsman | 3.0 | Medium | Construct | Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Clockwork Kestrel | 1.0 | Tiny | Construct | Urban | Tome of Heroes |
Clockwork Lantern | 0.0 | Tiny | Construct | Urban | Tome of Heroes |
Clockwork Leech | 1.0 | Medium | Construct | Swamp, Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Clockwork Mantis | 6.0 | Large | Construct | Any | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Clockwork Myrmidon | 6.0 | Large | Construct | Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Clockwork Pugilist | 1.0 | Medium | Construct | Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Clockwork Scorpion | 9.0 | Large | Construct | Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Clockwork Servant | 0.1 | Medium | Construct | Urban | Creature Codex |
Clockwork Soldier | 1.0 | Medium | Construct | Urban | Creature Codex |
Clockwork Tactician | 11.0 | Medium | Construct | Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Clockwork Tiger | 6.0 | Large | Construct | Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Clockwork Tutor | 0.5 | Medium | Construct | Urban | Tome of Heroes |
Clockwork Warhorse | 1.0 | Large | Construct | Urban | Tome of Heroes |
Clockwork Watchman | 0.5 | Medium | Construct | Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Clockwork Weaving Spider | 1.0 | Tiny | Construct | Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Cloudhoof Assassin | 1.0 | Medium | Beast | Mountain | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Clurichaun | 0.3 | Tiny | Fey | Farmland, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Coastline Reaper | 9.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Coastal, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Cobbleswarm | 2.0 | Medium | Monstrosity | Underground, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Cockatrice | 0.5 | Small | Monstrosity | Grassland | SRD |
Cockatrice | 0.5 | Small | Monstrosity | Grassland | Monster Vault |
Colláis | 10.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Forest | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Commoner | 0.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any, Urban | SRD |
Commoner | 0.0 | Medium | Humanoid (Any Lineage) | Any, Urban | Monster Vault |
Conjoined Queen | 10.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Underground, Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Conniption Bug | 1.0 | Small | Beast | Coastal, Swamp, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Copperkill Slime | 8.0 | Huge | Ooze | Underground, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Corpse Mound | 11.0 | Huge | Undead | Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Corpse Thief | 0.5 | Medium | Humanoid | Any | Creature Codex |
Corpse Worm | 3.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Corpselight Moth | 5.0 | Large | Beast | Forest, Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Corrupted Pixie | 0.5 | Tiny | Fiend | Any | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Cosmic Symphony | 15.0 | Large | Celestial | Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Couatl | 4.0 | Medium | Celestial | Desert, Forest, Grassland, Urban | SRD |
Couatl | 4.0 | Medium | Celestial | Desert, Forest, Grassland, Urban | Monster Vault |
Crab | 0.0 | Tiny | Beast | Coastal, Underwater | SRD |
Crab | 0.0 | Tiny | Beast | Coastal, Underwater | Monster Vault, Player's Guide |
Crab, Duffel | 3.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Coastal, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Crab, Giant | 0.1 | Medium | Beast | Coastal, Underwater | SRD |
Crab, Giant | 0.3 | Medium | Beast | Coastal, Underwater | Monster Vault |
Crab, Razorback | 2.0 | Medium | Beast | Farmland, Grassland | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Crab, Samurai | 6.0 | Medium | Beast | Coastal, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Crafter | 0.1 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any, Urban | Cities and Towns |
Crimson Jelly | 0.5 | Tiny | Ooze | Underground, Underwater | Monster Vault |
Crimson Mist | 6.0 | Medium | Undead | Any | Creature Codex |
Crimson Shambler | 0.5 | Medium | Plant | Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Crinaea | 2.0 | Medium | Fey | Farmland, Forest, Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Crocodile | 0.5 | Large | Beast | Swamp, Urban | SRD |
Crocodile | 0.5 | Large | Beast | Swamp, Urban | Monster Vault, Player's Guide |
Crocodile, Giant | 5.0 | Huge | Beast | Swamp | Monster Vault |
Crocotta | 3.0 | Medium | Monstrosity | Farmland, Forest, Grassland | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Cryoceros | 6.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Arctic | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Crystalline Monolith | 7.0 | Huge | Aberration | Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Crystallite | 4.0 | Large | Giant | Mountain, Underground | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Cueyatl | 0.5 | Small | Humanoid | Coastal | Creature Codex |
Cueyatl Moon Priest | 5.0 | Small | Humanoid | Coastal | Creature Codex |
Cueyatl Sea Priest | 1.0 | Small | Humanoid | Coastal | Creature Codex |
Cueyatl Warchief | 7.0 | Small | Humanoid | Coastal | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Cueyatl Warrior | 1.0 | Small | Humanoid | Coastal | Creature Codex |
Cult Fanatic | 2.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any, Urban | SRD |
Cultist | 0.1 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any, Urban | SRD |
Cultist | 0.1 | Medium | Humanoid (Any Lineage) | Any, Urban | Monster Vault |
Cultist, Fanatic | 2.0 | Medium | Humanoid (Any Lineage) | Any, Urban | Monster Vault |
Cultist, Psychophant | 9.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Curator | 1.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any, Urban | Cities and Towns |
Cyonaxin | 8.0 | Medium | Celestial | Grassland, Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Daeodon | 3.0 | Large | Beast | Forest, Grassland | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Dakini, Simhamukha | 8.0 | Huge | Celestial | Any | Creature Codex |
Dancing Foliage | 4.0 | Medium | Plant | Forest | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Dark Father | 4.0 | Large | Undead | Any | Creature Codex |
Dark Folk, Dark Eye | 3.0 | Medium | Humanoid (dark folk) | Urban | Creature Codex |
Dark Folk, Dark Servant | 1.0 | Medium | Humanoid (dark folk) | Urban | Creature Codex |
Dark Folk, Dark Voice | 5.0 | Medium | Humanoid (dark folk) | Urban | Creature Codex |
Darkmantle | 0.5 | Small | Monstrosity | Underground | SRD |
Darkmantle | 0.5 | Small | Monstrosity | Underground | Monster Vault |
Darkstone Sculptor | 5.0 | Large | Elemental | Planar | Courts of the Shadow Fey |
Dau | 4.0 | Small | Fey | Desert | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dawnfly | 19.0 | Gargantuan | Beast | Badlands, Coastal, Swamp | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Dawnfly, Desolation Nymph | 2.0 | Large | Beast | Coastal, Swamp, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 3 |
De Ogen | 4.0 | Medium | Undead | Any | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Death Butterfly Swarm | 4.0 | Large | Beast | Farmland, Forest, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Death Butterfly Swarm, Greater | 6.0 | Huge | Beast | Farmland, Forest, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Death Dog | 1.0 | Medium | Monstrosity | Desert, Grassland | SRD |
Death Dog | 1.0 | Medium | Monstrosity (Animal) | Desert, Grassland | Monster Vault |
Death Knight | 8.0 | Medium | Undead | Urban | Monster Vault |
Death Sentry | 2.0 | Medium | Undead | Urban | City of Cats |
Death Vulture | 4.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Farmland, Forest, Hills, Swamp, Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Death Worm | 1.0 | Small | Monstrosity | Badlands, Desert, Mountain | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Deathless | 9.0 | Medium | Fey | Urban | Monster Vault |
Deathspeaker | 4.0 | Medium | Undead | Any | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Deathweaver | 5.0 | Huge | Monstrosity | Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Deathwisp | 7.0 | Medium | Undead | Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Deep One | 2.0 | Medium | Humanoid | Coastal, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Deep One Archimandrite | 8.0 | Large | Humanoid | Coastal, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Deep One Priest | 4.0 | Medium | Humanoid | Coastal, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Deer | 0.0 | Medium | Beast | Farmland, Forest, Grassland | SRD |
Deer | 0.0 | Medium | Beast | Farmland, Forest, Grassland | Monster Vault |
Degmadu | 28.0 | Gargantuan | Monstrosity | Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Demon Lord, Akyishigal | 12.0 | Large | Fiend (demon) | Planar, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Demon Lord, Akyishigal, Spawn of Akyishigal | 5.0 | Medium | Fiend (demon) | Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Demon Lord, Camazotz | 22.0 | Large | Fiend (demon) | Underground | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Demon Lord, Mechuiti | 27.0 | Gargantuan | Fiend (demon) | Forest, Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Demon Lord, Qorgeth | 23.0 | Gargantuan | Fiend (demon) | Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Demon, Alnaar | 9.0 | Large | Fiend (demon) | Planar | Creature Codex |
Demon, Apau Perape | 6.0 | Large | Fiend (demon) | Forest, Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Demon, Balbazu | 2.0 | Tiny | Fiend (demon) | Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Demon, Baliri | 14.0 | Medium | Fiend (demon) | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Demon, Balor | 19.0 | Huge | Fiend (demon) | Planar | SRD |
Demon, Balor | 19.0 | Huge | Fiend (Demon) | Planar | Monster Vault |
Demon, Berstuc | 11.0 | Large | Fiend (demon) | Forest, Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Demon, Cipactli | 5.0 | Medium | Fiend (demon) | Any | Creature Codex |
Demon, Culicoid | 12.0 | Large | Fiend (demon) | Swamp, Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Demon, Demon Lord, Alquam | 21.0 | Huge | Fiend (demon) | Planar, Underground | Tome of Beasts |
Demon, Demon Lord, Alsikaya, Screeching Mother of Volcanoes | 28.0 | Huge | Fiend (demon) | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Demon, Demon Lord, Bathael | 16.0 | Huge | Fiend (demon) | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Demon, Demon Lord, Chemosh | 19.0 | Huge | Fiend (demon) | Planar | Creature Codex |
Demon, Demon Lord, Chittr'k'k | 13.0 | Medium | Fiend (demon) | Planar | Creature Codex |
Demon, Demon Lord, Hriggala, Jaws of Vardesain | 23.0 | Huge | Fiend (demon) | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Demon, Demon Lord, Hriggala, Spawn of Hriggala | 10.0 | Huge | Fiend (demon) | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Demon, Demon Lord, Rangda | 17.0 | Large | Fiend (demon) | Planar | Creature Codex |
Demon, Demon Lord, Rhopalocerex | 20.0 | Large | Fiend (demon) | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Demon, Demon Lord, Rhopalocerex, Spawn of Rhopalocerex | 6.0 | Large | Fiend (demon) | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Demon, Demon Lord, Typhon | 22.0 | Gargantuan | Fiend (demon) | Planar | Creature Codex |
Demon, Dretch | 0.3 | Small | Fiend (Demon) | Planar | Monster Vault |
Demon, Dretch | 0.3 | Small | Fiend (demon) | Planar | SRD |
Demon, Echo | 6.0 | Medium | Fiend (demon) | Underground | Creature Codex |
Demon, Fulad-Zereh | 9.0 | Huge | Fiend (demon) | Planar | Creature Codex |
Demon, Glabrezu | 9.0 | Large | Fiend (demon) | Planar | SRD |
Demon, Glabrezu | 9.0 | Large | Fiend (Demon) | Planar | Monster Vault |
Demon, Golmana | 7.0 | Medium | Fiend (Demon) | Planar | Monster Vault |
Demon, Hezrou | 8.0 | Large | Fiend (demon) | Planar | SRD |
Demon, Hezrou | 8.0 | Large | Fiend (Demon) | Planar | Monster Vault |
Demon, Husk | 4.0 | Medium | Fiend (Demon) | Planar | Monster Vault |
Demon, Inciter | 1.0 | Medium | Fiend (demon) | Planar, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Demon, Kishi | 8.0 | Medium | Fiend (demon) | Planar, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Demon, Kogukhpak | 18.0 | Huge | Fiend (demon) | Arctic, Underground | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Demon, Leech | 11.0 | Large | Fiend (demon) | Swamp | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Demon, Maha | 12.0 | Medium | Fiend (demon) | Arctic | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Demon, Malakbel | 9.0 | Medium | Fiend (demon) | Planar, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Demon, Marilith | 16.0 | Large | Fiend (demon) | Planar | SRD |
Demon, Marilith | 16.0 | Large | Fiend (Demon) | Planar | Monster Vault |
Demon, Mire Fiend | 5.0 | Medium | Fiend (Demon) | Swamp | Monster Vault |
Demon, Nalfeshnee | 13.0 | Large | Fiend (demon) | Planar | SRD |
Demon, Nalfeshnee | 13.0 | Large | Fiend (Demon) | Planar | Monster Vault |
Demon, Neophron | 8.0 | Medium | Fiend (demon, shapechanger) | Any | Creature Codex |
Demon, Pishacha | 3.0 | Medium | Fiend (shapechanger) | Planar | Creature Codex |
Demon, Plaresh | 3.0 | Medium | Fiend (demon) | Any | Creature Codex |
Demon, Psoglav | 7.0 | Large | Fiend (demon) | Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Demon, Quasit | 1.0 | Tiny | Fiend (demon) | Planar | SRD |
Demon, Quasit | 1.0 | Tiny | Fiend (Demon) | Planar | Monster Vault, Player's Guide |
Demon, Rattok | 4.0 | Small | Fiend (demon) | Any | Creature Codex |
Demon, Rubezahl | 10.0 | Medium | Fiend (demon) | Farmland, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Demon, Spawn of Alquam | 6.0 | Large | Fiend (demon) | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Demon, Spree | 5.0 | Small | Fiend (demon) | Urban | Creature Codex |
Demon, Unska | 5.0 | Medium | Fiend (Demon) | Farmland, Planar, Urban | Monster Vault |
Demon, Vellso | 7.0 | Medium | Fiend (demon) | Planar | Creature Codex |
Demon, Vetala | 8.0 | Medium | Fiend (demon) | Planar, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Demon, Vrock | 6.0 | Large | Fiend (demon) | Planar | SRD |
Demon, Vrock | 6.0 | Large | Fiend (Demon) | Planar | Monster Vault |
Demon, Wind | 2.0 | Small | Fiend (demon) | Any | Creature Codex |
Demon, Wrack | 5.0 | Medium | Fiend (Demon) | Planar | Monster Vault |
Demon, Yek | 4.0 | Small | Fiend (demon) | Any | Creature Codex |
Demon, Yek Alpha | 9.0 | Medium | Fiend (demon) | Any | Creature Codex |
Derendian Moth Abomination | 12.0 | Huge | Monstrosity | Forest | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Derro | 0.3 | Small | Humanoid | Underground | Monster Vault |
Derro Explorer | 2.0 | Small | Humaniod (derro) | Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Derro Guard | 0.5 | Small | Humanoid (derro) | Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Derro Shadowseeker | 6.0 | Small | Humanoid (derro) | Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Derro, Dement | 3.0 | Small | Humanoid (derro) | Underground | Scarlet Citadel |
Derro, Fetal Savant | 4.0 | Tiny | Humanoid (derro) | Underground | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Derro, Pariah | 2.0 | Small | Humanoid (derro) | Underground | Scarlet Citadel |
Derro, Planewarped, Abysswalker | 6.0 | Small | Humanoid (derro) | Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Derro, Planewarped, Hellforged | 6.0 | Small | Humanoid (derro) | Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Derro, Planewarped, Voidwarped | 6.0 | Small | Humanoid (derro) | Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Derro, Shadow Antipaladin | 5.0 | Small | Humanoid (derro) | Underground | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Derro, Speaker to the Darkness | 5.0 | Small | Humanoid (derro) | Underground | Creature Codex |
Derro, Void Eater | 3.0 | Small | Humanoid | Planar, Underground | Monster Vault |
Derro, Witch Queen | 5.0 | Small | Humanoid (derro) | Underground | Creature Codex |
Desert Slime | 3.0 | Large | Ooze | Desert | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Despair and Anger | 10.0 | Large | Celestial | Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Devil Shark | 13.0 | Gargantuan | Monstrosity | Underwater | Creature Codex |
Devil, Arachnocrat | 5.0 | Medium | Fiend (devil) | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Devil, Arch-Devil, Arbeyach | 21.0 | Large | Fiend (devil) | Planar | Tome of Beasts |
Devil, Arch-Devil, Belphegor | 22.0 | Huge | Fiend (devil) | Planar | Creature Codex |
Devil, Arch-Devil, Ia'Affrat | 15.0 | Large | Fiend (devil) | Planar, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Devil, Arch-Devil, Ia'Affrat, Spawn of Arbeyach | 5.0 | Medium | Fiend (devil) | Forest, Hills | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Devil, Arch-Devil, Iorvensiav | 24.0 | Gargantuan | Fiend (devil) | Arctic, Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Devil, Arch-Devil, Mammon | 25.0 | Huge | Fiend (devil) | Planar | Tome of Beasts |
Devil, Arch-Devil, Parzelon | 25.0 | Huge | Fiend (devil) | Planar | Creature Codex |
Devil, Arch-Devil, Parzelon, Spawn of Parzelon | 5.0 | Medium | Fiend (devil) | Planar | Creature Codex |
Devil, Arch-Devil, Poena, Duchess of Retribution | 19.0 | Large | Fiend (devil) | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Devil, Arch-Devil, The Curator | 24.0 | Large | Fiend (devil) | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Devil, Arch-Devil, Totivillus | 24.0 | Medium | Fiend (devil) | Planar, Urban | Tome of Beasts |
Devil, Automata | 10.0 | Large | Fiend (devil) | Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Devil, Barbed | 5.0 | Medium | Fiend (devil) | Planar | SRD |
Devil, Barbed | 5.0 | Medium | Fiend (Devil) | Planar | Monster Vault |
Devil, Bearded | 3.0 | Medium | Fiend (devil) | Planar | SRD |
Devil, Bearded | 3.0 | Medium | Fiend (Devil) | Planar | Monster Vault |
Devil, Blood Imp | 0.5 | Tiny | Fiend (devil) | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Devil, Bone | 9.0 | Large | Fiend (devil) | Planar | SRD |
Devil, Bone | 9.0 | Large | Fiend (Devil) | Planar | Monster Vault |
Devil, Chain | 8.0 | Medium | Fiend (devil) | Planar | SRD |
Devil, Chain | 8.0 | Medium | Fiend (Devil) | Planar | Monster Vault |
Devil, Chort | 12.0 | Medium | Fiend (devil) | Farmland, Planar, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Devil, Crystalline | 6.0 | Medium | Fiend (devil) | Underground, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Devil, Devilflame Juggler | 13.0 | Large | Fiend (devil) | Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Devil, Erinyes | 12.0 | Medium | Fiend (devil) | Planar | SRD |
Devil, Erinyes | 12.0 | Medium | Fiend (Devil) | Planar | Monster Vault |
Devil, Fire Imp | 0.5 | Tiny | Fiend (devil) | Planar | Creature Codex |
Devil, Gilded | 7.0 | Medium | Fiend (devil) | Planar, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Devil, Horned | 11.0 | Large | Fiend (devil) | Planar | SRD |
Devil, Horned | 11.0 | Large | Fiend (Devil) | Planar | Monster Vault |
Devil, Ice | 14.0 | Large | Fiend (devil) | Planar | SRD |
Devil, Ice | 14.0 | Large | Fiend (Devil) | Planar | Monster Vault |
Devil, Imp | 1.0 | Tiny | Fiend (devil) | Planar | SRD |
Devil, Imp | 1.0 | Tiny | Fiend (Devil) | Planar | Monster Vault, Player's Guide |
Devil, Infernal Knight | 16.0 | Medium | Fiend (devil) | Any | Creature Codex |
Devil, Infernal Tutor | 13.0 | Medium | Fiend (devil) | Hills, Mountain, Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Devil, Infernal Tutor, Lesser | 7.0 | Medium | Fiend (devil) | Hills, Mountain | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Devil, Ink | 2.0 | Small | Fiend (devil) | Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Devil, Koralk | 11.0 | Large | Fiend (devil) | Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Devil, Lemure | 0.0 | Medium | Fiend (devil) | Planar | SRD |
Devil, Lemure | 0.3 | Medium | Fiend (Devil) | Planar | Monster Vault |
Devil, Lunar | 8.0 | Large | Fiend (devil) | Forest | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Devil, Lunar, Lesser | 4.0 | Medium | Fiend (devil) | Planar | Book of Ebon Tides |
Devil, Maelstrom | 12.0 | Large | Fiend (devil) | Coastal, Planar, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Devil, Moldering | 0.5 | Small | Fiend (devil) | Farmland | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Devil, Nephirron | 16.0 | Huge | Fiend (devil) | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Devil, Orobas | 14.0 | Large | Fiend (devil) | Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Devil, Pit Fiend | 20.0 | Large | Fiend (devil) | Planar | SRD |
Devil, Pit Fiend | 20.0 | Large | Fiend (Devil) | Planar | Monster Vault |
Devil, Rimepacted | 6.0 | Medium | Fiend (devil) | Arctic | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Devil, Salt | 6.0 | Medium | Fiend (devil) | Desert, Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Devil, Scribe | 5.0 | Medium | Fiend (devil) | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Devil, Tzepharion | 8.0 | Large | Fiend (devil) | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Devil, Wind's Harp | 4.0 | Medium | Fiend (devil) | Any | Creature Codex |
Devilbound Gnome | 9.0 | Small | Humanoid (Gnome) | Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Devouring Angel | 12.0 | Large | Aberration | Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Dhampir | 1.0 | Medium | Humanoid (dhampir) | Urban | Creature Codex |
Dhampir Commander | 7.0 | Medium | Humanoid (dhampir) | Urban | Creature Codex |
Dimensional Shambler | 9.0 | Large | Aberration | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Dinosaur, Ankylosaurus | 4.0 | Large | Beast | Grassland, Hills | Monster Vault |
Dinosaur, Archaeopteryx | 0.3 | Tiny | Beast | Coastal, Swamp, Forest | Creature Codex |
Dinosaur, Compsognathus | 0.1 | Tiny | Beast | Farmland, Grassland | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Dinosaur, Compsognathus Swarm | 1.0 | Medium | Beast | Farmland, Grassland | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Dinosaur, Guardian Archaeopteryx | 2.0 | Small | Beast | Forest, Grassland | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Dinosaur, Jeholopterus | 0.3 | Small | Beast | Coastal, Forest, Swamp | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Dinosaur, Lystrosaurus | 2.0 | Medium | Beast | Grassland | Creature Codex |
Dinosaur, Mbielu | 3.0 | Huge | Beast | Grassland, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dinosaur, Ngobou | 5.0 | Large | Beast | Farmland, Forest, Grassland | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dinosaur, Nodosaurus | 1.0 | Large | Beast | Grassland, Swamp | Creature Codex |
Dinosaur, Plesiosaurus | 2.0 | Large | Beast | Coastal, Underwater | SRD |
Dinosaur, Plesiosaurus | 2.0 | Large | Beast | Coastal, Underwater | Monster Vault |
Dinosaur, Razorfeather Raptor | 2.0 | Medium | Monstrosity | Forest, Swamp | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Dinosaur, Spinosaurus | 13.0 | Gargantuan | Beast | Forest, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dinosaur, Spinosaurus, Young | 5.0 | Huge | Beast | Forest, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dinosaur, Therizinosaurus | 5.0 | Huge | Beast | Forest | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Dinosaur, Thundercall Hadrosaur | 11.0 | Huge | Monstrosity | Farmland, Grassland, Swamp | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Dinosaur, Tricenatorus | 13.0 | Huge | Monstrosity | Forest | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Dinosaur, Triceratops | 5.0 | Huge | Beast | Grassland | SRD |
Dinosaur, Triceratops | 5.0 | Huge | Beast | Grassland | Monster Vault |
Dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus Rex | 8.0 | Huge | Beast | Grassland | SRD |
Dinosaur, Tyrannosaurus Rex | 8.0 | Huge | Beast | Grassland | Monster Vault |
Dinosaur, Velociraptor | 0.5 | Small | Beast | Forest, Grassland | Monster Vault |
Diomedian Horse | 3.0 | Large | Beast | Grassland | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Diplomat | 6.0 | Medium | Humanoid (Any Lineage) | Urban | Castles and Crowns |
Dipsa | 0.3 | Tiny | Ooze | Forest | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dire Lionfish | 6.0 | Large | Beast | Underwater | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Dire Pangolin | 4.0 | Large | Beast | Forest, Grassland | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Dire Wildebeest | 7.0 | Large | Beast | Grassland | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Dire Wolf | 1.0 | Large | Beast | Farmland, Forest, Hills | SRD |
Dissimortuum | 7.0 | Medium | Undead | Farmland, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Div | 5.0 | Small | Elemental | Badlands, Desert | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Diving Gel | 0.3 | Tiny | Ooze | Coastal, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Dogmole | 1.0 | Medium | Beast | Underground | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dogmole Juggernaut | 5.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Underground | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dokkaebi | 2.0 | Medium | Fey | Farmland | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Domovoi | 4.0 | Medium | Fey | Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Doom Creeper | 6.0 | Small | Plant | Forest | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Doomspeaker | 6.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any | Creature Codex |
Doppelganger | 3.0 | Medium | Monstrosity | Underground, Urban | SRD |
Doppelganger | 3.0 | Medium | Monstrosity (Shapechanger) | Underground, Urban | Monster Vault |
Doppelixir | 1.0 | Tiny | Ooze | Any, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Doppelrat | 2.0 | Tiny | Monstrosity | Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dorreq | 4.0 | Medium | Aberration | Badlands, Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dracotaur | 6.0 | Large | Dragon | Grassland, Hills | Creature Codex |
Draft Horse | 0.3 | Large | Beast | Farmland, Grassland, Urban | SRD |
Dragon Eel | 12.0 | Huge | Dragon | Coastal, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dragon Turtle | 17.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Coastal, Underwater | SRD |
Dragon Turtle | 17.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Coastal, Underwater | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Black, Adult | 14.0 | Huge | Dragon | Swamp | SRD |
Dragon, Black, Adult | 14.0 | Huge | Dragon | Swamp | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Black, Ancient | 20.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Swamp | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Black, Ancient | 21.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Swamp | SRD |
Dragon, Black, Wyrmling | 2.0 | Medium | Dragon | Swamp | SRD |
Dragon, Black, Wyrmling | 2.0 | Medium | Dragon | Swamp | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Black, Young | 7.0 | Large | Dragon | Swamp | SRD |
Dragon, Black, Young | 7.0 | Large | Dragon | Swamp | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Blue, Adult | 16.0 | Huge | Dragon | Coastal, Desert | SRD |
Dragon, Blue, Adult | 16.0 | Huge | Dragon | Coastal, Desert | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Blue, Ancient | 20.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Coastal, Desert | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Blue, Ancient | 23.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Coastal, Desert | SRD |
Dragon, Blue, Wyrmling | 3.0 | Medium | Dragon | Coastal, Desert | SRD |
Dragon, Blue, Wyrmling | 3.0 | Medium | Dragon | Coastal, Desert | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Blue, Young | 9.0 | Large | Dragon | Coastal, Desert | SRD |
Dragon, Blue, Young | 9.0 | Large | Dragon | Coastal, Desert | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Boreal Adult | 17.0 | Huge | Dragon | Arctic | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Dragon, Boreal Ancient | 24.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Arctic | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Dragon, Boreal Wyrmling | 2.0 | Medium | Dragon | Arctic | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Dragon, Boreal Young | 8.0 | Large | Dragon | Arctic | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Dragon, Brass, Adult | 13.0 | Huge | Dragon | Desert | SRD |
Dragon, Brass, Adult | 13.0 | Huge | Dragon | Desert | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Brass, Ancient | 17.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Desert | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Brass, Ancient | 20.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Desert | SRD |
Dragon, Brass, Wyrmling | 1.0 | Medium | Dragon | Desert | SRD |
Dragon, Brass, Wyrmling | 1.0 | Medium | Dragon | Desert | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Brass, Young | 6.0 | Large | Dragon | Desert | SRD |
Dragon, Brass, Young | 6.0 | Large | Dragon | Desert | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Bronze, Adult | 15.0 | Huge | Dragon | Coastal | SRD |
Dragon, Bronze, Adult | 15.0 | Huge | Dragon | Coastal | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Bronze, Ancient | 19.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Coastal | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Bronze, Ancient | 22.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Coastal | SRD |
Dragon, Bronze, Wyrmling | 2.0 | Medium | Dragon | Coastal | SRD |
Dragon, Bronze, Wyrmling | 2.0 | Medium | Dragon | Coastal | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Bronze, Young | 8.0 | Large | Dragon | Coastal | SRD |
Dragon, Bronze, Young | 8.0 | Large | Dragon | Coastal | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Cave, Adult | 19.0 | Huge | Dragon | Underground | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dragon, Cave, Ancient | 25.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Underground | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dragon, Cave, Wyrmling | 2.0 | Medium | Dragon | Underground | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dragon, Cave, Young | 9.0 | Large | Dragon | Underground | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dragon, Clockwork One-Headed | 8.0 | Large | Construct | Urban | Creature Codex |
Dragon, Clockwork Three-Headed | 14.0 | Huge | Construct | Urban | Creature Codex |
Dragon, Copper, Adult | 14.0 | Huge | Dragon | Hills | SRD |
Dragon, Copper, Adult | 14.0 | Huge | Dragon | Hills | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Copper, Ancient | 18.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Hills | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Copper, Ancient | 21.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Hills | SRD |
Dragon, Copper, Wyrmling | 1.0 | Medium | Dragon | Hills | SRD |
Dragon, Copper, Wyrmling | 1.0 | Medium | Dragon | Hills | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Copper, Young | 7.0 | Large | Dragon | Hills | SRD |
Dragon, Copper, Young | 7.0 | Large | Dragon | Hills | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Flame, Adult | 16.0 | Huge | Dragon | Mountain, Underground | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dragon, Flame, Ancient | 23.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Mountain, Underground | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dragon, Flame, Wyrmling | 2.0 | Medium | Dragon | Mountain, Underground | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dragon, Flame, Young | 8.0 | Large | Dragon | Mountain, Underground | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dragon, Gold, Adult | 17.0 | Huge | Dragon | Forest, Grassland | SRD |
Dragon, Gold, Adult | 17.0 | Huge | Dragon | Forest, Grassland | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Gold, Ancient | 21.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Forest, Grassland | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Gold, Ancient | 24.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Forest, Grassland | SRD |
Dragon, Gold, Wyrmling | 3.0 | Medium | Dragon | Forest, Grassland | SRD |
Dragon, Gold, Wyrmling | 3.0 | Medium | Dragon | Forest, Grassland | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Gold, Young | 10.0 | Large | Dragon | Forest, Grassland | SRD |
Dragon, Gold, Young | 10.0 | Large | Dragon | Forest, Grassland | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Green, Adult | 15.0 | Huge | Dragon | Forest | SRD |
Dragon, Green, Adult | 15.0 | Huge | Dragon | Forest | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Green, Ancient | 19.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Forest | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Green, Ancient | 22.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Forest | SRD |
Dragon, Green, Wyrmling | 2.0 | Medium | Dragon | Forest | SRD |
Dragon, Green, Wyrmling | 2.0 | Medium | Dragon | Forest | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Green, Young | 8.0 | Large | Dragon | Forest | SRD |
Dragon, Green, Young | 8.0 | Large | Dragon | Forest | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Imperial Adult | 20.0 | Huge | Dragon | Coastal, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Dragon, Imperial Ancient | 26.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Coastal, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Dragon, Imperial Wyrmling | 3.0 | Medium | Dragon | Coastal, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Dragon, Imperial Young | 11.0 | Large | Dragon | Coastal, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Dragon, Light, Adult | 16.0 | Huge | Dragon | Any | Creature Codex |
Dragon, Light, Ancient | 22.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Any | Creature Codex |
Dragon, Light, Wyrmling | 2.0 | Medium | Dragon | Any | Creature Codex |
Dragon, Light, Young | 7.0 | Large | Dragon | Any | Creature Codex |
Dragon, Mithral, Adult | 18.0 | Huge | Dragon | Mountain | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dragon, Mithral, Ancient | 22.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Mountain | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dragon, Mithral, Wyrmling | 1.0 | Medium | Dragon | Mountain | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dragon, Mithral, Young | 7.0 | Large | Dragon | Mountain | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dragon, Prismatic Adult | 16.0 | Huge | Dragon | Underground | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Dragon, Prismatic Ancient | 21.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Underground | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Dragon, Prismatic Wyrmling | 2.0 | Medium | Dragon | Underground | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Dragon, Prismatic Young | 8.0 | Large | Dragon | Underground | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Dragon, Red, Adult | 17.0 | Huge | Dragon | Hills, Mountain | SRD |
Dragon, Red, Adult | 17.0 | Huge | Dragon | Hills, Mountain | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Red, Ancient | 21.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Hills, Mountain | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Red, Ancient | 24.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Hills, Mountain | SRD |
Dragon, Red, Wyrmling | 4.0 | Tiny | Dragon | Hills, Mountain | SRD |
Dragon, Red, Wyrmling | 3.0 | Medium | Dragon | Hills, Mountain | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Red, Young | 10.0 | Large | Dragon | Hills, Mountain | SRD |
Dragon, Red, Young | 10.0 | Large | Dragon | Hills, Mountain | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Sand Adult | 18.0 | Huge | Dragon | Badlands, Desert | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Dragon, Sand Ancient | 23.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Badlands, Desert | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Dragon, Sand Wyrmling | 3.0 | Medium | Dragon | Badlands, Desert | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Dragon, Sand Young | 11.0 | Large | Dragon | Badlands, Desert | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Dragon, Sea, Adult | 18.0 | Huge | Dragon | Underwater | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dragon, Sea, Ancient | 23.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Underwater | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dragon, Sea, Wyrmling | 3.0 | Medium | Dragon | Underwater | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dragon, Sea, Young | 9.0 | Large | Dragon | Underwater | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dragon, Silver, Adult | 16.0 | Huge | Dragon | Mountain, Urban | SRD |
Dragon, Silver, Adult | 16.0 | Huge | Dragon | Mountain, Urban | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Silver, Ancient | 20.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Mountain, Urban | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Silver, Ancient | 23.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Mountain, Urban | SRD |
Dragon, Silver, Wyrmling | 2.0 | Medium | Dragon | Mountain, Urban | SRD |
Dragon, Silver, Wyrmling | 2.0 | Medium | Dragon | Mountain, Urban | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Silver, Young | 9.0 | Large | Dragon | Mountain, Urban | SRD |
Dragon, Silver, Young | 9.0 | Large | Dragon | Mountain, Urban | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Void, Adult | 16.0 | Huge | Dragon | Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dragon, Void, Adult | 16.0 | Huge | Dragon | Planar | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Void, Ancient | 22.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Planar | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Void, Ancient | 24.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dragon, Void, Wyrmling | 2.0 | Medium | Dragon | Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dragon, Void, Wyrmling | 2.0 | Medium | Dragon | Planar | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Void, Young | 9.0 | Large | Dragon | Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dragon, Void, Young | 9.0 | Large | Dragon | Planar | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Wasteland Adult | 17.0 | Huge | Dragon | Badlands, Hills | Creature Codex |
Dragon, Wasteland Ancient | 23.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Badlands, Hills | Creature Codex |
Dragon, Wasteland Wyrmling | 3.0 | Medium | Dragon | Badlands, Hills | Creature Codex |
Dragon, Wasteland Young | 9.0 | Large | Dragon | Badlands, Hills | Creature Codex |
Dragon, White, Adult | 13.0 | Huge | Dragon | Arctic | SRD |
Dragon, White, Adult | 13.0 | Huge | Dragon | Arctic | Monster Vault |
Dragon, White, Ancient | 17.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Arctic | Monster Vault |
Dragon, White, Ancient | 20.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Arctic | SRD |
Dragon, White, Wyrmling | 2.0 | Medium | Dragon | Arctic | SRD |
Dragon, White, Wyrmling | 2.0 | Medium | Dragon | Arctic | Monster Vault |
Dragon, White, Young | 6.0 | Large | Dragon | Arctic | SRD |
Dragon, White, Young | 6.0 | Large | Dragon | Arctic | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Wind, Adult | 16.0 | Huge | Dragon | Grassland, Mountain | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dragon, Wind, Ancient | 21.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Grassland, Mountain | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dragon, Wind, Wyrmling | 1.0 | Medium | Dragon | Grassland, Mountain | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dragon, Wind, Young | 6.0 | Large | Dragon | Grassland, Mountain | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dragon, Yellow Adult | 16.0 | Huge | Dragon | Grassland, Hills | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Yellow Ancient | 20.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Grassland, Hills | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Yellow Wyrmling | 2.0 | Medium | Dragon | Grassland, Hills | Monster Vault |
Dragon, Yellow Young | 8.0 | Large | Dragon | Grassland, Hills | Monster Vault |
Dragonborn Edjet | 3.0 | Medium | Humanoid (dragonborn) | Any | Creature Codex |
Dragonborn Elementalist | 2.0 | Medium | Humanoid (dragonborn) | Any | Creature Codex |
Dragonborn Heavy Cavalry | 2.0 | Medium | Humanoid (dragonborn) | Any | Creature Codex |
Dragonborn Light Cavalry | 1.0 | Medium | Humanoid (dragonborn) | Any | Creature Codex |
Dragonborn Ouroban | 11.0 | Medium | Humanoid (dragonborn) | Any | Creature Codex |
Dragonette, Barnyard | 0.3 | Tiny | Dragon | Farmland | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Dragonette, Keyhole | 0.5 | Tiny | Dragon | Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Dragonette, Lantern | 0.5 | Tiny | Dragon | Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dragonette, Pseudodragon | 0.3 | Tiny | Dragon | Forest, Urban | Monster Vault, Player's Guide |
Dragonette, Sedge | 0.5 | Tiny | Dragon | Swamp | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Dragonette, Shovel | 0.5 | Tiny | Dragon | Farmland, Forest, Grassland, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Dragonleaf Tree | 8.0 | Large | Plant | Any | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Drake, Alehouse | 1.0 | Tiny | Dragon | Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Drake, Ash | 4.0 | Small | Dragon | Mountain, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Drake, Bakery | 3.0 | Small | Dragon | Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Drake, Bathhouse | 3.0 | Medium | Dragon | Farmland, Hills, Urban | Creature Codex |
Drake, Cactus | 4.0 | Medium | Dragon | Badlands, Desert | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Drake, Cave | 3.0 | Large | Dragon | Mountain, Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Drake, Coin | 5.0 | Small | Dragon | Urban | Warlock Grimoire 2 |
Drake, Coral | 7.0 | Medium | Dragon | Coastal, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Drake, Crater | 11.0 | Small | Dragon | Badlands | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Drake, Crimson | 1.0 | Tiny | Dragon | Farmland, Forest | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Drake, Deep | 9.0 | Large | Dragon | Underground | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Drake, Diminution | 5.0 | Medium | Dragon | Forest, Hills | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Drake, Elder Shadow | 7.0 | Large | Dragon | Forest, Underground | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Drake, Ethereal | 7.0 | Large | Dragon | Planar, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Drake, Fey | 6.0 | Small | Dragon | Any | Creature Codex |
Drake, Forest | 2.0 | Small | Dragon | Forest | Creature Codex |
Drake, Hoard | 8.0 | Large | Dragon | Mountain, Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Drake, Hoarfrost | 2.0 | Medium | Dragon | Arctic | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Drake, Kelp | 3.0 | Medium | Dragon | Coastal, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Drake, Light | 0.5 | Tiny | Dragon | Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Drake, Liminal | 14.0 | Large | Dragon | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Drake, Moon | 5.0 | Medium | Dragon | Forest | Creature Codex |
Drake, Pact | 1.0 | Small | Dragon | Urban | Creature Codex |
Drake, Paper | 2.0 | Small | Dragon | Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Drake, Peluda | 3.0 | Large | Dragon | Forest | Creature Codex |
Drake, Reef | 9.0 | Huge | Dragon | Coastal, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Drake, Riptide | 11.0 | Large | Dragon | Coastal, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Drake, Rust | 8.0 | Medium | Dragon | Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Drake, Sanddrift | 6.0 | Large | Dragon | Desert | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Drake, Scorch | 6.0 | Large | Dragon | Badlands, Forest, Grassland, Mountain | Monster Vault |
Drake, Shepherd | 5.0 | Medium | Dragon | Farmland, Hills | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Drake, Skull | 3.0 | Medium | Dragon | Any | Creature Codex |
Drake, Spider | 9.0 | Large | Dragon | Underground | Creature Codex |
Drake, Star | 15.0 | Large | Dragon | Any, Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Drake, Vapor | 6.0 | Large | Dragon | Swamp | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Drake, Venom | 8.0 | Large | Dragon | Forest | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Drake, Vine | 7.0 | Medium | Dragon | Forest, Swamp | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Drakon | 5.0 | Large | Dragon | Coastal | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dread Examiner | 21.0 | Large | Aberration | Any, Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Dread Walker Excavator | 5.0 | Large | Construct | Badlands | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Dream Eater | 5.0 | Medium | Fiend | Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dream Squire | 2.0 | Medium | Fey | Underground, Urban | Creature Codex |
Dream Wraith | 5.0 | Medium | Undead | Farmland, Urban | Creature Codex |
Drider | 6.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Underground | SRD |
Drider | 6.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Underground | Monster Vault |
Drowned Maiden | 5.0 | Medium | Undead | Coastal, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Drudge Pitcher | 10.0 | Huge | Plant | Forest | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Druid | 2.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any, Urban | SRD |
Druid | 2.0 | Medium | Humanoid (Any Lineage) | Any, Urban | Monster Vault |
Dryad | 1.0 | Medium | Fey | Forest | SRD |
Dryad | 1.0 | Medium | Fey | Forest | Monster Vault |
Dryad, Duskthorn | 3.0 | Medium | Fey | Forest | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dryad, Mountain | 11.0 | Huge | Fey | Hills, Mountain | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Dubius | 2.0 | Small | Fiend | Farmland, Planar, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Duergar | 1.0 | Medium | Humanoid (dwarf) | Underground | SRD |
Dullahan | 11.0 | Large | Fey | Any, Forest | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Dungeonkeeper | 1.0 | Medium | Humanoid (Any Lineage) | Underground, Urban | Castles and Crowns |
Dust Goblin Chieftain | 3.0 | Small | Humanoid (goblinoid) | Badlands | Creature Codex |
Dust Grazer | 4.0 | Large | Aberration | Badlands | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Dvarapala | 5.0 | Huge | Giant | Urban | Creature Codex |
Dwarf, Angler | 4.0 | Medium | Humanoid (dwarf) | Mountain, Underground | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Dwarf, Cleric of the Brew | 5.0 | Medium | Humanoid (dwarf) | Any | Creature Codex |
Dwarf, Duergar | 1.0 | Medium | Humanoid | Underground | Monster Vault |
Dwarf, Firecracker | 3.0 | Medium | Humanoid (dwarf) | Any | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Dwarf, Graveslayer | 4.0 | Medium | Humanoid (dwarf) | Any | Creature Codex |
Dwarf, Pike Guard | 0.5 | Medium | Humanoid (dwarf) | Any | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Dwarf, Pike Guard Captain | 5.0 | Medium | Humanoid (dwarf) | Any | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Dwarven Ringmage | 7.0 | Medium | Humanoid (Dwarf) | Arctic, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Eagle | 0.0 | Small | Beast | Coastal, Grassland, Hills, Mountain | SRD |
Eagle | 0.0 | Small | Beast | Coastal, Grassland, Hills, Mountain | Monster Vault |
Eagle, Giant | 1.0 | Large | Beast | Coastal, Grassland, Hills, Mountain | Monster Vault, Player's Guide |
Eala | 2.0 | Small | Monstrosity | Mountain, Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Eater of Dust | 9.0 | Medium | Aberration | Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Edimmu | 4.0 | Medium | Undead | Desert, Grassland | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Edjet Initiate | 0.3 | Medium | Humanoid (dragonborn) | Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Eel Hound | 2.0 | Medium | Fey | Forest, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Einherjar | 7.0 | Medium | Humanoid | Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Eleinomae | 5.0 | Medium | Fey | Swamp, Underwater | Tome of Beasts |
Elemental Locus | 17.0 | Gargantuan | Elemental | Forest, Grassland, Hills, Mountain | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Elemental, Air | 5.0 | Large | Elemental | Desert, Mountain | SRD |
Elemental, Air | 5.0 | Large | Elemental | Desert, Mountain | Monster Vault |
Elemental, Blood | 5.0 | Large | Elemental | Planar | Creature Codex |
Elemental, Earth | 5.0 | Large | Elemental | Underground | SRD |
Elemental, Earth | 5.0 | Large | Elemental | Underground | Monster Vault |
Elemental, Fire | 5.0 | Large | Elemental | Desert, Mountain | SRD |
Elemental, Fire | 5.0 | Large | Elemental | Desert, Mountain | Monster Vault |
Elemental, Fire-Infused Water | 7.0 | Huge | Elemental | Any | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Elemental, Ice | 5.0 | Large | Elemental | Arctic | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Elemental, Magnetic | 6.0 | Large | Elemental | Hills, Mountain | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Elemental, Permafrost | 6.0 | Large | Elemental | Arctic | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Elemental, Rockslide | 8.0 | Large | Elemental | Mountain | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Elemental, Storm Lord | 13.0 | Huge | Elemental | Coastal, Underwater | Creature Codex |
Elemental, Venom | 4.0 | Large | Elemental | Any | Creature Codex |
Elemental, Water | 5.0 | Large | Elemental | Coastal, Swamp, Underwater | SRD |
Elemental, Water | 5.0 | Large | Elemental | Coastal, Swamp, Underwater | Monster Vault |
Elephant | 4.0 | Huge | Beast | Grassland | SRD |
Elephant | 4.0 | Huge | Beast | Grassland | Monster Vault |
Elf, Alchemist Archer | 10.0 | Medium | Humanoid (elf) | Any | Creature Codex |
Elf, Deathsworn | 6.0 | Medium | Humanoid (elf) | Any | Creature Codex |
Elf, Drow | 0.3 | Medium | Humanoid | Any, Underground | Monster Vault |
Elf, Drow | 0.3 | Medium | Humanoid (elf) | Any, Underground | SRD |
Elf, Enchanter | 7.0 | Medium | Humanoid (elf) | Any | Creature Codex |
Elf, Sable | 0.3 | Medium | Humanoid (elf) | Planar, Urban | Book of Ebon Tides |
Elf, Sable Hierophant | 9.0 | Medium | Humanoid (elf) | Planar, Urban | Book of Ebon Tides |
Elf, Servant of the Vine | 6.0 | Medium | Humanoid (elf) | Any | Creature Codex |
Elf, Shadow Fey | 0.3 | Medium | Humanoid (elf) | Any, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Elf, Shadow Fey Ambassador | 9.0 | Medium | Humanoid (elf) | Underground, Urban | Creature Codex |
Elf, Shadow Fey Archer | 5.0 | Medium | Humanoid (elf) | Planar, Urban | Courts of the Shadow Fey |
Elf, Shadow Fey Bandit | 1.0 | Medium | Humanoid (elf) | Planar, Urban | Book of Ebon Tides |
Elf, Shadow Fey Cutthroat | 3.0 | Medium | Humanoid (elf) | Planar, Urban | Courts of the Shadow Fey |
Elf, Shadow Fey Duelist | 6.0 | Medium | Humanoid (elf) | Any, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Elf, Shadow Fey Enchantress | 7.0 | Medium | Humanoid (elf) | Any, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Elf, Shadow Fey Executioner | 8.0 | Medium | Humanoid (elf) | Any, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Elf, Shadow Fey Forest Hunter | 5.0 | Medium | Humanoid (elf) | Any, Forest | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Elf, Shadow Fey Guardian | 4.0 | Large | Humanoid (elf) | Any, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Elf, Shadow Fey Knight of the Road | 5.0 | Medium | Humanoid (elf) | Any | Creature Codex |
Elf, Shadow Fey Pattern Dancer | 2.0 | Medium | Humanoid (elf) | Underground, Urban | Creature Codex |
Elf, Shadow Fey Poisoner | 11.0 | Medium | Humanoid (elf) | Underground, Urban | Creature Codex |
Elf, Shadow Fey Rake | 4.0 | Medium | Humanoid (elf) | Planar, Urban | Courts of the Shadow Fey |
Elk | 0.3 | Large | Beast | Forest, Grassland, Hills | SRD |
Elk | 0.3 | Large | Beast | Forest, Grassland, Hills | Monster Vault, Player's Guide |
Elk, Giant | 2.0 | Huge | Beast | Forest, Grassland, Hills, Mountain | Monster Vault |
Elophar | 4.0 | Large | Undead | Any | Creature Codex |
Elvish Veteran Archer | 3.0 | Medium | Humanoid (Elf) | Forest | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Ember Glider | 2.0 | Small | Elemental | Hills, Mountain | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Emerald Eye | 1.0 | Tiny | Construct | Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Emerald Order Cult Leader | 8.0 | Medium | Humanoid (Any Race) | Desert, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Emperor's Hyena | 4.0 | Medium | Undead | Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Empty Cloak | 0.5 | Medium | Construct | Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Empusa | 5.0 | Medium | Monstrosity (shapechanger) | Farmland, Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Eonic Drifter | 1.0 | Medium | Humanoid (human) | Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Eonic Savant | 7.0 | Medium | Humanoid (human) | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Equitox | 13.0 | Large | Fiend | Coastal, Farmland, Swamp | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Erina | 0.3 | Small | Humanoid (erina) | Forest, Grassland | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Erina, Defender | 1.0 | Small | Humanoid (erina) | Forest, Grassland | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Erina, Tussler | 3.0 | Small | Humanoid (erina) | Forest, Grassland, Hills | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Ettercap | 2.0 | Medium | Monstrosity | Forest | SRD |
Ettercap | 2.0 | Medium | Monstrosity | Forest | Monster Vault |
Ettin | 4.0 | Large | Giant | Hills, Mountain, Underground | SRD |
Ettin | 4.0 | Large | Giant | Hills, Mountain, Underground | Monster Vault |
Ettin, Kobold | 1.0 | Medium | Giant | Underground | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Exploding Toad | 0.3 | Tiny | Monstrosity | Swamp | Creature Codex |
Fabricator | 10.0 | Large | Construct | Any | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Faceless Wanderer | 4.0 | Medium | Aberration | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Falsifier Fog | 4.0 | Huge | Undead | Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Fane Spirit | 3.0 | Medium | Undead | Any | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Far Darrig | 3.0 | Small | Fey | Forest | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Far Dorocha | 5.0 | Medium | Fey | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Far Wanderer | 3.0 | Medium | Aberration | Planar | Creature Codex |
Fate Eater | 6.0 | Medium | Aberration | Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Faux-Garou | 5.0 | Medium | Construct | Forest, Swamp | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Fear Liath | 2.0 | Large | Undead | Mountain | Creature Codex |
Fear Smith | 10.0 | Medium | Fey | Planar, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Felid Dragon | 19.0 | Huge | Dragon | Any | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Fellforged | 5.0 | Medium | Construct | Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Fennec Fox | 0.1 | Tiny | Beast | Desert, Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Feral Hunter | 3.0 | Medium | Fey | Forest, Planar | Monster Vault |
Fext | 6.0 | Medium | Undead | Any | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Fey Guardian | 5.0 | Medium | Fey | Any | Monster Vault |
Fey Lords and Ladies, Bear King | 12.0 | Medium | Fey (shapechanger) | Forest, Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Fey Lords and Ladies, Berchta | 16.0 | Medium | Fey (shapechanger) | Farmlands, Forest, Urban | Creature Codex |
Fey Lords and Ladies, Commander of Horn and Gold | 15.0 | Medium | Fey | Mountain, Planar, Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Fey Lords and Ladies, Coral Queen | 21.0 | Medium | Fey | Coastal, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Fey Lords and Ladies, Countess of Garlands | 13.0 | Medium | Fey | Forest | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Fey Lords and Ladies, Lord of the Hunt | 18.0 | Medium | Fey | Forest, Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Fey Lords and Ladies, Mistress of Midnight Teeth | 15.0 | Small | Fey | Forest, Planar, Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Fey Lords and Ladies, Moonlit King | 17.0 | Medium | Fey | Planar, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Fey Lords and Ladies, Mother Moth | 11.0 | Medium | Fey | Forest, Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Fey Lords and Ladies, Queen of Night and Magic | 21.0 | Medium | Fey | Planar, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Fey Lords and Ladies, Queen of Witches | 17.0 | Large | Fey | Forest, Mountain, Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Fey Lords and Ladies, Rainforest King | 21.0 | Medium | Fey | Forest | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Fey Lords and Ladies, Reynard | 12.0 | Medium | Fey (shapechanger) | Forest | Creature Codex |
Fey Lords and Ladies, River King | 16.0 | Medium | Fey | Forest, Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Fey Lords and Ladies, Snow Queen | 16.0 | Medium | Fey | Mountain, Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Fey Lords and Ladies, Tarkun the Desiccated | 8.0 | Medium | Fey | Desert | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Fey Revenant | 7.0 | Large | Fey | Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Fey Vizier | 9.0 | Medium | Fey | Planar, Urban | Castles and Crowns |
Feyward Tree | 8.0 | Huge | Construct | Forest | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Field Commander | 10.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Fiend Lord, Abhaddanayla | 22.0 | Medium | Fiend | Mountain, Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Fiend Lord, Malaabit | 13.0 | Large | Fiend | Badlands, Desert, Mountain | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Fierstjerren | 5.0 | Medium | Undead | Any | Creature Codex |
Firebird | 4.0 | Small | Celestial | Forest, Underground | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Firegeist | 2.0 | Small | Elemental | Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
First Servant | 12.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Fixer | 2.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Flame Eater Swarm | 2.0 | Medium | Beast | Underground | Creature Codex |
Flame-Scourged Scion | 9.0 | Huge | Aberration | Badlands, Forest | Creature Codex |
Flayed Wraith | 5.0 | Medium | Undead | Any | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Flesh Reaver | 0.5 | Medium | Undead | Any | Creature Codex |
Fleshdreg | 5.0 | Huge | Plant | Swamp | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Fleshpod Hornet | 6.0 | Large | Beast | Forest | Creature Codex |
Fleshspurned | 4.0 | Medium | Undead | Any | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Flinderbeast | 1.0 | Small | Fey | Farmland, Forest | Monster Vault |
Flithidir | 1.0 | Small | Fey (shapechanger) | Forest, Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Flutterflesh | 12.0 | Large | Undead | Any | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Flying Polyp | 11.0 | Huge | Aberration | Planar | Creature Codex |
Flying Snake | 0.1 | Tiny | Beast | Desert, Forest, Grassland, Urban | SRD |
Folk of Leng | 2.0 | Medium | Humanoid | Hills, Mountain, Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Footpad | 3.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any, Urban | Cities and Towns |
Forest Emperor | 15.0 | Huge | Aberration | Forest, Mountain | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Forest Falcon | 0.3 | Medium | Beast | Forest | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Forest Marauder | 4.0 | Large | Giant | Forest | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Forgotten Regent | 10.0 | Medium | Undead | Arctic, Mountain | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Foxin | 0.5 | Small | Fey | Forest, Grassland, Urban | Creature Codex |
Fragrant One | 3.0 | Small | Fey | Farmland, Forest | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Fragrite | 6.0 | Medium | Elemental | Badlands, Desert | Creature Codex |
Fraughashar | 0.5 | Small | Fey | Arctic | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Frog | 0.0 | Tiny | Beast | Farmland, Forest, Swamp | SRD |
Frog | 0.0 | Tiny | Beast | Farmland, Forest, Swamp | Monster Vault, Player's Guide |
Frog, Giant | 0.3 | Medium | Beast | Forest, Swamp | Monster Vault |
Frog, Giant Poisonous | 1.0 | Large | Beast | Coastal, Desert, Forest, Swamp, Underground | Monster Vault |
Frost Mole | 3.0 | Small | Beast | Arctic, Farmland, Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Frost-Afflicted | 3.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Arctic | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Frostjack | 10.0 | Medium | Fey | Arctic | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Frostveil | 4.0 | Medium | Plant | Arctic | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Fulgovore | 3.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Swamp, Underground, Urban | Cities and Towns |
Fulminar | 9.0 | Large | Elemental | Grassland, Hills, Mountain | Creature Codex |
Fungi, Boomer | 0.5 | Medium | Plant | Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Fungi, Duskwilt | 4.0 | Small | Plant | Underground | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Fungi, Mulcher | 6.0 | Gargantuan | Plant | Farmland, Forest, Hills | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Fungi, Mush Marcher | 3.0 | Large | Plant | Forest, Underground, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Fungi, Ophio | 7.0 | Huge | Plant | Planar, Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Fungi, Pixie's Umbrella | 0.1 | Small | Plant | Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Fungi, Shiftshroom | 0.3 | Medium | Plant (shapechanger) | Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Fungi, Shrieker | 0.0 | Medium | Plant | Forest, Underground | SRD |
Fungi, Shrieker | 0.0 | Medium | Plant | Forest, Underground | Monster Vault |
Fungi, Strobing | 4.0 | Medium | Plant | Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Fungi, Violet | 0.3 | Medium | Plant | Underground | Monster Vault |
Fungi, Violet | 0.3 | Medium | Plant | Underground | SRD |
Fungi, Void | 3.0 | Medium | Plant | Forest, Planar, Underground | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Fungi, Wirbeln | 1.0 | Small | Plant | Forest, Swamp, Underground | Creature Codex |
Galidroo | 12.0 | Huge | Monstrosity | Badlands, Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Gargoctopus | 5.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Coastal, Underwater | Creature Codex |
Gargoyle | 2.0 | Medium | Elemental | Underground, Urban | SRD |
Gargoyle | 2.0 | Medium | Elemental | Underground, Urban | Monster Vault |
Gargoyle, Snitch | 0.5 | Tiny | Elemental | Urban | Castles and Crowns |
Garlicle | 1.0 | Small | Plant | Farmland, Forest, Grassland | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Garmvvolf | 9.0 | Huge | Monstrosity | Mountain, Underground | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Garroter Crab | 0.3 | Tiny | Beast | Forest, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Gaunt One | 3.0 | Medium | Aberration | Underground, Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Gbahali | 6.0 | Huge | Beast | Grassland | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Gear Mage | 4.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any | Creature Codex |
Gearforged Templar | 6.0 | Medium | Construct | Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Gearmass | 5.0 | Large | Ooze | Underground, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Gelatinous Cube | 2.0 | Large | Ooze | Underground | SRD |
Gelatinous Cube | 2.0 | Large | Ooze | Underground | Monster Vault |
Gelatinous Cube, Dire | 2.0 | Large | Ooze | Underground | Scarlet Citadel |
Genie, Al-Aeshma | 9.0 | Large | Elemental | Desert | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Genie, Djinni | 11.0 | Large | Elemental | Coastal | SRD |
Genie, Djinni | 11.0 | Large | Elemental (Outsider) | Coastal | Monster Vault |
Genie, Efreeti | 11.0 | Large | Elemental | Desert | SRD |
Genie, Efreeti | 11.0 | Large | Elemental (Outsider) | Desert | Monster Vault |
Genie, Hinn | 11.0 | Large | Elemental (Outsider) | Hills, Mountain, Underground | Monster Vault |
Genie, Sila | 11.0 | Large | Elemental (Outsider) | Coastal, Underwater | Monster Vault |
Gerridae | 1.0 | Large | Fey | Coastal, Forest, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Ghast of Leng | 3.0 | Large | Aberration | Planar | Creature Codex |
Ghast of Leng, Greater | 8.0 | Large | Aberration | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Ghillie Dubh | 1.0 | Medium | Celestial | Arctic, Forest, Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Ghost | 4.0 | Medium | Undead | Underground, Urban | SRD |
Ghost | 4.0 | Medium | Undead | Underground, Urban | Monster Vault |
Ghost Boar | 3.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Farmland, Grassland | Creature Codex |
Ghost Boar, Elder | 6.0 | Huge | Monstrosity | Farmland, Grassland | Creature Codex |
Ghost Dragon | 11.0 | Large | Undead | Any | Creature Codex |
Ghost Dwarf | 6.0 | Medium | Undead | Any | Creature Codex |
Ghost Knight | 7.0 | Medium | Undead | Farmland, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Ghost Knight Templar | 10.0 | Medium | Undead | Farmland, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Ghostly Foe | 3.0 | Medium | Aberration | Underground | Scarlet Citadel |
Ghoul | 1.0 | Medium | Undead | Swamp, Underground, Urban | SRD |
Ghoul | 1.0 | Medium | Undead | Farmland, Underground, Urban | Monster Vault |
Ghoul Bat | 0.3 | Small | Undead | Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Ghoul, Beggar | 0.5 | Medium | Undead | Underground, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Ghoul, Bloated | 6.0 | Medium | Undead | Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Ghoul, Bonepowder | 12.0 | Small | Undead | Underground | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Ghoul, Darakhul | 3.0 | Medium | Undead | Underground, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Ghoul, Darakhul Captain | 9.0 | Medium | Undead | Underground, Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Ghoul, Darakhul General | 15.0 | Medium | Undead | Underground, Urban | Book of Ebon Tides |
Ghoul, Darakhul High Priestess | 9.0 | Medium | Humanoid (darakhul) | Underground | Creature Codex |
Ghoul, Darakhul Shadowmancer | 4.0 | Medium | Humanoid (darakhul) | Underground | Creature Codex |
Ghoul, Darakhul Spy | 5.0 | Medium | Undead | Underground, Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Ghoul, Darkness | 4.0 | Medium | Undead | Planar, Urban | Courts of the Shadow Fey |
Ghoul, Emperor of the Ghouls | 20.0 | Medium | Undead | Underground, Urban | Empire of the Ghouls |
Ghoul, Ghast | 2.0 | Medium | Undead | Swamp, Underground, Urban | SRD |
Ghoul, Ghast | 2.0 | Medium | Undead | Farmland, Underground, Urban | Monster Vault |
Ghoul, Imperial | 4.0 | Medium | Undead | Underground | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Ghoul, Iron | 5.0 | Medium | Undead | Underground | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Ghoul, Mad | 3.0 | Medium | Undead | Planar, Urban | Courts of the Shadow Fey |
Ghoul, Necrophage Ghast | 4.0 | Medium | Undead | Underground, Urban | Creature Codex |
Ghoul, Necrophage Ghast | 4.0 | Medium | Undead | Farmland, Underground, Urban | Monster Vault |
Ghoul, Tar | 4.0 | Medium | Undead | Any | Creature Codex |
Ghoulsteed | 3.0 | Large | Undead | Underground | Creature Codex |
Ghul | 5.0 | Medium | Undead | Desert | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Giant Ape | 7.0 | Huge | Beast | Forest | SRD |
Giant Armadillo | 0.3 | Small | Beast | Badlands, Forest, Grassland, Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Giant Badger | 0.3 | Medium | Beast | Forest | SRD |
Giant Bat | 0.3 | Large | Beast | Forest, Underground | SRD |
Giant Boar | 2.0 | Large | Beast | Forest, Grassland, Hills | SRD |
Giant Centipede | 0.3 | Small | Beast | Underground | SRD |
Giant Crocodile | 5.0 | Huge | Beast | Swamp | SRD |
Giant Eagle | 1.0 | Large | Beast | Coastal, Grassland, Hills, Mountain | SRD |
Giant Elk | 2.0 | Huge | Beast | Forest, Grassland, Hills, Mountain | SRD |
Giant Flea | 0.3 | Small | Beast | Any | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Giant Flea, Swarm of Fleas | 2.0 | Medium | Beast | Any | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Giant Frilled Lizard | 5.0 | Large | Beast | Forest, Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Giant Frog | 0.3 | Medium | Beast | Forest, Swamp | SRD |
Giant Goat | 0.5 | Large | Beast | Grassland, Hills, Mountain | SRD |
Giant Honey Bee | 0.3 | Small | Beast | Farmland, Forest, Grassland | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Giant Hyena | 1.0 | Large | Beast | Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hills | SRD |
Giant Leech | 0.3 | Small | Beast | Forest, Swamp | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Giant Lizard | 0.3 | Large | Beast | Coastal, Desert, Forest, Swamp, Underground | SRD |
Giant Mantis Shrimp | 5.0 | Large | Beast | Coastal, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Giant Mole Lizard | 3.0 | Large | Beast | Underground | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Giant Mongoose | 0.3 | Medium | Beast | Forest | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Giant Moth | 0.1 | Small | Beast | Any | Creature Codex |
Giant Moth, Rimewing | 0.3 | Small | Beast | Arctic, Forest | Creature Codex |
Giant Moth, Shockwing | 1.0 | Small | Beast | Forest, Grassland | Creature Codex |
Giant Moth, Sootwing | 0.3 | Small | Beast | Forest, Grassland, Mountain | Creature Codex |
Giant Octopus | 1.0 | Large | Beast | Underwater | SRD |
Giant Owl | 0.3 | Large | Beast | Arctic, Forest, Hills, Mountain, Urban | SRD |
Giant Pufferfish | 2.0 | Small | Beast | Underwater | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Giant Rat | 0.1 | Small | Beast | Farmland, Forest, Swamp, Underground, Urban | SRD |
Giant Scorpion | 3.0 | Large | Beast | Desert | SRD |
Giant Sea Horse | 0.5 | Large | Beast | Underwater | SRD |
Giant Shark | 5.0 | Huge | Beast | Underwater | SRD |
Giant Toad | 1.0 | Large | Beast | Coastal, Desert, Forest, Swamp, Underground | SRD |
Giant Vulture | 1.0 | Large | Beast | Desert, Grassland, Hills | SRD |
Giant Walking Stick | 4.0 | Large | Beast | Forest | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Giant Wasp | 0.5 | Medium | Beast | Farmland, Forest, Grassland, Urban | SRD |
Giant Water Scorpion | 4.0 | Large | Beast | Coastal, Swamp, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Giant Weasel | 0.1 | Medium | Beast | Forest, Grassland, Hills | SRD |
Giant, Abbanith | 3.0 | Large | Giant | Mountain, Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Giant, Blood | 8.0 | Huge | Undead | Any | Creature Codex |
Giant, Cacus | 6.0 | Huge | Giant | Mountain | Creature Codex |
Giant, Cave | 10.0 | Huge | Giant | Underground | Creature Codex |
Giant, Cave Shaman | 14.0 | Huge | Giant | Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Giant, Cloud | 9.0 | Huge | Giant | Mountain | SRD |
Giant, Cloud | 9.0 | Huge | Giant | Mountain | Monster Vault |
Giant, Desert | 9.0 | Huge | Giant | Desert | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Giant, Dirgesinger | 9.0 | Huge | Giant | Mountain, Underground | Monster Vault |
Giant, Fire | 9.0 | Huge | Giant | Mountain, Underground | SRD |
Giant, Fire | 9.0 | Huge | Giant | Hills, Mountain, Underground | Monster Vault |
Giant, Firestorm | 7.0 | Huge | Giant | Arctic, Mountain | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Giant, Flab | 4.0 | Large | Giant | Forest | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Giant, Frost | 8.0 | Huge | Giant | Arctic, Mountain | SRD |
Giant, Frost | 8.0 | Huge | Giant | Arctic, Mountain | Monster Vault |
Giant, Haunted | 6.0 | Huge | Giant | Badlands, Hills, Mountain | Creature Codex |
Giant, Hellfire | 9.0 | Huge | Giant | Mountain, Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Giant, Hill | 5.0 | Huge | Giant | Hills | SRD |
Giant, Hill | 5.0 | Huge | Giant | Forest, Hills | Monster Vault |
Giant, Hraesvelgr | 19.0 | Huge | Giant (shapechanger, titan) | Mountain | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Giant, Jotun | 22.0 | Gargantuan | Giant | Arctic | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Giant, Laestrigonian | 4.0 | Large | Giant | Coastal | Creature Codex |
Giant, Lantern | 12.0 | Huge | Giant | Underwater | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Giant, Mountain | 21.0 | Gargantuan | Giant | Mountain | Creature Codex |
Giant, Phase | 5.0 | Huge | Giant | Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Giant, River | 6.0 | Large | Giant | Forest, Underwater | Book of Ebon Tides |
Giant, River, Styx | 8.0 | Large | Giant | Forest, Planar, Underwater | Book of Ebon Tides |
Giant, Shadow | 15.0 | Huge | Giant | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Giant, Shire | 8.0 | Huge | Giant | Farmland, Hills | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Giant, Snow | 5.0 | Huge | Giant | Arctic | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Giant, Stone | 7.0 | Huge | Giant | Hills, Mountain, Underground | SRD |
Giant, Stone | 7.0 | Huge | Giant | Hills, Mountain, Underground | Monster Vault |
Giant, Storm | 13.0 | Huge | Giant | Coastal, Underwater | SRD |
Giant, Storm | 13.0 | Huge | Giant | Coastal, Underwater | Monster Vault |
Giant, Thin | 9.0 | Huge | Giant | Underground, Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Giant, Thursir | 3.0 | Large | Giant | Arctic, Mountain, Underground | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Giant, Thursir Armorer | 6.0 | Large | Giant | Mountain, Underground | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Giant, Thursir Hearth Priestess | 4.0 | Large | Giant | Mountain, Underground | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Giant, Void | 11.0 | Huge | Giant | Mountain, Planar | Creature Codex |
Gibbering Mouther | 2.0 | Medium | Aberration | Underground | SRD |
Gibbering Mouther | 2.0 | Medium | Aberration | Underground | Monster Vault |
Gigantura | 13.0 | Gargantuan | Monstrosity | Underwater | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Glacial Corrupter | 1.0 | Medium | Undead | Arctic | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Glacial Crawler | 11.0 | Huge | Aberration | Arctic, Coastal, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Glacier Behemoth | 12.0 | Huge | Beast | Arctic | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Gladiator | 5.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any, Urban | SRD |
Gladiator | 5.0 | Medium | Humanoid (Any Lineage) | Any, Urban | Monster Vault |
Glass Gator | 1.0 | Large | Beast | Desert, Grassland, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Gloomflower | 3.0 | Tiny | Plant | Planar | Creature Codex |
Gnarljak | 6.0 | Small | Construct | Farmland, Forest, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Gnoll | 0.5 | Medium | Humanoid (gnoll) | Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hills | SRD |
Gnoll | 0.5 | Medium | Humanoid | Desert, Grassland | Monster Vault |
Gnoll Slaver | 3.0 | Medium | Humanoid (gnoll) | Farmland, Grassland, Urban | Creature Codex |
Gnoll, Havoc Runner | 3.0 | Medium | Humanoid (gnoll) | Desert, Grassland | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Gnome, Deep | 0.5 | Small | Humanoid | Underground | Monster Vault |
Gnome, Deep (Svirfneblin) | 0.5 | Small | Humanoid (gnome) | Underground | SRD |
Gnomish Distiller | 5.0 | Small | Humanoid (gnome) | Urban | Book of Ebon Tides |
Gnomish Knife Cultist | 5.0 | Small | Humanoid (gnome) | Farmland, Urban | Creature Codex |
Gnyan | 4.0 | Large | Elemental | Arctic, Mountain | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Goat | 0.0 | Medium | Beast | Farmland, Grassland, Hills, Mountain, Urban | SRD |
Goat | 0.0 | Medium | Beast | Farmland, Grassland, Hills, Mountain, Urban | Monster Vault |
Goat-Man | 3.0 | Medium | Monstrosity | Badlands, Grassland | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Goat, Giant | 0.5 | Large | Beast | Grassland, Hills, Mountain | Monster Vault, Player's Guide |
Goblin | 0.3 | Small | Humanoid (goblinoid) | Forest, Grassland, Hills, Underground | SRD |
Goblin Siege Engine | 11.0 | Huge | Construct | Any | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Goblin, Bugbear | 1.0 | Medium | Humanoid | Forest, Grassland, Hills, Underground | Monster Vault |
Goblin, Bugbear Champion | 4.0 | Medium | Humanoid | Forest, Grassland, Hills, Underground | Monster Vault |
Goblin, Chaos-Spawn | 0.5 | Small | Aberration | Badlands | Creature Codex |
Goblin, Dust | 0.3 | Small | Humanoid (goblinoid) | Badlands, Desert | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Goblin, Goblin | 0.3 | Small | Humanoid | Forest, Grassland, Hills, Underground | Monster Vault |
Goblin, Goblin Captain | 1.0 | Small | Humanoid | Forest, Grassland, Hills, Underground | Monster Vault |
Goblin, Hobgoblin | 0.5 | Medium | Humanoid | Forest, Grassland, Hills, Underground | Monster Vault |
Goblin, Hobgoblin Commander | 3.0 | Medium | Humanoid | Forest, Grassland, Hills, Underground | Monster Vault |
Goblin, Hobgoblin Conjurer | 2.0 | Medium | Humanoid | Forest, Grassland, Hills, Underground | Monster Vault |
Goblin, Shadow | 0.5 | Small | Humanoid (goblinoid) | Underground | Creature Codex |
Goblin, Shadow, Chieftain | 2.0 | Small | Humanoid (goblinoid) | Planar, Urban | Book of Ebon Tides |
Goblin, Shadow, Moonshadow Catcher | 2.0 | Small | Humanoid (goblinoid) | Planar, Urban | Book of Ebon Tides |
Goblin, Shadow, Scribe | 1.0 | Small | Humanoid (goblinoid) | Planar, Urban | Book of Ebon Tides |
Godslayer | 30.0 | Huge | Construct | Any | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Golem, Alchemical | 9.0 | Large | Construct | Any | Creature Codex |
Golem, Altar Flame | 10.0 | Large | Construct | Urban | Creature Codex |
Golem, Armory | 7.0 | Large | Construct | Urban | Creature Codex |
Golem, Barnyard | 3.0 | Medium | Construct | Farmland, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Golem, Bearing | 6.0 | Medium | Construct | Any | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Golem, Bone | 7.0 | Medium | Construct | Any, Underground | Creature Codex |
Golem, Bronze | 3.0 | Large | Construct | Any | Creature Codex |
Golem, Chain | 8.0 | Large | Construct | Any, Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Golem, Clay | 9.0 | Large | Construct | Urban | SRD |
Golem, Clay | 9.0 | Large | Construct (Golem) | Urban | Monster Vault |
Golem, Death Shroud | 5.0 | Large | Construct | Any | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Golem, Doom | 10.0 | Large | Construct | Any | Creature Codex |
Golem, Dragonflesh | 10.0 | Large | Construct | Any | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Golem, Eye | 11.0 | Large | Construct | Any, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Golem, Flesh | 5.0 | Medium | Construct | Urban | SRD |
Golem, Flesh | 5.0 | Medium | Construct (Golem) | Urban | Monster Vault |
Golem, Fractal | 8.0 | Large | Construct | Any | Creature Codex |
Golem, Hoard | 12.0 | Huge | Construct | Underground, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Golem, Ice | 8.0 | Large | Construct | Arctic, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Golem, Iron | 16.0 | Large | Construct | Urban | SRD |
Golem, Iron | 16.0 | Large | Construct (Golem) | Urban | Monster Vault |
Golem, Keg | 3.0 | Medium | Construct | Underground, Urban | Creature Codex |
Golem, Labspawn | 8.0 | Medium | Construct | Urban | Cities and Towns |
Golem, Lesser, Glass | 2.0 | Small | Construct | Any | Creature Codex |
Golem, Lesser, Hair | 0.3 | Small | Construct | Any | Creature Codex |
Golem, Lesser, Mud | 1.0 | Small | Construct | Any | Creature Codex |
Golem, Lesser, Wood | 3.0 | Medium | Construct | Any | Creature Codex |
Golem, Lotus | 9.0 | Large | Construct | Any | Creature Codex |
Golem, Manastorm | 8.0 | Medium | Construct | Any | Creature Codex |
Golem, Origami | 7.0 | Large | Construct | Any, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Golem, Paper | 0.3 | Tiny | Construct | Urban | Creature Codex |
Golem, Paper Swarm | 3.0 | Medium | Construct | Urban | Creature Codex |
Golem, Rose | 6.0 | Large | Construct | Urban | Book of Ebon Tides |
Golem, Salt | 10.0 | Large | Construct | Coastal, Desert | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Golem, Smaragdine | 14.0 | Large | Construct | Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Golem, Steam | 13.0 | Large | Construct | Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Golem, Stone | 10.0 | Large | Construct (Golem) | Forest, Urban | Monster Vault |
Golem, Stone | 13.0 | Large | Construct | Urban | SRD |
Golem, Tar | 7.0 | Medium | Construct | Coastal, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Golem, Vine | 3.0 | Medium | Construct | Forest | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Golem, War Machine | 18.0 | Gargantuan | Construct | Any | Creature Codex |
Goliath Longlegs | 7.0 | Gargantuan | Monstrosity | Forest | Creature Codex |
Goreling | 0.3 | Small | Undead | Any | Creature Codex |
Gorgon | 5.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Forest, Grassland, Hills | SRD |
Gorgon | 5.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Grassland, Hills | Monster Vault |
Graknork | 14.0 | Gargantuan | Monstrosity | Arctic | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Grave Behemoth | 10.0 | Huge | Undead | Any | Creature Codex |
Graveyard Dragon | 7.0 | Large | Undead | Any | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Gray Ooze | 0.5 | Medium | Ooze | Underground, Urban | Monster Vault |
Gray Thirster | 2.0 | Medium | Undead | Badlands, Desert | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Great Grey Owl | 0.3 | Small | Beast | Forest | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Greed Swarm | 0.5 | Medium | Construct | Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Green Knight of the Woods | 6.0 | Medium | Fey | Forest | Creature Codex |
Gremlin, Azza | 0.3 | Small | Fey | Grassland | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Gremlin, Bilge | 0.5 | Tiny | Fey | Coastal, Underwater, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Gremlin, Bilge Bosun | 2.0 | Small | Fey | Coastal, Underwater, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Gremlin, Rum | 0.5 | Tiny | Fey | Coastal, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Gremlin, Rum Lord | 4.0 | Small | Fey | Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Gremlin, Rum Story Keeper | 2.0 | Tiny | Fey | Farmland, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Grick | 2.0 | Medium | Monstrosity | Forest, Underground | SRD |
Grick | 2.0 | Medium | Monstrosity | Underground | Monster Vault |
Grick, Advanced | 7.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Underground | Monster Vault |
Griffon | 2.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Coastal, Grassland, Hills, Mountain | SRD |
Griffon | 2.0 | Large | Monstrosity (Animal) | Coastal, Hills, Mountain | Monster Vault |
Grim Destrier | 2.0 | Large | Undead | Urban | Warlock Grimoire 2 |
Grim Jester | 11.0 | Medium | Undead | Any | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Grimlock | 0.3 | Medium | Humanoid | Underground | Monster Vault |
Grimlock | 0.3 | Medium | Humanoid (grimlock) | Underground | SRD |
Grimlock, Morlock | 2.0 | Large | Humanoid | Underground | Monster Vault |
Grimmlet | 1.0 | Tiny | Monstrosity | Badlands | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Grimmlet Swarm | 14.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Badlands | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Grindylow | 1.0 | Medium | Aberration | Underwater | Creature Codex |
Grivid | 11.0 | Large | Aberration | Badlands, Grassland | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Grolar Bear | 3.0 | Large | Beast | Arctic | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Grolar Bear, Alpha | 8.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Arctic | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Groom | 0.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any, Urban | Cities and Towns |
Grove Bear | 0.3 | Medium | Beast | Forest | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Gruesome Plushy Swarm | 4.0 | Large | Construct | Urban | Tales from the Shadows |
Guard | 0.1 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any, Urban | SRD |
Guard | 0.1 | Medium | Humanoid (Any Lineage) | Any, Urban | Monster Vault |
Gug | 12.0 | Huge | Giant | Planar, Underground | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Gugalanna | 21.0 | Huge | Celestial | Planar | Creature Codex |
Guiguai | 4.0 | Medium | Undead | Any | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Gullkin | 0.5 | Medium | Humanoid (gullkin) | Coastal, Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Gullkin Hunter | 3.0 | Medium | Humanoid (gullkin) | Coastal, Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Gulon | 6.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Forest | Creature Codex |
Gulper Behemoth | 9.0 | Gargantuan | Monstrosity | Underwater | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Gumienniki | 1.0 | Small | Fiend (demon, shapechanger) | Planar | Creature Codex |
Haakjir | 3.0 | Medium | Monstrosity | Mountain, Underground | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Hag, Ambush | 9.0 | Medium | Fey | Farmland, Forest | Monster Vault |
Hag, Blood | 11.0 | Medium | Fey | Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Hag, Brine | 9.0 | Medium | Fey | Coastal, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Hag, Floe | 5.0 | Medium | Fey | Arctic, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Hag, Green | 3.0 | Medium | Fey | Farmland, Forest, Hills, Swamp | SRD |
Hag, Green | 3.0 | Medium | Fey | Farmland, Forest, Hills, Swamp | Monster Vault |
Hag, Mirror | 6.0 | Medium | Fey | Forest, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Hag, Night | 5.0 | Medium | Fiend | Planar, Urban | SRD |
Hag, Night | 5.0 | Medium | Fiend | Planar, Urban | Monster Vault |
Hag, Pesta | 4.0 | Medium | Fey | Coastal, Farmland, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Hag, Red | 7.0 | Medium | Fey | Coastal, Forest, Underground | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Hag, Sand | 6.0 | Medium | Fey | Desert | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Hag, Sea | 2.0 | Medium | Fey | Coastal, Underwater | SRD |
Hag, Sea | 2.0 | Medium | Fey | Coastal, Underwater | Monster Vault |
Hag, Snow | 3.0 | Medium | Fey | Arctic | Creature Codex |
Hag, Wood | 9.0 | Medium | Fey | Forest, Hills, Mountain, Swamp | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Haleshi | 7.0 | Large | Fey | Coastal, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Half-Red Dragon Veteran | 5.0 | Medium | Humanoid (human) | Any, Hills, Mountain | SRD |
Hantu Penanggal | 8.0 | Medium | Fiend | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Harbinger of Wrath | 20.0 | Gargantuan | Construct | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Harefolk | 0.3 | Small | Humanoid (harefolk) | Arctic, Grassland | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Harpy | 1.0 | Medium | Monstrosity | Forest, Hills, Mountain | SRD |
Harpy | 1.0 | Medium | Monstrosity | Coastal, Hills, Mountain | Monster Vault |
Harpy, Egret | 2.0 | Medium | Monstrosity | Swamp | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Harpy, Owl | 5.0 | Medium | Monstrosity | Desert, Forest, Hills | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Harpy, Plague | 6.0 | Medium | Monstrosity | Farmland, Forest | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Harvest Horse | 0.5 | Large | Construct | Farmland | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Haugbui | 13.0 | Medium | Undead | Farmland, Hills | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Hawk | 0.0 | Tiny | Beast | Farmland, Forest | SRD |
Hawk | 0.0 | Tiny | Beast | Farmland, Forest, Hills, Mountain | Monster Vault, Player's Guide |
Hawk, Blood | 0.1 | Small | Beast | Farmland, Forest, Hills, Mountain | Monster Vault |
Heggarna | 1.0 | Tiny | Aberration | Farmland, Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Helashruu | 13.0 | Huge | Aberration | Any | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Hell Hound | 3.0 | Medium | Fiend | Mountain, Underground | SRD |
Hell Hound | 3.0 | Medium | Fiend | Mountain, Underground | Monster Vault |
Herald of Blood | 12.0 | Huge | Fiend | Any | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Herald of Darkness | 7.0 | Large | Fiend | Any | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Herald of Fire | 12.0 | Large | Dragon | Any | Creature Codex |
Herald of Slaughter | 11.0 | Large | Fiend | Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Herald of the Great Wyrm | 15.0 | Large | Dragon | Any | Creature Codex |
Herald of the Void | 11.0 | Large | Fiend | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Herald of Undeath | 11.0 | Large | Undead | Farmland, Urban | Creature Codex |
Herd Skulker | 1.0 | Medium | Monstrosity (shapechanger) | Farmland | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Hinderling | 0.3 | Small | Fey | Farmland, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Hippocampus | 1.0 | Large | Beast | Coastal, Underwater | Monster Vault |
Hippogriff | 1.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Grassland, Hills, Mountain | SRD |
Hippogriff | 1.0 | Large | Monstrosity (Animal) | Grassland, Hills | Monster Vault |
Hippopotamus | 3.0 | Large | Beast | Coastal, Grassland, Swamp | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Hippopotamus, Sacred | 5.0 | Huge | Celestial | Coastal, Grassland, Swamp, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Hirudine Stalker | 2.0 | Medium | Monstrosity | Forest, Swamp | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Hivebound | 5.0 | Small | Monstrosity | Forest, Grassland | Monster Vault |
Hobgoblin | 0.5 | Medium | Humanoid (goblinoid) | Forest, Grassland, Hills, Underground | SRD |
Hodag | 3.0 | Large | Beast | Forest, Grassland, Hills | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Homing Pigeon | 0.0 | Tiny | Beast | Urban | Tome of Heroes |
Homunculus | 0.0 | Tiny | Construct | Urban | SRD |
Homunculus | 1.0 | Tiny | Construct | Urban | Monster Vault |
Hongaek | 8.0 | Large | Elemental | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Hooden Horse | 6.0 | Medium | Undead | Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Horakh | 9.0 | Medium | Monstrosity | Underground | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Horned Serpent | 12.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Forest, Grassland, Swamp | Creature Codex |
Horse, Draft | 0.3 | Large | Beast | Farmland, Grassland, Urban | Monster Vault, Player's Guide |
Horse, Riding | 0.3 | Large | Beast | Farmland, Grassland, Urban | Monster Vault, Player's Guide |
Horse, War | 0.5 | Large | Beast | Farmland, Urban | Monster Vault, Player's Guide |
Hound of the Night | 5.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Forest, Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Hound of Tindalos | 8.0 | Medium | Aberration | Planar | Creature Codex |
Howler Baboon | 0.3 | Medium | Beast | Forest | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Howler of the Hill | 14.0 | Large | Aberration | Farmland, Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Huecambra | 8.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Forest, Swamp | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Huldra Shield Maiden | 3.0 | Medium | Humanoid (trollkin) | Arctic, Urban | Empire of the Ghouls |
Huli Jing | 9.0 | Medium | Fey (shapechanger) | Farmland, Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Hulking Whelp | 5.0 | Small | Fey (shapechanger) | Farmland, Forest | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Human, Elfmarked | 0.5 | Medium | Humanoid (half-elf) | Any | Creature Codex |
Hundun | 12.0 | Large | Celestial | Any | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Hungry Ghost, Gaki | 8.0 | Medium | Undead | Any | Creature Codex |
Hungry Ghost, Preta | 3.0 | Medium | Undead | Any | Creature Codex |
Hunter Shark | 2.0 | Large | Beast | Underwater | SRD |
Husk | 0.5 | Medium | Undead | Any | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Husk, Giant | 7.0 | Huge | Undead | Any | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Hvalfiskr | 15.0 | Huge | Giant (shapechanger) | Arctic, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Hverhuldra | 6.0 | Small | Fey | Arctic | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Hydra | 8.0 | Huge | Monstrosity | Swamp | SRD |
Hydra | 8.0 | Huge | Dragon | Swamp | Monster Vault |
Hydra, Bloom | 6.0 | Medium | Plant | Forest | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Hydra, Chameleon | 10.0 | Huge | Monstrosity | Forest | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Hyena | 0.0 | Medium | Beast | Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hills | SRD |
Hyena | 0.0 | Medium | Beast | Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hills | Monster Vault |
Hyena, Giant | 1.0 | Large | Beast | Desert, Forest, Grassland, Hills | Monster Vault |
Ibexian | 6.0 | Large | Fiend | Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Ice Bogie | 0.1 | Small | Fey | Arctic | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Ice Maiden | 6.0 | Medium | Fey | Arctic | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Ice Urchin | 1.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Arctic | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Ice Willow | 6.0 | Large | Plant | Arctic | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Iceworm | 1.0 | Small | Monstrosity | Arctic, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Ichneumon | 11.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Hills, Mountain, Underground | Creature Codex |
Idolic Deity | 8.0 | Small | Construct | Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Ijiraq | 7.0 | Medium | Fey | Hills, Forest | Creature Codex |
Ikuchi | 8.0 | Gargantuan | Elemental | Coastal, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Illhveli, Kembingur | 12.0 | Gargantuan | Monstrosity | Underwater | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Illhveli, Nauthveli | 16.0 | Gargantuan | Monstrosity | Underwater | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Imperator | 11.0 | Huge | Monstrosity | Arctic, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Imperator, Swarm of Penguins | 5.0 | Huge | Beast | Arctic, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Incandescent One | 9.0 | Medium | Celestial | Coastal, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Incarnate Gloom | 13.0 | Gargantuan | Undead | Any | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Incinis | 10.0 | Large | Elemental | Mountain | Creature Codex |
Infernal Centaur | 4.0 | Medium | Fiend | Farmland, Forest, Grassland | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Infernal Champion | 11.0 | Medium | Fiend (Outsider) | Planar | Monster Vault |
Infernal Swarm | 12.0 | Huge | Fiend (devil) | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Infested Duelist | 9.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Infiltrator | 2.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Initiate of the Elder Elementals | 2.0 | Small | Humanoid (kobold) | Any | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Inkling | 0.3 | Tiny | Construct | Urban | Creature Codex |
Insatiable Brood | 3.0 | Medium | Aberration | Planar | Monster Vault |
Insect, Giant Centipede | 0.3 | Small | Beast | Underground | Monster Vault |
Insect, Giant Fire Beetle | 0.0 | Small | Beast | Underground | Monster Vault |
Insect, Giant Scorpion | 3.0 | Large | Beast | Desert | Monster Vault |
Insect, Giant Wasp | 0.5 | Medium | Beast | Farmland, Forest, Grassland, Urban | Monster Vault |
Insect, Scorpion | 0.0 | Tiny | Beast | Desert | Monster Vault |
Insect, Swarm of Insects | 0.5 | Medium | Beast | Desert, Farmland, Forest, Grassland, Hills, Swamp, Underground, Urban | Monster Vault |
Invisible Stalker | 6.0 | Medium | Elemental | Urban | SRD |
Invisible Stalker | 6.0 | Medium | Elemental | Urban | Monster Vault |
Ion Slime | 5.0 | Small | Ooze | Coastal | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Irid | 1.0 | Tiny | Celestial | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Iron Sphere | 5.0 | Small | Construct | Urban | Creature Codex |
Ironcrag War Badger | 2.0 | Large | Beast | Underground | Warlock Grimoire 2 |
Isonade | 14.0 | Gargantuan | Monstrosity | Underwater | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Jaanavar Jal | 7.0 | Gargantuan | Monstrosity | Forest | Creature Codex |
Jack of Strings | 5.0 | Medium | Fey | Farmland, Forest, Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Jackal | 0.0 | Small | Beast | Desert, Grassland | SRD |
Jackal | 0.0 | Small | Beast | Desert, Forest, Grassland | Monster Vault |
Jaculus | 3.0 | Small | Dragon | Forest | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Jiangshi | 6.0 | Medium | Undead | Farmland, Urban | Creature Codex |
Jinmenju | 9.0 | Huge | Plant | Forest | Creature Codex |
Jinnborn Pirate | 0.5 | Medium | Humanoid (jinnborn) | Desert, Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Jubjub Bird | 4.0 | Large | Beast | Forest, Grassland | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Juniper Sheriff | 0.5 | Small | Fey | Forest, Hills, Mountain | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Kachlian | 8.0 | Huge | Aberration | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Kackerlack | 2.0 | Small | Monstrosity | Underground, Urban | Cities and Towns |
Kalke | 0.3 | Small | Fiend | Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Kallikantzaros | 2.0 | Small | Fey | Underground | Creature Codex |
Kamaitachi | 5.0 | Small | Monstrosity (shapechanger) | Arctic | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Kami, Gorao-Ka | 0.1 | Tiny | Fey (kami) | Farmland, Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Kami, Hebi-Doku | 8.0 | Medium | Fey (kami) | Grassland, Swamp, Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Kami, Naizu-Ha | 6.0 | Small | Fey (kami) | Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Kami, Sasori Fukurōwashi | 9.0 | Medium | Fey (kami) | Any, Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Kappa | 2.0 | Small | Fey | Forest, Swamp, Underwater | Creature Codex |
Karakura | 5.0 | Medium | Fiend (demon) | Planar | Creature Codex |
Karkadann | 7.0 | Huge | Monstrosity | Desert, Grassland | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Kaveph | 6.0 | Huge | Aberration | Planar, Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Keelbreaker Crab | 9.0 | Huge | Monstrosity | Coastal, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Keeper of Hounds | 5.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Planar, Urban | Book of Ebon Tides |
Keeper of Ravens | 4.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Planar, Urban | Book of Ebon Tides |
Kelp Eel | 10.0 | Huge | Plant | Underwater | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Kezai | 4.0 | Medium | Monstrosity | Badlands, Desert | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Khamaseen | 1.0 | Tiny | Elemental | Badlands, Desert | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Khargi | 9.0 | Huge | Fiend | Badlands | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Khodumodumo | 14.0 | Gargantuan | Monstrosity | Badlands, Hills | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Kikimora | 5.0 | Medium | Fey | Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Killer Whale | 3.0 | Huge | Beast | Underwater | SRD |
Kirikari | 9.0 | Huge | Monstrosity | Swamp | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Kitsune | 2.0 | Small | Fey (shapechanger) | Farmland, Urban | Creature Codex |
Knight | 3.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any, Urban | SRD |
Knight | 3.0 | Medium | Humanoid (Any Lineage) | Any, Urban | Monster Vault |
Knight Ab-errant | 5.0 | Large | Humanoid | Badlands, Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Knight of Shadows | 12.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Planar, Urban | Book of Ebon Tides |
Kobold | 0.1 | Small | Humanoid (kobold) | Any, Underground, Urban | SRD |
Kobold | 0.1 | Small | Humanoid | Any, Underground, Urban | Monster Vault |
Kobold Spellclerk | 0.5 | Small | Humanoid (kobold) | Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Kobold War Machine | 9.0 | Large | Construct | Any | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Kobold, Alchemist | 2.0 | Small | Humanoid (kobold) | Underground, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Kobold, Chieftain | 5.0 | Small | Humanoid (kobold) | Underground, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Kobold, Drake Rider | 3.0 | Small | Humanoid (kobold) | Any | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Kobold, Elite | 1.0 | Small | Humanoid (kobold) | Underground, Urban | Creature Codex |
Kobold, Empyrean | 10.0 | Small | Celestial | Any, Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Kobold, Junk Shaman | 2.0 | Small | Humanoid (kobold) | Underground, Urban | Creature Codex |
Kobold, King | 6.0 | Small | Humanoid (kobold) | Underground, Urban | Creature Codex |
Kobold, Monster Hunter, Ghost Hunter | 11.0 | Small | Humanoid (kobold) | Any | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Kobold, Monster Hunter, Leviathan Hunter | 10.0 | Medium | Humanoid (kobold) | Coastal, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Kobold, Monster Hunter, Planes Hunter | 10.0 | Small | Humanoid (kobold) | Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Kobold, Sapper | 3.0 | Small | Humanoid (kobold) | Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Kobold, Swiftblade | 3.0 | Small | Humanoid | Any, Underground, Urban | Monster Vault |
Kobold, Swolbold | 3.0 | Medium | Humanoid (kobold) | Underground, Urban | Creature Codex |
Kobold, Tinkerer | 0.5 | Small | Humanoid | Underground, Urban | Monster Vault |
Kobold, Trapsmith | 2.0 | Small | Humanoid (kobold) | Underground, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Kobold, Witch | 5.0 | Small | Humanoid | Forest, Underground, Urban | Monster Vault |
Kobold, Wizard | 5.0 | Small | Humanoid (kobold) | Underground, Urban | Creature Codex |
Kongamato | 6.0 | Large | Beast | Forest | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Korrigan | 3.0 | Small | Fey | Forest | Creature Codex |
Koschei | 17.0 | Medium | Fiend | Planar, Urban | Tome of Beasts |
Kot Bayun | 3.0 | Medium | Monstrosity | Farmland, Forest | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Krake Spawn | 14.0 | Huge | Monstrosity | Arctic, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Kraken | 23.0 | Gargantuan | Monstrosity (titan) | Underwater | SRD |
Kraken | 23.0 | Gargantuan | Monstrosity | Underwater | Monster Vault |
Kryt | 5.0 | Medium | Humanoid (kryt) | Forest, Hills, Mountain | Creature Codex |
Külmking | 9.0 | Large | Undead | Forest, Grassland | Creature Codex |
Kuunganisha | 2.0 | Small | Fiend | Any | Creature Codex |
Lady in White | 2.0 | Medium | Undead | Any | Creature Codex |
Lakescourge Lotus | 5.0 | Medium | Undead | Coastal, Farmland, Swamp | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Lambent Witchfyre | 7.0 | Large | Aberration | Any | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Lamia | 4.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Desert | SRD |
Lamia | 4.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Badlands, Hills | Monster Vault |
Lamia, Serpentine | 1.0 | Medium | Monstrosity | Mountain | Creature Codex |
Lamia, Serpentine, Matriarch | 5.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Forest, Urban | Creature Codex |
Lammasu | 10.0 | Large | Celestial | Badlands, Desert | Creature Codex |
Lamplighter | 0.3 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any, Urban | Cities and Towns |
Lantern Hagfish | 0.1 | Small | Aberration | Planar | Monster Vault |
Lava Keeper | 18.0 | Huge | Elemental | Hills, Mountain | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Lazavik | 3.0 | Tiny | Fey | Swamp | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Leashed Lesion | 3.0 | Large | Aberration | Any, Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Leech Swarm | 2.0 | Medium | Beast | Swamp | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Legion Pigeon | 2.0 | Small | Undead | Urban | Cities and Towns |
Lemurfolk | 0.3 | Small | Humanoid (lemurfolk) | Forest | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Lemurfolk, Greyfur | 3.0 | Small | Humanoid (lemurfolk) | Forest | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Leonino | 0.1 | Tiny | Beast | Coastal, Forest, Urban | Creature Codex |
Leshy | 1.0 | Medium | Monstrosity | Forest | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Ley Wanderer | 7.0 | Huge | Aberration | Any | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Library Automaton | 0.5 | Small | Construct | Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Lich | 21.0 | Medium | Undead | Urban | SRD |
Lich | 21.0 | Medium | Undead | Urban | Monster Vault |
Lich Hound | 4.0 | Medium | Undead | Any, Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Lich, Hierophant | 9.0 | Medium | Undead | Any | Creature Codex |
Lich, Pact | 15.0 | Medium | Undead | Any | Creature Codex |
Lich, Virtuoso | 12.0 | Medium | Undead | Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Lich, Virtuoso | 12.0 | Medium | Undead | Urban | Monster Vault |
Life Broker | 13.0 | Medium | Fey | Farmland, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Light Eater | 0.5 | Small | Aberration | Farmland, Underground | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Likho | 5.0 | Medium | Monstrosity | Badlands, Hills | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Lindwurm | 6.0 | Large | Dragon | Arctic, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Linnorm, Vent | 16.0 | Gargantuan | Dragon | Underwater | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Lion | 1.0 | Large | Beast | Desert, Grassland, Hills, Mountain | SRD |
Lion | 1.0 | Large | Beast | Desert, Grassland, Hills, Mountain | Monster Vault, Player's Guide |
Liosalfar | 10.0 | Large | Elemental | Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Living Colossus | 15.0 | Gargantuan | Construct | Any | Monster Vault |
Living Shade | 0.3 | Medium | Fey | Any | Creature Codex |
Living Soot | 7.0 | Large | Elemental | Planar, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Living Star | 19.0 | Huge | Celestial | Any | Creature Codex |
Living Wick | 0.3 | Small | Construct | Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Lizard | 0.0 | Tiny | Beast | Coastal, Desert, Farmland, Forest, Swamp, Underground | SRD |
Lizard | 0.0 | Tiny | Beast | Badlands, Coastal, Desert, Farmland, Forest, Swamp, Underground | Monster Vault, Player's Guide |
Lizard, Giant | 0.3 | Large | Beast | Badlands, Coastal, Desert, Forest, Swamp, Underground | Monster Vault |
Lizardfolk | 0.5 | Medium | Humanoid (lizardfolk) | Forest, Swamp | SRD |
Lizardfolk | 0.5 | Medium | Humanoid | Desert, Forest, Swamp | Monster Vault |
Lizardfolk, Ruler | 4.0 | Medium | Humanoid | Desert, Forest, Swamp | Monster Vault |
Lizardfolk, Shaman | 2.0 | Medium | Humanoid | Desert, Forest, Swamp | Monster Vault |
Lobe Lemur | 4.0 | Small | Monstrosity | Swamp | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Locksmith | 8.0 | Medium | Construct | Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Lorelei | 5.0 | Medium | Fey | Forest, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Lou Carcolh | 2.0 | Medium | Monstrosity | Swamp | Creature Codex |
Loxoda | 6.0 | Huge | Monstrosity | Forest, Grassland | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Luck Leech | 10.0 | Medium | Fey | Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Lunarchidna, Greater | 4.0 | Medium | Aberration | Forest | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Lunarchidna, Lesser | 2.0 | Medium | Aberration | Forest | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Lunarchidna, Transcendent | 6.0 | Medium | Aberration | Forest | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Lunarian | 5.0 | Medium | Fey | Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Lupine Shade | 2.0 | Medium | Undead | Forest, Planar, Urban | Warlock Grimoire 2 |
Lycanthrope, Werebat | 3.0 | Medium | Humanoid (human, shapechanger) | Urban | Creature Codex |
Lycanthrope, Werebear | 5.0 | Medium | Humanoid (human, shapechanger) | Arctic, Forest, Hills, Urban | SRD |
Lycanthrope, Werebear | 5.0 | Medium | Humanoid (Lycanthrope) | Arctic, Forest, Hills, Mountain | Monster Vault |
Lycanthrope, Wereboar | 4.0 | Medium | Humanoid (human, shapechanger) | Forest, Grassland, Hills | SRD |
Lycanthrope, Wereboar | 4.0 | Medium | Humanoid (Lycanthrope) | Forest, Grassland, Hills | Monster Vault |
Lycanthrope, Werecrocodile | 3.0 | Medium | Humanoid (human, shapechanger) | Coastal, Desert, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Lycanthrope, Werehyena | 3.0 | Medium | Humanoid (gnoll, shapechanger) | Farmland, Grassland, Urban | Creature Codex |
Lycanthrope, Wereotter | 2.0 | Medium | Humanoid (human, shapechanger) | Forest, Swamp | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Lycanthrope, Wereowl | 5.0 | Medium | Humanoid (elf, shapechanger) | Forest, Mountain, Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Lycanthrope, Wererat | 2.0 | Medium | Humanoid (human, shapechanger) | Forest, Urban | SRD |
Lycanthrope, Wererat | 2.0 | Medium | Humanoid (Lycanthrope) | Farmland, Urban | Monster Vault |
Lycanthrope, Wereshark | 5.0 | Large | Humanoid (shapechanger) | Coastal, Underwater, Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Lycanthrope, Weretiger | 4.0 | Medium | Humanoid (human, shapechanger) | Desert, Forest, Grassland | SRD |
Lycanthrope, Weretiger | 4.0 | Medium | Humanoid (Lycanthrope) | Forest, Grassland | Monster Vault |
Lycanthrope, Werewolf | 3.0 | Medium | Humanoid (human, shapechanger) | Farmland, Forest, Hills | SRD |
Lycanthrope, Werewolf | 3.0 | Medium | Humanoid (Lycanthrope) | Farmland, Forest, Hills | Monster Vault |
Lymarien | 0.1 | Tiny | Fey | Farmland, Forest | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Lymarien Swarm | 5.0 | Large | Fey | Farmland, Forest | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Mad Piper | 2.0 | Large | Construct | Badlands, Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Mage | 6.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any, Urban | SRD |
Mage | 6.0 | Medium | Humanoid (Any Lineage) | Any, Urban | Monster Vault |
Mage Apprentice | 1.0 | Medium | Humanoid (Any Lineage) | Any, Urban | Monster Vault |
Magma Octopus | 8.0 | Large | Elemental | Mountain, Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Magmin | 0.5 | Small | Elemental | Planar, Mountain | SRD |
Magmin | 0.5 | Small | Elemental | Mountain, Planar | Monster Vault |
Mahoru | 3.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Arctic, Coastal, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Malleable, Major | 10.0 | Huge | Aberration | Any | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Malleable, Massive | 16.0 | Gargantuan | Aberration | Any | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Malleable, Minor | 1.0 | Medium | Aberration | Any | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Malleable, Moderate | 5.0 | Large | Aberration | Any | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Mallqui | 8.0 | Medium | Undead | Arctic, Mountain | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Malmbjorn | 15.0 | Huge | Monstrosity | Hills, Mountain | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Malphas | 6.0 | Medium | Fey | Planar, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Mammoth | 6.0 | Huge | Beast | Arctic | SRD |
Mammoth | 6.0 | Huge | Beast | Arctic | Monster Vault |
Mamura | 6.0 | Small | Aberration | Badlands, Grassland | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Mandrake | 0.5 | Tiny | Plant | Urban | Creature Codex |
Mandrake, Great | 1.0 | Tiny | Plant | Urban | Creature Codex |
Mandriano | 5.0 | Large | Plant | Badlands, Forest | Creature Codex |
Mandriano, Ancient | 8.0 | Huge | Plant | Badlands, Forest | Creature Codex |
Manggus | 5.0 | Large | Giant (shapechanger) | Forest, Swamp | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Manticore | 3.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Grassland, Hills, Mountain | SRD |
Manticore | 3.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Grassland, Hills, Mountain | Monster Vault |
Mantik | 9.0 | Huge | Monstrosity | Badlands | Creature Codex |
Mantik, The Barbed | 1.0 | Small | Humanoid (kobold) | Badlands | Creature Codex |
Mari Lwyd | 4.0 | Large | Undead | Any | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Marsh Dire | 8.0 | Medium | Undead | Swamp | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Mask Wight | 13.0 | Medium | Undead | Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Master Alchemist | 7.0 | Medium | Humanoid (Any Lineage) | Any, Urban | Monster Vault |
Master Assassin | 12.0 | Medium | Humanoid (Any Lineage) | Urban | Castles and Crowns |
Master of Demon Mountain | 17.0 | Medium | Humanoid (tiefling) | Mountain | Creature Codex |
Mastiff | 0.1 | Medium | Beast | Farmland, Forest, Hills, Urban | SRD |
Mastiff | 0.1 | Medium | Beast | Farmland, Forest, Hills, Urban | Monster Vault, Player's Guide |
Mavka | 12.0 | Medium | Undead | Forest | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Mechadron, Dupladron | 0.5 | Small | Construct | Planar | Monster Vault |
Mechadron, Solodron | 0.1 | Tiny | Construct | Planar | Monster Vault |
Mechadron, Tetradron | 6.0 | Large | Construct | Planar | Monster Vault |
Mechadron, Tripladron | 4.0 | Medium | Construct | Planar | Monster Vault |
Mechanist | 2.0 | Medium | Humanoid (Any Lineage) | Any, Urban | Monster Vault |
Medusa | 6.0 | Medium | Monstrosity | Desert, Forest | SRD |
Medusa | 6.0 | Medium | Monstrosity | Desert, Forest, Urban | Monster Vault |
Meerkat | 0.0 | Tiny | Beast | Grassland | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Meerkat, Swarm of Meerkats | 0.5 | Medium | Beast | Grassland | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Megaloceros | 4.0 | Huge | Beast | Arctic | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Megantereon | 2.0 | Medium | Beast | Grassland | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Megapede | 3.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Mountain, Underground | Creature Codex |
Megaraptor | 5.0 | Huge | Beast | Forest, Grassland | Tome of Heroes |
Mei Jiao Shou | 7.0 | Gargantuan | Beast | Grassland, Hills | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Memory Thief | 2.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Planar, Urban | Book of Ebon Tides |
Mephit, Dust | 0.5 | Small | Elemental | Desert | SRD |
Mephit, Dust | 0.5 | Small | Elemental | Desert | Monster Vault |
Mephit, Ice | 0.5 | Small | Elemental | Arctic | SRD |
Mephit, Ice | 0.5 | Small | Elemental | Arctic | Monster Vault |
Mephit, Magma | 0.5 | Small | Elemental | Mountain, Underground | Monster Vault |
Mephit, Magma | 0.5 | Small | Elemental | Mountain, Underground | SRD |
Mephit, Ooze | 0.5 | Small | Elemental | Underground | Scarlet Citadel |
Mephit, Steam | 0.5 | Small | Elemental | Underground | Monster Vault |
Mephit, Steam | 0.3 | Small | Elemental | Underground, Underwater | SRD |
Mercenary, Sellsword | 1.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any, Urban | Cities and Towns |
Mercenary, Spellhawk | 1.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any, Urban | Cities and Towns |
Merchant | 3.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any, Urban | Cities and Towns |
Merchant Captain | 6.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Merfolk | 0.1 | Medium | Humanoid (merfolk) | Coastal, Underwater | SRD |
Merfolk | 0.1 | Medium | Humanoid | Coastal, Underwater | Monster Vault |
Merfolk, Merrow | 2.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Coastal, Underwater | SRD |
Merfolk, Merrow | 2.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Coastal, Underwater | Monster Vault |
Metee-Kolen-Ol | 2.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Arctic | Creature Codex |
Mi-Go | 5.0 | Medium | Plant | Planar | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Midnight Sun | 7.0 | Large | Aberration | Arctic | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Millitaur | 3.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Forest | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Mimic | 2.0 | Medium | Monstrosity (shapechanger) | Underground, Urban | SRD |
Mimic | 2.0 | Medium | Monstrosity (Shapechanger) | Underground, Urban | Monster Vault |
Mimic, Dune | 8.0 | Huge | Monstrosity (shapechanger) | Desert | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Mimic, Lock | 1.0 | Tiny | Monstrosity (shapechanger) | Underground, Urban | Cities and Towns |
Mimic, Map | 0.3 | Tiny | Monstrosity (shapechanger) | Underground, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Mimic, Pet | 0.0 | Tiny | Monstrosity | Urban | Cities and Towns |
Mindrot Thrall | 3.0 | Medium | Plant | Badlands, Underground | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Mindshard | 4.0 | Small | Aberration | Grassland | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Minotaur | 3.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Grassland, Underground | SRD |
Minotaur | 3.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Grassland, Underground, Urban | Monster Vault |
Minotaur, Labyrinth Keeper | 5.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Underground | Creature Codex |
Minotaur, Lost | 8.0 | Large | Undead | Underground | Creature Codex |
Minotaur, Moon Priestess | 7.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Underground | Creature Codex |
Minotaur, Ravening | 3.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Desert, Grassland, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Mirager | 3.0 | Medium | Fey | Desert | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Miremal | 0.5 | Small | Fey | Swamp | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Mngwa | 4.0 | Medium | Aberration | Badlands, Hills | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Moirai | 7.0 | Large | Construct | Planar | Warlock Grimoire 2 |
Molefolk | 0.3 | Small | Humanoid (molefolk) | Forest, Underground | Book of Ebon Tides |
Monarch | 6.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any, Urban | Cities and Towns |
Monarch, Arcane | 6.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any, Urban | Cities and Towns |
Monk | 1.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any, Urban | Cities and Towns |
Monkey's Bane Vine | 4.0 | Large | Plant | Forest | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Monolith Champion | 8.0 | Large | Construct | Planar, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Monolith Footman | 3.0 | Large | Construct | Planar, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Moon Knight | 5.0 | Medium | Fey | Farmland, Forest | Monster Vault |
Moon Nymph | 8.0 | Medium | Aberration | Farmland, Urban | Creature Codex |
Moon Weaver | 0.5 | Small | Beast | Forest | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Moonkite | 5.0 | Large | Celestial | Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Moonless Hunter | 4.0 | Medium | Fey | Coastal, Farmland | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Moonweb | 6.0 | Medium | Aberration | Planar | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Moppet | 1.0 | Tiny | Construct | Farmland, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Mordant Snare | 15.0 | Gargantuan | Aberration | Badlands | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Mordovermis | 3.0 | Large | Aberration | Planar, Underground | Monster Vault |
Morko | 0.3 | Small | Fey | Farmland | Creature Codex |
Morphoi | 0.5 | Medium | Plant (shapechanger) | Coastal, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Mortifera | 6.0 | Large | Aberration | Swamp | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Moss Lurker | 1.0 | Small | Humanoid | Forest, Underground | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Mountain Strider | 1.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Mountain | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Mudmutt | 5.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Swamp | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Mule | 0.1 | Medium | Beast | Grassland, Hills, Urban | SRD |
Mule | 0.1 | Medium | Beast | Grassland, Hills, Urban | Monster Vault, Player's Guide |
Mummy | 3.0 | Medium | Undead | Desert, Urban | SRD |
Mummy | 3.0 | Medium | Undead | Desert, Urban | Monster Vault |
Mummy Lord | 15.0 | Medium | Undead | Desert, Urban | Monster Vault |
Mummy, Lord | 15.0 | Medium | Undead | Desert, Urban | SRD |
Mummy, Peat | 5.0 | Medium | Undead | Swamp | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Mummy, Scroll | 6.0 | Medium | Undead | Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Mummy, Venomous | 3.0 | Medium | Undead | Desert | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Muraenid | 2.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Underwater | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Murgrik | 9.0 | Large | Aberration | Swamp | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Musk Deer | 0.3 | Tiny | Beast | Arctic, Forest, Grassland | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Musk Deer, Swarm of Musk Deer | 2.0 | Medium | Beast | Arctic, Forest, Grassland | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Mycolid, Commoner | 0.5 | Small | Plant | Forest, Swamp, Underground | Monster Vault |
Mycolid, Spore Lord | 3.0 | Medium | Plant | Forest, Swamp, Underground | Monster Vault |
Myconid, Deathcap | 4.0 | Medium | Plant | Underground | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Mydnari | 0.5 | Medium | Humanoid | Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Myling | 2.0 | Small | Undead | Forest | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Myrmex | 5.0 | Medium | Elemental | Planar, Underground | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Myrmex, Speaker | 9.0 | Large | Elemental | Planar, Underground | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Myrmex, Young | 1.0 | Small | Elemental | Planar, Underground | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Mytholabe | 9.0 | Large | Construct | Any | Creature Codex |
Nachzehrer | 8.0 | Medium | Undead | Any | Creature Codex |
Naga, Guardian | 10.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Desert, Forest | SRD |
Naga, Guardian | 10.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Desert, Forest | Monster Vault |
Naga, Moonchild | 6.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Any | Creature Codex |
Naga, Spirit | 8.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Forest, Underground | SRD |
Naga, Spirit | 8.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Forest, Underground | Monster Vault |
Naga, Swamp | 6.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Swamp | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Naina | 11.0 | Large | Dragon (shapechanger) | Farmland, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Nalusa Falaya | 0.5 | Medium | Aberration | Farmland, Urban | Creature Codex |
Nariphon | 13.0 | Huge | Plant | Badlands, Grassland | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Narshark | 0.5 | Large | Monstrosity | Grassland, Hills, Mountain | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Nautiloid | 13.0 | Gargantuan | Elemental | Planar, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Necrohydra | 9.0 | Huge | Undead | Any | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Necromancer | 6.0 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any | Creature Codex |
Necrotech, Bone Colossus | 13.0 | Gargantuan | Undead | Any, Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Necrotech, Bonecage Constrictor | 9.0 | Huge | Undead | Any | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Necrotech, Death Barque | 12.0 | Gargantuan | Undead | Underwater | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Necrotech, Reaver | 6.0 | Huge | Undead | Any | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Necrotech, Thunderer | 8.0 | Huge | Undead | Any | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Necrotic Tick | 0.3 | Tiny | Beast | Any | Creature Codex |
Nharyth | 9.0 | Huge | Aberration | Underground | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Nian | 4.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Mountain | Creature Codex |
Nichny | 6.0 | Medium | Fey | Forest | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Nightgarm | 6.0 | Large | Monstrosity | Arctic, Forest | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Nightgaunt | 10.0 | Large | Aberration | Planar | Creature Codex |
Nightmare | 3.0 | Large | Fiend | Planar | SRD |
Nightmare | 3.0 | Large | Fiend | Planar | Monster Vault |
Nimbostratus Spirit | 2.0 | Tiny | Fey | Any, Grassland | Monster Vault |
Ningyo | 7.0 | Small | Aberration | Underwater | Creature Codex |
Niya-Atha, Raja | 7.0 | Medium | Fey | Forest | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Niya-Atha, Sorcerer | 4.0 | Medium | Fey | Forest | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Niya-Atha, Warrior | 2.0 | Medium | Fey | Forest | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Nkosi | 0.5 | Medium | Humanoid (nkosi, shapechanger) | Forest, Grassland | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Nkosi Pridelord | 4.0 | Medium | Humanoid (nkosi, shapechanger) | Forest, Grassland | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Noble | 0.1 | Medium | Humanoid (any race) | Any, Urban | SRD |
Noble | 0.1 | Medium | Humanoid (Any Lineage) | Any, Urban | Monster Vault |
Noctiny | 2.0 | Medium | Humanoid (noctiny) | Any | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Noth-Norren | 13.0 | Gargantuan | Elemental | Grassland, Planar | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Nullicorn | 5.0 | Large | Aberration | Badlands | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Nyctli | 0.3 | Tiny | Fey | Forest | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Nyctli Swarm | 10.0 | Large | Fey | Forest | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Nymph | 4.0 | Medium | Fey | Coastal, Forest, Underwater | Tales from the Shadows |
Nymph, Mountain | 6.0 | Medium | Fey | Mountain | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Nymph, Shadow | 6.0 | Medium | Fey | Coastal, Forest, Planar, Underwater | Tales from the Shadows |
Oaken Sentinel | 10.0 | Huge | Plant | Forest | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Oasis Keeper | 9.0 | Huge | Monstrosity | Desert, Underwater | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Obeleric | 3.0 | Medium | Aberration | Hills, Mountain | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Obsidian Ophidian | 5.0 | Huge | Elemental | Mountain | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Ochre Jelly | 2.0 | Large | Ooze | Underground | SRD |
Ochre Jelly | 2.0 | Large | Ooze | Underground | Monster Vault |
Octopus | 0.0 | Small | Beast | Underwater | SRD |
Octopus | 0.0 | Small | Beast | Underwater | Monster Vault, Player's Guide |
Octopus, Giant | 1.0 | Large | Beast | Underwater | Monster Vault |
Oculo Swarm | 4.0 | Large | Aberration | Any, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Offal Walker | 1.0 | Medium | Undead | Any | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Ogre | 2.0 | Large | Giant | Forest, Grassland, Hills, Mountain, Underground | SRD |
Ogre | 2.0 | Large | Giant | Forest, Grassland, Hills, Mountain, Underground, Urban | Monster Vault |
Ogre, Alleybasher | 4.0 | Large | Giant | Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Ogre, Black Sun | 8.0 | Large | Giant | Mountain, Underground | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Ogre, Corrupted Chieftain | 7.0 | Large | Giant | Badlands, Farmland, Forest | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Ogre, Cunning Artisan | 5.0 | Large | Giant | Mountain | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Ogre, Kadag | 7.0 | Large | Giant | Badlands, Mountain | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Ogre, One-Horned | 5.0 | Large | Giant | Badlands, Hills, Mountain | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Ogre, Rainforest | 4.0 | Large | Giant (shapechanger) | Forest | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Ogre, Rockchewer | 5.0 | Huge | Giant | Badlands, Hills, Mountain | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Ogre, Tusked Crimson | 5.0 | Large | Giant | Badlands, Forest, Grassland | Creature Codex |
Ogre, Void-Blessed | 6.0 | Large | Giant | Badlands, Farmland, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Ogrepede | 6.0 | Huge | Undead | Any | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Old Salt | 5.0 | Medium | Undead | Coastal, Urban | Tome of Beasts 3 |
Oliphaunt | 8.0 | Gargantuan | Beast | Arctic, Grassland | Creature Codex |
Oliphaunt Warbeast | 6.0 | Huge | Beast | Forest, Grassland | Tome of Heroes |
Oni | 7.0 | Large | Giant | Forest, Urban | SRD |
Oni | 7.0 | Large | Giant (Outsider) | Forest, Urban | Monster Vault |
Onyx Magistrate | 8.0 | Large | Construct | Underground, Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Oozasis | 9.0 | Gargantuan | Ooze | Desert | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Ooze, Alchemical Apprentice | 1.0 | Small | Ooze | Urban | Creature Codex |
Ooze, Amber | 4.0 | Large | Ooze | Forest | Tome of Beasts 2 |
Ooze, Blood | 6.0 | Large | Ooze | Underground, Urban | Creature Codex |
Ooze, Corrupting | 5.0 | Large | Ooze | Forest, Swamp, Urban | Tome of Beasts 1 |
Ooze, Eldritch | 5.0 | Large | Ooze | Underground, Urban | Tome of Beasts 2 |