Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Planar Boutiques, part 3: buy time in a bottle

When you enter the marketplace of a city or town, you might find an unassuming blue cart lurking among the other shops and stalls. No one appears to notice the time or method of the cart’s arrival or departure. Sometimes they don’t remember it at all. One moment a space is empty, and in the next, the cart has always been there.

Planar Boutiques, part 3: buy time in a bottle Read More »

Good Riddance! Part 6: Have fun storming the castle

Storm giants are the most powerful of giants! They stand atop the giant hierarchy. Storm giants can be known to live high in the clouds or deep beneath the oceans, but they usually dwell far from mortal civilization. Storm giants can even be so reclusive as to prefer solitude from others of their own kind. However, a single storm giant’s wrath can wreak devastation upon the land or sea.

Good Riddance! Part 6: Have fun storming the castle Read More »

Opportunities to spend your loot in Redtower!

The village of Redtower is a modest community, boasting just a handful of interesting locations for the adventuring crowd that the neighboring Scarlet Citadel sometimes attracts. What you won’t find is a proper place to move the loot you might find in your travels or a supply of provisions heroes need for dungeoneering. Let’s solve that!

Opportunities to spend your loot in Redtower! Read More »

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