Kobold Press Errata

On this page, you’ll find links to free downloads of the errata PDFs for various Kobold Press titles.

What Are Errata? An erratum is an error that appears in a book. Errata in roleplaying game books are typically rules and text changes made to a book after its initial printing, oftentimes to clarify an unclear rule or correct a mistake in the text.

The Errata Cycle. We will release errata at least once a year, typically in the first quarter. As this cycle is more frequent than the reprint on some of our titles, the errata found here might not be reflected in the latest printings of our books.

Which Printing Do I Have? For Kobold Press books, we print a “printer’s key” on the Credits page of each book that signifies the printing of the book. This key looks like 2 4 6 8 10 9 7 5 3 1. The lowest number in that group indicates the book’s printing number, so 4 6 8 10 9 7 5 3 indicates the third printing of the book.


Creature Codex

Errata 03/01/2024

All errata in this document will appear in the next printing of the Creature Codex.

Page 2: In the Additional Design credits line, add designers Dave Breitmaier and Serina and Leon Towns-von Stauber.

Page 11: In the Ahu-Nixta’s statistics, replace the Speed line with the following:

Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover), swim 30 ft.

Page 34: In the Queen of Serpents’s statistics, replace the Saving Throws line with the following:

Saving Throws Con +8, Wis +9, Cha +10

Page 37: In the Ankou Sou Herald’s statistics, change its Intelligence ability score to 17 (+3).

Page 38: In the Ankou Soul Seeker’s statistics, change its Charisma saving throw to +6.

Page 46: In Baba Yaga’s statistics, change her Charisma ability score to 20 (+5).

Page 48: In the Bar Brawl’s statistics, change its Wisdom ability score to 10 (+0).

Page 50: In the Giant Albino Bat’s statistics, change its Wisdom ability score to 13 (+1).

Page 51: In the Bearfolk Chieftain’s statistics, change its Dexterity saving throw to +5.

Page 54: In the Bloody Bones’s statistics, change its passive Perception to 10.

Page 62: In the Chuhaister’s actions, replace the Rock attack with the following:

Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 33 (5d10 + 6) bludgeoning damage.

Page 69: In the Cueyatl Warrior’s statistics, change its Strength saving throw to +3.

Page 70: In the Simhamukha Dakini’s Innate Spellcasting trait, replace the spell searing smite with the spell divine favor and replace the spell thunderous smite with the spell thunderwave.

Page 73: In the Dark Voice’s statistics, change its Intelligence ability score to 11 (+0).

Page 75: In Demon Lord Chemosh’s Innate Spellcasting trait, replace the spell crown of madness with the spell hold person.

Page 79: In Demon Lord Rangda’s Innate Spellcasting trait, replace the spell witch bolt with the spell magic missile (7 darts).

Page 81: In Demon Lord Typhon’s actions, replace the Multiattack action with the following:

Multiattack. Typhon makes three attacks: two with his snake bites and one with his tail or his Enthralling Touch.

Page 82: In the Alnaar’s statistics, change its Charisma ability score to 12 (+1).

Page 103: In the Fire Imp’s statistics, change its Deception skill to +4.

Page 113: In the Light Dragon Wyrmling’s statistics, change its Charisma saving throw to +3.

Page 119: In the Adult Wasteland Dragon’s statistics, change its Perception skill to +7 and its Stealth skill to +6. In its attacks, increase the dragon’s to-hit bonus to +14 for its Bite, Claw, and Tail attacks. Finally, in its Frightful Presence action and its Warped Energy Breath action, increase each saving throw DC to 19.

Page 121: In the Dragonborn Edjet’s statistics, change its Strength saving throw to +5 and its Constitution saving throw to +4.

Page 122: In the Dragonborn Elementalist’s Elemental Focus trait, replace the spell blade ward with the spell poison spray.

Page 125: In the Dragonborn Ouroban’s Spellcasting trait, replace the spell elemental weapon with the spell magic circle.

Page 136: In the Dust Goblin Chieftain’s statistics, change its Dexterity saving throw to +6 and its Intelligence saving throw to +4.

Page 142: In the Deathsworn Elf’s statistics, add “darkvision 60 ft.” to its Senses line.

Page 143: In the Enchanter Elf’s Spellcasting trait, replace the spell friends with the spell minor illusion.

Page 147: In the Shadow Fey Pattern Dancer’s Spellcasting trait, replace the spell friends with the spell prestidigitation.

Page 156: In Fey Lord Reynard’s Legendary Actions, replace the Rapier legendary action with the following:

Rapier (Humanoid or Hybrid Form). Reynard makes a rapier attack.

Page 169: In the Elder Ghost Boar’s statistics, change its Charisma ability score to 7 (−2).

Page 171: In the Ghost Dwarf’s actions, replace the Ghostly Axe attack with the following:

Ghostly Axe. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage plus 9 (2d8) necrotic damage. A new ghostly axe appears in the ghost dwarf’s hand after it is thrown.

Page 173: In the Darakhul Shadowmancer statistics, change its Armor Class to 13 (16 with mage armor).

Page 174: In the Darakhul Shadowmancer’s Spellcasting trait, replace the spell ray of sickness with the spell color spray.

Page 175: In the Necrophage Ghast’s Spellcasting trait, replace the spell ray of sickness with the spell color spray and replace the spell friends with the spell chill touch.

Page 187: In the Void Giant’s Spellcasting trait, replace the spell crown of madness with the spell hold person.

Page 203: In the Manastorm Golem’s statistics, change its Hit Points to 91 (14d8 + 28) and change its Strength ability score to 6 (−2).

Page 220: In the Horned Serpent’s statistics, change the Dexterity ability score to 16 (+3).

Page 240: In the Swolbold’s statistics, change its Wisdom ability score to 12 (+1) and change its passive Perception to 11.

Page 257: In the Lou Carcolh’s Sticky Tongues trait, replace the last sentence with the following sentence:

Killing a tongue ends the restrained condition, and the lou carcolh can’t use that tongue for the next 24 hours.

Page 258: In the Werebat’s statistics, change its Strength ability score to 14 (+2).

Page 258: In the Werebat’s Shapechanger trait, replace the second sentence with the following sentence:

Its statistics, other than its AC, are the same in each form with the except that only its hybrid and bat forms retain its flying speed.

Page 258: In the Werebat’s actions, replace its Mace attack with the following:

Mace (Humanoid and Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.

Page 260: In the Great Mandrake’s statistics, change its Wisdom ability score to 11 (+0) and change its passive Perception to 10.

Page 261: In the Ancient Mandriano’s statistics, add the following Languages line between the Senses and Challenge lines:

Languages understands Common and Sylvan but can’t speak

Page 261: In the Ancient Mandriano’s actions, replace the Call the Dead action with the following:

Call the Dead (3/Day). The ancient mandriano animates one humanoid corpse within 60 feet. This works like the animate dead spell, except it only creates zombies, and the zombies always obey the mandriano. The mandriano can control up to twenty zombies at one time.

Page 264: In the Master of Demon Mountain’s Master of Ley Lines sidebar, replace the spell arcane gate with the spell magic jar.

Page 265: In the Master of Demon Mountain’s Spellcasting trait, replace the spell arcane gate with the spell magic jar.

Page 273: In the Moonchild Naga’s Innate Spellcasting trait, replace the spell friends with the spell prestidigitation.

Page 290: In the Black Sun Priestess’s statistics, change her passive Perception to 13.  

Page 303: In the Ecstatic Bloom’s statistics, change its Wisdom ability score to 20 (+5).

Page 321: In the Scitalis’s statistics, remove its Charisma saving throw.

Page 322: In the Lesser Scrag’s actions, replace the Bite and Claw attacks with the following:

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4) slashing damage.

Page 322: In the Greater Scrag’s statistics, change its Charisma ability score to 11 (+0).

Page 322: In the Greater Scrag’s actions, replace the Bite and Claw attacks with the following:

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) piercing damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (3d4 + 5) slashing damage.

Page 325: In the Servant of Yig’s statistics, change its passive Perception to 15.

Page 353: In the Thread-Bound Constrictor Snake’s actions, add the following attack:

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage.

Page 357: In the Trollkin Shaman’s Spellcasting trait, replace the spell grasping vine with the spell stoneskin.

Page 362: In the Undine’s Spellcasting trait, replace the spell friends with the spell vicious mockery.

Page 367: In the Vampire Priestess’s Spellcasting trait, replace the spell ray of sickness with the spell protection from good and evil.

Page 368: In the Vampire Priestess’s Vampire Weaknesses trait, replace Stake to the Heart with the following:

Stake to the Heart. If a piercing weapon made of wood is driven into the priestess’s heart while she is incapacitated in her resting place, she is paralyzed until the stake is removed.

Page 380: In the Wickerman’s statistics, change its Dexterity ability score to 7 (−2) and change its passive Perception to 12.

Page 386: In the War Wyvern’s statistics, change its Intelligence ability score to 6 (−2) and its Charisma ability score to 6 (−2).

Page 390: In the Yakirian’s action, replace the second sentence in the Consume Heart action with the following sentence:

If the creature also died less than 1 minute ago, the yakirian gains the following benefits:

Page 398: In the Blood Mage’s traits, rename the Spellcaster trait to Spellcasting and, in the Spellcasting trait, replace the spell feign death with the spell fear.

Page 399: In the Doomspeakers in Midgard sidebar, replace the spell memento mori with the spell divine favor.

Page 399: In the Doomspeaker’s Spellcasting trait, replace the spell searing smite with the spell divine favor and replace the spell aura of vitality with the spell magic circle. In addition, remove the spell blinding smite from the 3rd-level spell list and add the protection from evil and good to the 1st-level spell list.

Page 400: In the Cleric of the Brew’s Spellcasting trait, replace the spell aura of vitality with the spell beacon of hope.

Page 402: In the Gear Mage’s Spellcasting trait, replace the spell blade ward with the spell ray of frost.

Page 404: In the Metee-Kolen-Ol’s Spellcasting trait, replace the spell blade ward with the spell minor illusion and replace the spell ray of sickness with the spell color spray.

Page 404: In the Necromancer’s statistics, change its Intelligence saving throw to +7.

Page 405: In the Necromancer’s Spellcasting trait, replace the spell ray of sickness with the spell protection from good and evil.

Page 410: In the Voidwracked Mage’s Spellcasting trait, replace the spell cause fear with the spell color spray and replace the spell ray of sickness with the spell false life.

Tome of Beasts

Errata 03/01/2024

The updates in this document appear in the 2nd printing of Tome of Beasts and in the Pocket Edition. This list contains rules errata that affect play. Minor formatting updates and corrected typos are not listed.

Aboleth, Nihileth

Pg 8: Undead Fortitude: Replaced “If non-radiant damage reduces a nihileth to 0 hit points, it makes a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5+ the damage taken. If it succeeds, the nihileth drops to 1 hit point instead.” With “If damage reduces the nihileth to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the nihileth drops to 1 hit point instead.”

Pg 8: Fly speed: Replaced “(ethereal only)” with “(ethereal only, hover)”

Pg 9: Void Body: Moved to Reactions section and replaced “Divine damage” with “Radiant damage”

Pg 9: Tail Action: Spelled out the effect: “Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft. one target. Hit: 15 (3d6 + 5) bludgeoning damage.”

Nihilethic Zombie

Pg 10: Void Body: Moved to Reaction section, and removed “As a reaction”

Pg 10: Void Body: Replaced “divine damage” with “radiant damage”

Abominable Beauty

Pg 11: Burning Touch: Moved to traits.


Pg 13: Added “Condition Immunities poisoned”

Pg 13: Lightning Kiss: Replaced with “One target within 50 feet must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. It takes 28 (8d6) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.”


Pg 14: Added “Damage Immunities poison”

Angel, Chained

Pg 20: Removed Dark Halo trait.

Pg 20: Fallen Glory: Deleted “Ranged Spell Attack.”

 Pg 20: Redemption: Removed “an immediate fiery greatsword attack as a reaction. If the caster survives that attack” Replace with “a blast of unholy flame as a reaction. The caster takes 16 (3d10) fire damage and 16 (3d10) radiant damage, or half as much with a successful DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. If the caster survives”

Pg 20: Fiendish Cunning: Changed ability text to “When a creature within 60 feet casts a divine spell, the chained angel can counter the spell if it succeeds on a Charisma check against a DC of 10 + the spell’s level.”

Angler Worm

Pg 22: Added “Damage Immunities poison”


Pg 24: Sand Step: Changed “can take a Hide action” to “can Hide as part of this movement”

Pg 24: Haboob: Changed first sentence to “The anubian creates a sandstorm in a cylinder 30-feet high, that reaches to within 5 feet of it. The storm moves with the anubian.”

Bastet Temple Cat

Pg 32: Creature Type: Replaced “beast” with “monstrosity”.


Pg 33: Multiattack: Changed text to “The bearfolk makes three attacks: one with its battleaxe, one with its warhammer, and one with its bite.”

Pg 33: Frenzy: removed “from nonmagical attacks”


Pg 42: Creature Type: added (shapechanger) tag

Pg 42: Moved Petrification from Damage Immunities to Condition Immunities

Pg 42: Condition Immunities changed “poison” to “poisoned”

Pg 42: Truesight: Added range: 120 ft.


Pg 44: Creature Type: Added (shapechanger) to end of type


Pg 45: Added “Damage Immunities poison”


Pg 51: Ability Damage: Replaced “the cambium can choose to inflict 1d4 damage to one of the target’s ability scores. A greater restoration or greater magic is required to restore this damage.” with “one of its ability scores (cambium’s choice) is reduced by 1d4 until it finishes a long rest. If this reduces a score to 0, the creature is unconscious until it regains at least one point.”

Cavelight Moss

Pg 53: removed “poisoned” from Condition Immunities


Pg 54: Siphon Spell Slots: Replaced “However, the chelicerae can also draw out spell slots from drained spellcasters or creatures without magic ability. Instead of moving, the chelicerae can inflict 1d4 Wisdom damage to any creature grappled in its mandibles, adding 2 spell slots to its spell reservoir for every point of damage inflicted. A victim reduced to 0 Wisdom cannot power any more magical abilities. Victims do not heal ability damage or regain spell slots while this grapple is maintained.” with “The chelicerae can also draw power from drained spellcasters or creatures without magic ability. It can reduce a grappled creature’s Wisdom by 1d4, adding 2 spell slots to its spell reservoir for every point lowered. A creature reduced to 0 Wisdom is unconscious until it regains at least one point, and can’t offer any more power. A creature regains all lost Wisdom when it finishes a long rest.”


Pg 55: Damage Resistances: Replaced “bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons that aren’t silvered” with “bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks not made with silver weapons”


Pg 58: Creature Type: Changed type from “beast” to “fey”

Clockwork Abomination

Pg 59: Creature Type: replaced with “Large construct (devil), lawful evil”

Clockwork Beetle Swarm

Pg 61: Damage Resistances: removed “from nonmagical weapons”

Clockwork Weaving Spider

Pg 66: Damage Immunities: removed “psychic”.

Pg 66: Unmaking: Replaced “or one of their possessions, chosen randomly from the list below, becomes unusable or damaged until repaired:” with “or one of their possessions becomes unusable or damaged until repaired (DM’s choice).”

Death Butterfly Swarm

Pg 71: Damage Resistances: Removed “against nonmagical weapons”.

Demon Lord, Camazotz

Pg 86: Bite: Replaced “DC 22 Constitution saving throw or take 1d4 Strength damage.” with “DC 22 Constitution saving throw or have its Strength score reduced by 1d4. A creature reduced to 0 Strength dies.”

Pg 86: Claw: Replaced “DC 22 Constitution saving throw or take 1d4 Strength damage.” with “DC 22 Constitution saving throw or have its Strength score reduced by 1d4. A creature reduced to 0 Strength dies.”

Pg 86: Fire Breath: Replaced “Camazotz can breathe a 30-foot cone of unholy fire. Any creature caught in the area takes 55 (10d10) fire damage and 1d4 Constitution damage, or one-half fire damage and no Constitution damage with a successful DC 22 Dexterity saving throw.” with “Camazotz can breathe a 30- foot cone of unholy fire. Any creature caught in the area takes 55 (10d10) damage, half of which is fire, the other half is necrotic, or half as much damage with a successful DC 22 Dexterity saving throw.”

Derro Shadow Antipaladin

Pg 93: Added Sunlight Sensitivity: “While in sunlight, the derro shadow antipaladin has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.”

Devil, Spawn of Arbeyach

Pg 97: Creature Type: Replaced “aberration” with “fiend (devil)”

Devil, Totivillus

Pg 102: Trust Aura: Replaced “fascinating and compelling that they’re affected as if by a sanctuary spell (affected creatures must make a DC 23 Wisdom saving throw at the start of each of their turns; if the saving throw fails, they can’t attack Totivillus directly until the start of their next turn).” with “fascinating and compelling that they must make a DC 23 Wisdom saving throw at the start of each of their turns; if the saving throw fails, they can’t attack Totivillus directly until the start of their next turn.”

Pg 102: Devil’s Mark: Replaced “All devils have advantage when they make spell or spell-like attacks against the devil-marked creature, and the creature has disadvantage on saving throws against such attacks.” with “All devils have advantage on spell attacks made against the devil-marked creature, and the creature has disadvantage on saving throws made against spells and abilities used by devils.”

Devil, Gilded

Pg 107: Betrayal of Riches: Replaced “on up to two items of value within” with “on up to two creatures within” Also references item slots. Changed “slot” to “location” in description and table. Removed the “Save” column in the table.

Devil, Ink

Pg 108: Devil’s Mark: Replace “All devils have advantage when they make spell or spell-like attacks against the devil-marked creature, and the creature has disadvantage on saving throws against such attacks.” with “All devils have advantage on spell attacks made against the devil-marked creature, and the creature has disadvantage on saving throws made against spells and abilities used by devils.”

Devil, Koralk

Pg 108: Descriptive Text: Replaced with “The fiendish hulk bears features taken from a nightmare scorpion, with three stinging tails and four limbs, and wields a massive scythe.”

Pg 108: Creature type Replaced “outsider” with “fiend (devil)”


Pg 119: Terrifying Mask: Moved to Actions.

Dogmole Juggernaut

Pg 121: Bite/Claw: Replaced “reach 10 ft.,” with “reach 5 ft.,”


Pg 123: Arcane Doubling: replaced “by taking the search action” with “as an action”

Dragon, Adult Cave

Pg 126: Ruff Spikes: Moved to Reactions section and reworded: “When a creature tries to enter a space adjacent to a cave dragon, the dragon flares its many feelers and spikes. The creature cannot enter a space adjacent to the dragon unless it makes a successful DC 18 Dexterity saving throw. If the saving throw fails, the creature can keep moving but only into spaces that aren’t within 5 feet of the dragon and takes 10 (3d6) piercing damage from spikes.”

Pg 126: Added “Condition Immunities poisoned”

Dragon, Young Cave

Pg 127: Ruff Spikes: Moved to Reactions section and reworded: “When a creature tries to enter a space adjacent to a cave dragon, the dragon flares its many feelers and spikes. The creature cannot enter a space adjacent to the dragon unless it makes a successful DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. If the saving throw fails, the creature can keep moving but only into spaces that aren’t within 5 feet of the dragon and takes 4 (1d8) piercing damage from spikes.”

Pg 127: Added “poison” to Damage Immunities

Pg 127: Added “Condition Immunities poisoned”

Dragon, Wyrmling Cave

Pg 127: Added “Condition Immunities poisoned”

Dragon, Mithral

Pg 132, 133, 134: Damage Immunities: Removed “charm”

Dragon, Ancient Void

Pg 139: Void Twist: Changed “2” to “7”

Dragon, Adult Void

Pg 140: Void Twist: Changed “2” to “5”

Dragon, Young Void

Pg 140: Void Twist: Changed to “As adult void dragon, but increase AC by 4.”

Dragon, Wyrmling Void

Pg 140: Void Twist: Changed to “As adult void dragon, but increase AC by 2.”

Dragon, Wind

Pg 142, 143, 144: Condition Immunities: Added “restrained”

Drake, Alehouse

Pg 148: Forgetful Spellcasting: Replaced with “When a creature fails an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw against a spell cast by an alehouse drake, the creature immediately forgets the source of the spellcasting.”

Drake, Deep

Pg 152: Stinger: Changed “the target takes 1d4 Constitution damage per round. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect with a success.” TO “the target must repeat the save at the start of its turn, ending the condition on a success. On a failure, it takes 10 (3d6) poison damage.”

Drake, Elder Shadow

Pg 153: Damage Vulnerabilities: Removed fire, and added radiant to vulnerabilities.

Drake, Star

Pg 156: Nimbus of Stars: Moved to the trait section.

Eater of Dust

Pg 164: Damage Immunities: added “poison”

Pg 164: Damage Resistances: removed “poison”

Eel Hound

Pg 166: Slithering Bite: Replaced with “A creature an eel hound attacks can’t make opportunity attacks against it until the start of the creature’s next turn. “

Elemental Locus

Pg 169: Condition Immunities: Replaced “all” with “charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, unconscious”

Empty Cloak

Pg 176: Longsword: In Actions, replaced Longsword attack name with Razor Cloak.

Fate Eater

Pg 180: Condition Immunities: changed “sleep” to “unconscious”

Pg 180: Spectral Bite: Replaced with “Permanently loses proficiency in a random proficient skill and gains proficiency in random unproficient skill.”


Pg 182: Creature Type: Removed (undead) from this line.

Pg 182: Expelled Spirit: Replaced existing text with “Expelled Spirit. While the fellforged body was made to bind spirits, the wraith within is vulnerable to turning attempts. Any successful turn attempt exorcises the wraith from its clockwork frame. The expelled wraith retains its current hp total and fights normally. The construct dies without an animating spirit.”

Fey Lords, Lord of the Hunt

Pg 188: Parry: Changed “3” to “6”

Fey Lords, Queen of Night and Magic

Pg 192: Shadow Rift: Replaced first line with “The Queen of Night and Magic creates a shadowy rift in a 20-foot sphere centered on a point she can see within 150 feet.”

Fey Lord, River King

Pg 194: Flood Blast: Replaced “shifted” with “pushed.”


Pg 202: Magical Light Sensitivity: Changed text: “While in magical light, the firegeist has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks.”

Forest Marauder

Pg 205: Light Sensitivity: Replaced with Sunlight Sensitivity: While in sunlight, the forest marauder has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.


Pg 207: Freeze: Replace trait with “False Appearance. While the frostveil remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from a formation of frost and ice.”

Pg 207: Windborne: Replaced with “While in blowing wind, the frostveil can fly with a speed of 30 feet. In a strong wind this speed increases to 60 feet.”

Genie, Al-Aeshma

Pg 211: Bound: Replaced “If it is not touching, it gains vulnerability to lightning and thunder.” with “If it is not touching, it loses its immunities and gains vulnerability to lightning and thunder.”

Ghoul, Beggar

Pg 213: Pack Tactics: Revised as follows: “The beggar ghoul has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the beggar ghoul’s allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.”

Ghoul, Dharakul Fever Sidebar

Pg 215: Replaced “Failure costs the victim 1d6 Constitution damage and 1d4 Dexterity damage. The victim recovers from the disease by making successful saving throws on two consecutive days, but the accumulating Constitution damage makes this less likely with each passing day. Greater restoration cures the disease; cure disease allows the victim to make the daily Constitution check with advantage. Once the disease is cured, the victim recovers 2 Dexterity points per day naturally, but only magic can restore the lost Constitution.” with “On a failed save the victim takes 14 (4d6) necrotic damage, and its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction can’t be removed until the victim recovers from darakhul fever, and even then only by greater restoration or similar magic. The victim recovers from the disease by making successful saving throws on two consecutive days. Greater restoration cures the disease; lesser restoration allows the victim to make the daily Constitution check with advantage.”

Ghoul, Emperor

Pg 218: Languages: Added Darakhul to Language list.

Giant, Flab

Pg 223: Added “Damage Immunities poison”

Giant, Jotun

Pg 226: Immortality: Removed “and are immune to life drain, ability damage, and ability drain” replace with “, are immune to life drain, and effects that reduce ability scores and hit point maximum.”

Giant, Thursir

Pg 227: Runic Blood: moved to Actions and replaced with “Runic Blood (3/day). Thursir giants can inscribe the thurs rune on a weapon. A creature hit by the weapon takes an additional 1d8 lightning damage, and the target can’t take reactions until the start of its next turn. The thurs rune lasts for one hour, or for three hits, whichever comes first.”


Pg 231: Bleating Speech: Replaced with “A goat-man’s head is tusked, adorned with curling ram’s horns, and its beard often drips with gore.”

Grim Jester

Pg 240: Joker’s Shuffle: Moved from Reactions to Actions.

Herald of Blood

Pg 248: Damage Immunities: added “poison”

Herald of Darkness

Pg 249: Damage Immunities: added “poison”


Pg 253: Brainless: Replaced the text with: “Hunduns are immune to any spell or effect that allows an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw. Trying to contact or read a Hundun’s mind confuses the caster as the spell for 1 round.”

Pg 253: Enlightened Befuddlement: Replaced with: “Inspired: Advantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws.” and “Distracted: Disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws.”

Ice Maiden

Pg 254: Snow Invisibility: Replaced text: “In snowy environments, the ice maiden can turn invisible as a bonus action.”

Idolic Deity

Pg 255: Damage Immunities: removed “psychic”


Pg 266: Drain Life: Replaced “The target dies if its maximum hit points are reduced to 0.” with “This reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.”

Krake Spawn

Pg 269: Passive Perception: Replaced “20” with “12”


Pg 272: Change Size: Remove “Diminutive” replace with “Tiny”


Pg 277: Darkness Vulnerability: Change “radiant damage” to “necrotic damage”


Pg 283: Light Sensitivity: removed and replaced with “Sunlight Sensitivity: While in sunlight, the malphas has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.”


Pg 286: Creature Type: removed “(fey)” tag.

Mimic, Map

Pg 289: Creature Type: replaced “aberration” with “monstrosity”


Pg 291: Captivating Dance: removed “, but constructs are immune”

Monolith Champion

Pg 294: Damage Immunities: removed “psychic”

Monolith Footman

Pg 295: Damage Immunities: removed “psychic”


Pg 297: Creature Type: added “(shapechanger)” tag after “plant”

Moss Lurker

Pg 298: Poisoned Gifts: removed: “A moss lurker can contaminate wells, potions, meals, or unattended beverages with poisons that induce sleep, nausea, or paralysis. Someone who drinks or eats the contaminated liquid or food must make a successful DC 11 Constitution saving throw to avoid its effect, which can be unconsciousness, poisoning, or paralysis lasting 1 hour. The effect is chosen by the moss lurker at the time the poison is introduced.” And replaced with “A moss lurker can contaminate liquids or food with poison. Someone who consumes the contaminated substance must make a successful DC 11 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 1 hour. When the poison is introduced, the moss lurker can choose a poison that also causes the victim to fall unconscious, or to become paralyzed while poisoned in this way. An unconscious creature wakes if it takes damage, or if a creature uses an action to shake it awake.”

Myconid, Deathcap

Pg 300: Slumber Spores: Removed “The target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or fall prone and unconscious for 1 minute.” replaced with “The target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned and unconscious for 1 minute. A creature wakes up if it takes damage, or if another creature uses its action to shake it awake.”


Pg 302: Creature Type: added “(shapechanger)” tag after “dragon”, removed “(Medium fey when in humanoid form)”


Pg 303: added “Damage Immunities poison”.

Pg 303: Condition Immunities: replaced “charm” with “charmed” replaced “fear” with “frightened” replaced “poison” with “poisoned”, and replaced “sleep” with “unconscious”

Oculo Swarm

Pg 309: Creature Type: Replaced “eyes” with “aberrations”

Pg 309: Damage Resistances: removed “from nonmagical weapons”


Pg 310: Waters of Unfathomable Consumption: corrected “DC 168” to “DC 16”

Ooze, Corrupting

Pg 311: Damage Immunities: added “poison”


Pg 312: Voracious Aura: Replaced “same amount.” with “same amount until it finishes a long rest. The target dies if its maximum hit points are reduced to 0.”


Pg 316: Creature Type: removed “(fey)” tag.

Risen Reaver

Pg 328: Infused Arsenal: Replaced “blade attacks.” with “blade attacks ( maximum of +3).”


Pg 339: Condition Immunities: replaced “sleep” with “unconscious”


Pg 341: Sleep Poison: replaced “Dark satyrs coat their weapons with a sleep poison made from the brain fluids of dorrequi. Any creature not immune to poison injured by a selang blade or arrow must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or fall asleep for 2d6 rounds.” with “An injured creature must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 2d6 rounds. A creature poisoned in this way is unconscious. An unconscious creature wakes if it takes damage, or if a creature uses its action to shake it awake.”

Shadow Beast

Pg 345: Sunlight Powerlessness: Replaced with: “Sunlight Sensitivity: While in sunlight, the shadow beast has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.”


Pg 346: Condition Immunities: replaced “charm” with “charmed” replaced “unconsciousness” with “unconscious”

Sphinx, Gypsosphinx

Pg 359: added “Condition Immunities poisoned”

Star-Spawn of Cthulhu

Pg 368: Damage Immunities: added “poison”


Pg 383: Damage Immunities: added “poison”

Treant, Weeping

Pg 388: Damage Resistances: removed “from nonmagical weapons”


Pg 394: Damage Immunities: removed “psychic”


Pg 396: Harvest the Fallen: replaced “levels of the soul,” with “levels of the soul (maximum of +3),”


Pg 409: Damage Immunities: removed “psychic”

Vampire Warlock

Pg 426: Call the Blood: added “The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.”


[TYPE] Nature: Added “Undead Nature” or similar section denoting lack of need for air, food, drink, or sleep.

Spellcasting: Added “each” to numerical references.

Tome of Beasts 2023

Errata 03/01/2024

[New] Pages 5, 360, 415, 417, and 419: Replace the misspelled “Theullai” with “Thuellai”

[New] Page 30: In the Baba Yaga’s Horsemen’s Spellcasting action, replace “bright dawn” with “bright day”

Tome of Beasts 2

Errata 03/01/2024

All errata in this document will appear in the next printing of the Tome of Beasts 2.

Page 6: In the Playtesters list, add the following playtester groups:

Adventures in Tabletop: Matt Dowis (GM); Ron Corn, Rich Noon, Rob Shemeley, Paul Mehaffey, Tyler McKerchie

Badger’s Bane: Josh (GM); Torie, Kelsey, Mike, Jason

Dungeon Delvers, Inc: Bret Jordan (GM); Troy Gallier, Michael Hicks, Robert Freeman, Nikolle Freeman

Page 144: In the Commander of Horn of Gold’s The Commander in Midgard sidebar, replace “Shadow Ream” in the first sentence of the second paragraph with “Shadow Realm”

Page 151: In the Flayed Wraith’s actions, replace the Howl of Agony action with the following:

Howl of Agony. The wraith screams its pain into the mind of one creature it can see within 30 feet of it. The target must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the target takes 10 (3d6) psychic damage and is incapacitated until the end of its next turn as it doubles over in pain. On a success, the target takes half the damage and isn’t incapacitated.

Page 173: In the Shadow Giant’s statistics, change its Hit Points to 209 (22d12 + 66).

Page 185: In the Rum Lord Gremlin’s Aura of Drunkenness trait, replace the final sentence with the following sentence:

A creature that succeeds on the saving throw is immune to the Aura of Drunkenness of all rum gremlins for 24 hours.

Page 262: In the Scroll Mummy’s Innate Spellcasting trait, replace the spell ray of sickness with the spell ray of enfeeblement.

[New] Page 322: In the Shadow Boxer’s Project Silhouette trait, replace the last sentence of the first paragraph with the following:

Each creature that starts its turn within 60 feet of the shadow and that can see the shadow must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or be incapacitated until the end of its turn and must use its movement on its turn to follow or move closer to the shadow.

Page 403: In Appendix: Creatures by Challenge, under the Challenge 1/8 heading, replace “ZZ-Appendix: Fennec Fox” with “Fennec Fox”

Page 404: In Appendix: Creatures by Challenge, under the Challenge 7 heading, move the Aalpamac to the top of the list.

Page 406: In Appendix: Creatures by Terrain, under the Any Terrain heading, remove the following creatures, which also removes the CRs 11, 12, and 19 rows: Ouroban, Ecstatic Bloom, Ghost Dragon, Thorned Sulfurlord, Vampiric Knight, Herald of Fire, Undead Phoenix, Living Star

Errata 03/01/2024

The updates in this document appear in the 2nd printing of Tome of Beasts 3 and in the 2023 Pocket Edition.

Page 2: Add Thomas Halliwell to the Backer Designer credit line.

Page 39: In the Aphasian Abomination’s Made of Magic trait, replace the final sentence with the following sentence:

An aphasian abomination targeted by dispel magic takes 21 (6d6) force damage plus an extra 7 (2d6) force damage for each spell level beyond 3rd, if the spell is cast using a higher spell slot.

Page 80: In the Chaos Creeper’s Wondrous Cornucopia trait, change the bullet points to numerals 1 through 8.

Page 151: In the Bakery Drake’s Multiattack action, change “dough drake” to “bakery drake”

Page 157: In the Vapor Drake’s statistics, add the following line after Condition Immunities:

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12

Page 166: In the Pike Guard Captain Dwarf’s traits, replace Pike Mastery with the following:

Pike Mastery. A pike deals one extra die of its damage when the captain hits with it (included in the attack).

Page 166: In the Pike Guard Captain Dwarf’s reactions, replace Brace Pike with the following:

Brace Pike. As the pike guard.

Page 205: In the Shire Giant’s statistics, add the following line after Skills:

Senses passive Perception 10

Page 222: In the Grolar Bear Alpha’s statistics, replace the Challenge line with the following:

Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)

Page 232: In the Hinderling’s statistics, replace the Challenge line with the following:

Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)                    Proficiency Bonus +2

Page 243: In the Imperator’s Muster the Legions reaction, replace the second sentence with the following sentence:

The penguins arrive on initiative count 20 of the next round, acting as allies of the imperator and obeying its telepathic commands.

Page 254: In the Ghost Hunter Kobold’s actions, replace the Shortsword action with the following:

Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d6 + 6) piercing damage plus 13 (3d8) radiant damage.

Page 255: In the Ghost Hunter Kobold’s actions, replace the Flame Jet action with the following:

Flame Jet. Melee or Ranged Spell Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 60 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (4d6 + 5) fire damage. If the target is a creature or a flammable object that isn’t being worn or carried, it ignites. Until a creature takes an action to douse the fire, the target takes 5 (1d10) fire damage at the start of each of its turns.

Page 292: In the Nullicorn’s actions, replace the Spread Blight action with the following:

Spread Blight (Recharge 5–6). The nullicorn’s Void horn flashes and emits a brief ripple of darkness. Each creature within 20 feet of the nullicorn must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes 18 (4d8) necrotic damage and contracts the nullifying blight disease (see the Nullifying Blight trait) On a success, a creature takes half the damage and doesn’t contract the disease.

Page 317: In the Porcellina’s statistics, add the following line after Skills:

Senses passive Perception 12

Page 327: In the Rafflesian’s descriptive text, replace the first sentence with the following:

This conical red flower is a tight bud of scarlet petals.

Page 347: In the Slithy Tove’s Distraction trait, replace the final sentence with the following sentence:

On a successful saving throw, the creature has advantage on saving throws against the Distraction of all slithy toves for the next 24 hours.

Page 347: In the Slithy Tove’s Musk of Clumsiness action, change the second sentence to the following sentence:

Each creature in that area must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw.

Pages 383 to 401: In the footer of each page, replace Tome of Beasts 2 with Tome of Beasts 3.

Page 413: In the Challenge 3 list, remove Wilderness Crone.

Page 414: In the Challenge 6 list, add Wilderness Crone after Wild Sirocco.

Page 415: Move the Ancient Sand Dragon from beneath the Challenge 25 header to beneath the Challenge 23 header.

Page 418: In the Any terrain table’s CR 11 (7,200 XP) line, replace Golem (Siege) with Goblin Siege Engine.

Page 419: In the Arctic terrain table’s CR 3 (700 XP) line, remove Wilderness Crone. In the Arctic terrain table’s CR 6 (2,300 XP) line, add Wilderness Crone.

Page 419: In the Badlands terrain table and Desert terrain table, change Dragon (Sand Adult) to CR 18 (20,000 XP) and change Dragon (Sand Ancient) to CR 23 (50,000 XP).


Errata 03/01/2024

The word “[New]” appears before the latest changes to this document. All updates not labeled with the word “[New]” appear in the 2nd printing of Deep Magic for 5th Edition and in the 2021 Pocket Edition.

Page 38: After the first paragraph of the animated scrolls spell, add the following:

You can’t have more than one animated paper animal at a time. If you cast this spell while you already have an animated paper animal, you instead cause it to adopt a new form. Choose any beast that has a challenge rating of 0. Your animated paper animal transforms into the chosen creature.

Page 53: At the end of the spell description for conjure mock animals, add the following sentence:

Exploding mock animals do not deal this damage to other mock animals.

Page 94: Correct the Range on the memento mori cantrip to “5 feet” and replace the second sentence with the following sentence:

Each creature within range that can see you must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or be stunned until the end of its next turn.

Page 129: In the Justice Domain cleric domain’s Justice Domain Spells table, replace the fist of iron* spell with the divine favor spell.

Page 131: In the Moon Domain cleric domain’s Luminescent Aura feature, replace the first sentence with the following sentence:

At 6th level, you can use an action to emit a nimbus of light in a 30-foot radius for a number of rounds equal to your cleric level.

Page 136: In the Circle of Oaks druid circle, add the following text after the Circle of Oaks Spells table:

Bonus Cantrip

When you choose the Circle of Oaks at 2nd level, you learn the tree heal cantrip (see page 116). Members of your circle often touch each tree as they stroll through a wooded area, just in case the tree might be in need of assistance.

Forest Binding

Starting at 2nd level, you can request to be bound to a specific forest, gaining access to additional spells. This binding is conditional upon the good will of the forest and is never given automatically. Typically, the forest requires a service of you before binding you to it. Such service might include replanting trees in an area destroyed by war or fire, eliminating a great pestilence within the forest, removing certain contaminants from the forest’s borders, or opposing an enemy of the forest. While you are bound to a forest, as long as you are on the same plane as that forest, you gain an additional spell slot of each level of druid spell you can cast (1st level and higher).

Page 137: In the Circle of Roses druid circle’s Circle Spells feature, replace the friends cantrip with the poison spray cantrip.

Page 171: In Anuraag’s Crucible’s creature table, replace entries 12 and 19 with “Griffon” and “Gargoyle”, respectively.

Page 204: Correct the Casting Time of torrent of fire to 1 action.

[New] Page 204: In the thunder bolt spell, add the following sentence at the end of the spell:

The spell’s damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).

Page 208-209: Add the following text to the end of the Ritual Focus section:

To expend a ritual focus, pay twice the cost of the material component in the ritual. This might represent the material component’s construction of higher-quality materials, or it might simply mean using more of the listed material component, whichever is most appropriate. If a ritual’s material component normally does not cost any gold, to expend its ritual focus, spend 100 gp.

Group Spellcasting. The final aspect unique to elven ritual magic is the ability of the caster to enlist the aid of other casters to increase the effectiveness of the spell. When the primary caster casts the spell, each aiding caster must expend a 1st or higher spell slot during the ritual, though only the primary caster needs to have the elven ritual spell on their spell list. An aiding caster can be of any level, so long as the aiding caster can cast spells of 1st level or higher. Casters that can’t normally cast ritual spells, such as sorcerers and paladins, can still aid the primary caster.

Page 211: In the celebration spell’s description, replace the At Higher Levels section with the following section:

Group Spellcasting. When other spellcasters aid you in casting this spell, the spell lasts for an additional hour for each spellcaster other than yourself, up to a maximum duration of 3 hours.

Page 211: In the clearing the field spell’s description, replace the At Higher Levels section with the following new section:

Group Spellcasting. When other spellcasters aid you in casting this spell, the spell lasts for an additional hour for each spellcaster other than yourself, up to a maximum duration of 8 hours.

Page 212: In the encroaching shadows spell’s description, replace the At Higher Levels section with the following new section:

Group Spellcasting. When other spellcasters aid you in casting this spell, the spell lasts for an additional 12 hours for each spellcaster other than yourself, up to a maximum duration of 48 hours.

Page 212: In the extract essence spell’s description, replace the At Higher Levels section with the following new section:

Group Spellcasting. When other spellcasters aid you in casting this spell, an additional three days’ worth of food can be extracted for each spellcaster other than yourself, up to a maximum of 27 days’ worth of food extracted by the spell.

Page 212: In the guest of honor spell’s description, replace the At Higher Levels section with the following new section:

Group Spellcasting. When other spellcasters aid you in casting this spell, the spell lasts for an additional 10 minutes for each spellcaster other than yourself, up to a maximum duration of 90 minutes.

Page 213: In the shadowy retribution spell’s description, replace the At Higher Levels section with the following new section:
Group Spellcasting. When other spellcasters aid you in casting this spell, an additional shadow is conjured for each spellcaster other than yourself, up to a maximum of 6 shadows materializing when you are reduced to 0 hit points.

Page 213: In the shadow retribution spell’s description, replace the second sentence in the Ritual Focus section with the following sentence:
If you use group spellcasting, the additional undead are still shadows.

[New] Page 213: In the shadowy retribution spell’s Ritual Focus section, replace “banshee” with “specter”

Page 213: In the vine trestle spell’s description, replace the At Higher Levels section with the following new section:
Group Spellcasting. When other spellcasters aid you in casting this spell, the vine can support an additional 30 pounds, and its damage threshold increases by 1 for each spellcaster other than yourself, supporting up to a maximum of 810 pounds with a maximum damage threshold of 12.

Page 237: Correct the prerequisite for the Rune Mastery feat to Rune Knowledge.

Page 243: In the Uruz Rune, replace the first sentence of the Power (4th level) with the following sentence:

When the wielder of a shield that’s been inscribed with the uruz rune uses an action to Dash, the wielder can shove or make one melee weapon attack as a bonus action.

Page 251: In the shadow hands spell’s description, replace the second sentence with the following sentence:

Any creature caught in the shadow takes 2d4 necrotic damage and is frightened until the end of its next turn; a successful Wisdom saving throw halves the damage and negates the frightened condition.

[New] Page 252: In the slither spell, add the following paragraph after the second paragraph and before the At Higher Levels section:

While in shadow form, you can’t talk or manipulate objects, and any objects you are carrying or holding can’t be dropped, used, or otherwise interacted with. In addition, you can’t attack or cast spells while in shadow form.

Page 273:  In the ice burn spell’s description, add a new sentence after the first and adjust the second sentence so that the description reads as follows:

Make a ranged spell attack. On a hit, the target takes 3d10 cold damage and has disadvantage on all Dexterity checks and Dexterity saving throws until this damage is healed.

[New] Page 278: Replace the body text of the Boreal Aura Eldritch Invocation with the following paragraph:

You can use an action to cause ice and snow to cascade around you in a frigid aura. The aura lasts until you lose concentration. For the duration, each time you hit with a melee attack, the attack deals an extra 1d6 cold damage, and when you are hit with a melee attack while the attacker is within 5 feet of you, the attacker takes 1d6 cold damage. This cold damage triggers before the attacker deals damage to you.

Page 310: In the forceful repurposing spell, remove the At Higher Levelssection and remove the second sentence. Replace the third sentence with the following sentence:

Make an ability check using your spellcasting ability against a DC of 13 + the spell’s level.

Page 329: In the Master of Fiends Planar Defense feature, replace the first sentence of the second paragraph with the following sentence:

In addition, if you have a 5th-level spell slot available and a celestial or fiend attacks you, you can expend that spell slot to cast the dispel evil and good spell as a reaction.

Page 343: In the second paragraph of the book of Eibon, replace the arcane gate spell with the gate spell.

Page 344: In the Lust Domain Gifts of Lust feature, replace the friends cantrip with the message cantrip.

Errata 03/01/2024

The word “[New]” appears before the latest changes to this document.

[New] Page 50: Replace the body text of the Boreal Aura Eldritch Invocation with the following paragraph:

You can use an action to cause ice and snow to cascade around you in a frigid aura. The aura lasts until you lose concentration. For the duration, each time you hit with a melee attack, the attack deals an extra 1d6 cold damage, and when you are hit with a melee attack while the attacker is within 5 feet of you, the attacker takes 1d6 cold damage. This cold damage triggers before the attacker deals damage to you.

[New] Page 60: In the Serophage Magic feature, replace the first sentence with the following sentence:

Starting at 1st level, you learn additional spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown below.

[New] Page 82: In the Script Carver feat, replace the second sentence with the following sentence:

In addition, you can invoke the powers of each hieroglyph you have learned, provided the power isn’t a mastery power and you meet any other requirements, such as a minimum level.

[New] Page 83: In the Invoking Hieroglyph Powers heading, replace the first sentence of the first paragraph with the following sentence:

Invoking one of a hieroglyph’s powers requires an action unless noted otherwise in the power’s description.

[New] Page 83: In the Invoking Hieroglyph Powers heading, replace the last sentence of the second paragraph with the following sentence:

Unless otherwise noted, all hieroglyph powers can be used once each, and that expended use is regained when you finish a long rest.

[New] Page 131: In the Ranger Spells list, remove biting arrow from the 1st level list.

[New] Page 160: In the blood tide spell, replace the third paragraph with the following paragraph:

Magical healing stops the bleeding before the duration of blood tide expires, as does a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine) check.

[New] Page 184: In the decay spell, replace the first paragraph with the following paragraph:

Make a melee spell attack against a target you touch. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 necrotic damage. If you touch a Tiny or Small nonmagical object that isn’t being worn or carried, it takes the maximum damage from the spell instead.

[New] Page 258: In the summon avatar spell’s fourth bullet point (Avatar of Yog’Sothoth), remove “(see page 71)”

Errata 03/01/2024

The word “[New]” appears before the latest changes to this document.

[New] Page 11: In the Witch table’s 20th row, replace “Spell Exchange” in the Features column with “Spirit Shroud”

[New] Page 23: In the Pestilent Domain Spells table’s 5th level row, replace feign death with speak with dead

[New] Page 153: In the claws of darkness spell, change the spell’s Range to 10 feet, the Duration to Instantaneous, and replace its text with the following:

You shape shadows into long claws that grow from your fingers and reach toward a creature you can see within range. Make a melee spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 cold damage.

            This spell’s damage increases by 1d10 when you reach 5th level (2d10), 11th level (3d10), and 17th level (4d10).

[New] Page 172: In the dream glimpse spell, replace the last sentence with the following sentence:

Once a creature has been affected by this spell, it can’t be affected by it again for 24 hours.

[New] Page 204: In the nothing to see here spell, change the Duration to Concentration, up to 1 hour

[New] Page 210: In the power word rebound spell, replace the Casting Time with “1 reaction, which you take when an injured creature you can see within 60 feet of you is hit by an attack that targets only one creature” and replace the first sentence with the following sentence:

You utter a word of power as a weapon or spell hits a creature below half its hit point maximum that you can see within range.

Errata 03/01/2024

The updates in this document appear in the 3rd printing of Midgard Heroes Handbook.

Page 14: In the Dhampir’s Blood Ties entry, replace the final sentence in the second paragraph with the following:

They quickly become true monsters, seeing a living creature’s fear as envy of their station.

Page 14: In the Dhampir’s Cultural Masks entry, replace “half-orcs and half-elves” with “elfmarked” in the final sentence of the first paragraph.

Page 14: In the Dhampir’s Cultural Masks entry, replace the fifth sentence of the second paragraph with the following sentence:

These groups rarely find warm welcome with outsiders, but they are often tolerated for their diverse adventuring skills.

Page 15: In Dhampir Traits, replace the Dark Thirst trait with the following:

Dark Thirst. You can bite as an unarmed strike against an incapacitated target or one you have grappled. Your bite deals 1 piercing damage, and if the creature has blood and isn’t a construct or undead, you can feed from it as part of the attack. Your feeding deals necrotic damage equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1), and you gain temporary hit points equal to the necrotic damage dealt. Once you gain temporary hit points with this trait, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

Page 15: In Dhampir Traits, replace the Predatory Charm trait with the following:

Predatory Charm. You have proficiency in the Persuasion skill. In addition, if you spend at least 1 minute conversing or interacting with a humanoid you or your allies haven’t attacked within the last 24 hours, you have advantage on your next Charisma ability check against that humanoid. Regardless of the result, you can’t use your Predatory Charm on that humanoid again until 24 hours have passed. If you roll a 20 on the die for the Charisma check, the humanoid is a willing target for your bite attack.

Page 15: In Dhampir Traits, replace the Undead Resilience trait with the following:

Vampiric Resilience. You have advantage on saving throws against disease, and you have resistance to necrotic damage.

Page 15: In Dhampir Traits, replace the Languages trait with the following:

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one extra language of your choice.

Page 15: Remove the final sentence of the Northlands Dwarves entry so that the final sentence in the entry now reads as follows:
The Northern dwarves are especially accomplished at ring-making and smithwork, and their society of bear-shirted berserks is celebrated for its ferocity.

Page 38: Replace the Shield Bearer feature in the Shieldbearer Martial Archetype with the following:

Beginning when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, when you take the Attack action, you can make an attack with your shield as a bonus action. Your shield is an improvised weapon that deals bludgeoning damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier.  

Page 40: In the Oath of Radiance paladin oath’s Oath Spells table, replace the aura of life spell with the death ward* spell and replace the banishing smite spell with the flame strike* spell. Add the following note at the end of the table:

*If using Deep Magic for 5th Edition, replace these spells with inspiring speech and sun’s bounty, respectively.

Page 42: In the Oath of Thunder paladin oath’s Oath Spells table, replace the elemental weapon spell with the thunderclap* spell, replace the conjure volley spell with the not this day!* spell, and replace the swift quiver spell with the rain of blades* spell. Add the following note at the end of the table:
*indicates a spell described in this book

Page 50: In the Composite Bow’s Staggering Shot option, replace the second sentence with the following sentence:
If this attack hits, the target takes damage as normal and must make a Constitution saving throw.

Page 55: In the Apocalypse Domain cleric domain’s Apocalypse Domain Spells table, change the table to the following:

Cleric LevelSpells
1bane, hellish rebuke+
3blindness/deafness, enthrall
5bestow curse, fear
7blight, confusion
9contact other plane, telekinesis+

+If using Deep Magic for 5th Edition, replace these spells with grim siphon and souleater, respectively.

Page 55: In the Beer Domain cleric domain’s Beer Domain Spells table, add a plus (+) by the suggestion spell and replace the aura of vitality spell with the mass healing word spell. Add the following note at the end of the table:

+If using Deep Magic for 5th Edition, replace this spell with bolstering brew

Page 58: In the Cat Domain cleric domain’s Cat Domain Spells table, replace the beast sense spell with the animal messenger spell.

Page 58: Replace the Emissary of the Cat feature of the Cat Domain with the following:

 At 17th level, you become a natural lycanthrope. You use the statistics of a weretiger, though your form can be that of a werelion, werepanther, wereleopard, or other large cat, whichever is appropriate for your deity. Your alignment doesn’t change as a result of this lycanthropy, and you can’t spread the disease of lycanthropy.

Page 58: In the Clockwork Domain cleric domain’s Clockwork Domain Spells table, replace the conjure barrage spell with the glyph of warding spell.

Page 59: In the Darkness Domain cleric domain’s Darkness Domain Spells table, replace the night terrors* spell with shadow monsters* spell.

Page 59: In the Darkness Domain cleric domain’s Shadow Meld feature, remove the table and replace the last two sentences with the following sentences:

There’s a chance, if the GM allows, that 2d4 shadows might step through into your world when the effect ends. Such creatures might or might not be hostile.

Page 60: In the Hunger Domain cleric domain’s Hunger Domain Spells table, replace the ray of sickness spell with the false life spell, replace the hunger of the stars spell with the create food and water spell, and replace the grasping vine spell with the desiccating breathing* spell.

Page 61: In the Hunting Domain cleric domain’s Hunting Domain Spells table, add a plus (+) to the tiny hut+ spell and the faithful hound+ spell, replace the ensnaring strike spell with the longstrider+ spell, and replace the grasping vine spell with the power word pain* spell. Add the following note at the end of the table:
+If using Deep Magic for 5th Edition, replace these spells with strength of an ox, tracer, and heart-seeking arrow, respectively

 Page 62: In the Justice Domain cleric domain’s Justice Domain Spells table, replace the thorn whip spell with the divine favor spell, replace the mage hand spell with the dominate person spell, and replace the holy ground spell with the hold monster spell.

Page 62: In the Labyrinth Domain cleric domain’s Labyrinth Domain Spells table, replace the misty step spell with the by the light of the moon* spell, replace the hypnotic pattern spell with the confound senses* spell, and replace the hallucinatory terrain spell with the moon trap* spell.

Page 63: In the Moon Domain cleric domain’s Moon Domain Spells table, replace the witch bolt spell with the guiding bolt+ spell and replace the crown of madness spell with the silence+ spell. Add the following note at the end of the table:

+If using Deep Magic for 5th Edition, replace these spells with agonizing mark and dome of silence, respectively

Page 63: Replace the description of the Moon Domain cleric domain’s Luminescent Aura feature with the following:

At 6th level, you can use an action to emit a nimbus of light in a 30-foot radius for a number of rounds equal to your cleric level. This acts as a light spell but provides only dim light. All weapons and ammunition are treated as silvered while they’re in the aura and for 1 round after leaving it. Opponents that end their turn in the aura must make a successful Dexterity saving throw or be limned in silver light, identical in effect to a faerie fire spell, until the end of their next turn. You can use this feature three times, and you regain expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Page 65: In the Prophecy Domain cleric domain’s Prophecy Domain Spells table, replace the hex spell with the alarm+ spell. Add the following note at the end of the table:
+If using Deep Magic for 5th Edition, replace this spell with insightful maneuver

Page 66: In the Void Domain cleric domain’s Void Domain Spells table, change the table to the following:

Cleric LevelSpells
1bane, protection from evil and good+
3magic weapon+, rope trick
5gaseous form, vampiric touch+
7confusion+, dimension door
9cone of cold+, contact other plane

+If using Deep Magic for 5th Edition, replace these spells with protection from the Void, destructive resonance, Void strike, nether weapon, and living shadows, respectively

Page 72: In the Genie Lord warlock patron’s Expanded Spell List table, replace the chromatic orb spell with the wind tunnel* spell.

Page 75: In the Light Eater warlock patron’s Expanded Spell List table, replace the ray of sickness spell with the bane spell.

Page 78: In the Clockwork wizard school’s Clockwork Savage feature, replace the final sentence with the following sentence:

You also gain proficiency with clockwork tools (tinker’s tools).

Pages 82–84 and 85–86: The Elementalist and Entropy wizard arcane traditions each underwent extensive updates after additional playtesting prior to printing them in Deep Magic for 5th Edition. These updates included text, rules, and formatting changes that are too numerous to easily include in this document. For example, a missing random damage table was added (see below), some aspects were renamed, and the elemental savant feature was reworked to divide it into separate elements. Please see Deep Magic for 5th Edition or the latest printing of Midgard Heroes Handbook for the fully updated text of these two arcane traditions.

Random Damage Type
d10Damage Type

Page 92: In the Bard Rune Spells list, move the unluck on that spell from the 2nd-level list to the 1st-level list.

Page 93: In the Sorcerer Rune Spells list, move the unluck on that spell from the 2nd-level list to the 1st-level list.

Page 93: In the Warlock Rune Spells list, move the unluck on that spell from the 2nd-level list to the 1st-level list.

Page 93: In the Wizard Rune Spells list, move the unluck on that spell from the 2nd-level list to the 1st-level list.

Page 132: In the Berkanan Rune’s Rune Bonus, replace Charisma (Diplomacy) with Charisma (Persuasion)

Page 134: In the Kaunen Rune’s Rune Mastery Power, replace the remove disease spell with the lesser restoration spell.

Page 134: In the Laukaz Rune’s Rune Bonus, replace Charisma (Diplomacy) with Charisma (Persuasion)

Page 136: Replace the description of the Uruz Rune’s Rune Power (4th level) with the following:

When the wielder of a shield that’s been inscribed with the uruz rune uses an action to Dash, the wielder can shove or make one melee weapon attack as a bonus action. Tracing the rune takes 1 minute, and the effect lasts for 1 hour.

Page 141: In the Bard Spells lists, move the unluck on that spell from the 2nd-level list to the 1st-level list, remove the soul of the machine (clockwork) spell from the 3rd-level list, and add the claws of the earth dragon (dragon) and mass surge dampener (chaos) spells to the 5th-level list. Change the 4th-level list to include only the following spells: binding oath (rune), chaotic form (chaos), cursed gift (rune), fluctuating alignment (chaos), inspiring speech (battle), Jotun’s jest (rune), labyrinth mastery (labyrinth), raid the lair (dragon), read memory (clockwork), reposition (battle), scale rot (dragon), wild shield (chaos), write memory (clockwork). Change the 6th-level list to include only the following spells: chaotic world (chaos) and extract knowledge (hieroglyph).

Page 142: In the Cleric Spells lists, remove the soul of the machine (clockwork), sphere of order (clockwork), Molech’s blessing (clockwork), and call the hunter (clockwork) spells from the 3rd, 6th, 7th, and 8th-level lists, respectively.

Page 143: In the Paladin Spells lists, remove the soul of the machine (clockwork) spell from the 3rd-level list.

Page 144: In the Sorcerer Spell lists, move the unluck on that (rune) spell from the 2nd-level list to the 1st-level list.

Page 145: In the Warlock Spell lists, move the unluck on that (rune) spell from the 2nd-level list to the 1st-level list.

Page 146: In the Wizard Spell lists, move the unluck on that (rune) spell from the 2nd-level list to the 1st-level list.

Page 191: In the shadow hands spell’s description, replace the second sentence with the following sentence:

Any creature caught in the shadow takes 2d4 necrotic damage and is frightened until the end of its next turn; a successful Wisdom saving throw halves the damage and negates the frightened condition.

Page 201: Correct the level on the unluck on that spell to 1st-level.

Tome of Heroes

Errata 03/01/2024

All errata in this document will appear in the next printing of the Tome of Heroes.

Page 21: In the Playing a Derro sidebar, in the third sentence of the third paragraph, correct the page reference to page 22.

Page 53: In the Roar of Defiance feature, replace the final sentence with the following sentence:

Once a creature takes damage from this feature, you can’t use this feature on that creature again during this rage.

[New] Page 72: In the Channel Divinity: Grasp Not the Wind feature, replace the first sentence with the following sentence:

At 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity as a bonus action to end the grappled condition on yourself and gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed until the end of your turn.

[New] Page 73: In the Dire Tempest feature, replace the first sentence with the following sentence:

At 17th level, you can use an action to create a 20-foot-radius tornado of swirling wind and debris on a point you can see within 120 feet.

Page 78: In the Sand Form feature, replace the first sentence of the final paragraph with the following sentence:

When you reach 10th level in this class, you can stay in your sand form for 1 hour or until you dismiss it.

Page 78: In the Sand Dervish feature, replace the first sentence with the following sentence:

Starting at 6th level, you can use a bonus action to create a sand dervish in an unoccupied space you can see within 30 feet of you.

Page 87: Between the Massed Fighting feature and the Tactical Positioning feature, add the following feature:


At 10th level, when a friendly creature you can see is reduced to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction to move up to your speed toward it. This movement doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks.

Page 124: In the Underfoot Spellcasting table, add a 7th column titled “4th” and include a “1” in that column on the 19th and 20th-level rows.

Page 126: In the Gun Hand feature, replace the first sentence with the following sentence:

Starting at 1st level, when you cast mage hand, its duration increases to 1 hour, and you can perform the following additional tasks with it:

Pages 126-127: In the Gun Hand feature, replace the second paragraph (the paragraph after the bulleted list) with the following paragraph:

When you reach higher levels, you can create one or more spectral hands when you cast mage hand. You gain a second spectral hand at 5th level and an additional spectral hand at 9th, 13th, and 17th level. Unlike your primary mage hand, these additional spectral hands can be used only for the tasks described under this feature and any other aspects of this class that reference this feature. Each extra spectral hand remains within 5 feet of you and vanishes if it is unable to remain within 5 feet of you.

Page 146: In the Favored Soul feature, replace the third sentence with the following sentence:

On a failed save, the creature loses advantage on the roll and has disadvantage on it, and you have advantage on one d20 roll of your choice within the next minute.

Page 222: In the Foraging: Food and Foraging: Hidden Treasures tables, replace the “Magic Plants Found” column heading with “Food Found” and “Hidden Treasures Found” respectively.

Page 278: In the conjure construct spell, replace the At Higher Levels subheading with the following:

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, the challenge rating increases by 1 for each slot level above 6th.”

[New] Page 284: In the glare spell, change the Duration to 1 round

[New] Page 289: In the instant armored vehicle spell, replace the second sentence with the following sentence:

The vehicle can take whatever form you want, but it has AC 18, 100 hit points, and a carrying capacity of 1,000 pounds.

[New] Page 297: In the outmaneuver spell, replace the second and third sentences with the following sentences:

On a failed save, the creature’s movement is reduced to 0 until the end of its next turn, and you can move up to your speed toward the creature without provoking opportunity attacks. This spell doesn’t interrupt the triggering opportunity attack, which happens before the effects of this spell.

[New] Page 303: In the silvershout spell, replace the first two sentences with the following sentences:

You unleash a shout that coats all creatures in a 30-foot cone in silver dust until the dust is brushed off, washed away, or otherwise removed as an action. If a creature coated in dust is a shapechanger, the dust glows. For the purposes of this spell, “shapechanger” is any creature with the Change Shape bonus action or Shapechanger trait.

Back Cover: On the back cover of the book, replace the spell conjure fireflies with the spell conjure construct.

Vault of Magic

Errata 03/01/2024

[New] Page 45: In the whirlwind bolas item’s Special heading, replace the first sentence with the following sentence:

A Medium or smaller creature hit by a bolas has its speed reduced to 0 until it is freed, and it must succeed on a DC 10 Strength saving throw or fall prone.

[New] Page 72: In the crook of the flock item’s Spells heading, remove the beast sense spell.

[New] Page 108: In the ashes of the fallen item, after the third sentence of the third paragraph, add the following sentences:

The new spell’s target is the spellcaster’s original target, is placed in that target’s space, or is as close to that target as the spell’s range allows. If the new spell’s range is Self or if the spell targets only one creature and the target is out of range, the new spell affects the spellcaster. The GM randomly determines any other aspects of the spell, such as the wording of the suggestion spell or the form of the polymorph spell.

[New] Page 220: In the wolf’s howl ring item’s 9th level heading, remove beast sense from the list of spells.


Book of Ebon Tides

Errata 03/01/2024

The phrase “[Next Printing]” appearing before errata indicates this change has not yet been made to the PDF or book, but it will appear in the next printing of Book of Ebon Tides. All updates not labeled with the phrase “[Next Printing]” appear in the 2nd printing of Book of Ebon Tides.

Page 11: In the Rituals and Summoning subheading of the Connections to the Mortal World section, replace the spell shadow walk with the spell ebon tide.

Page 26: In the Shadow Goblin Heritage section, replace the Size entry with the following:

Size. Shadow goblins are between 3 and 4 feet tall and weigh between 40 and 80 pounds. Your size is Small.

Page 31: In the Umbral Human Traits section, replace the Size entry with the following:

Size. As with humans from the Material Plane, umbral humans vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Regardless of your position in that range, your size is Medium.

Page 33: In the Quickstep Traits section, replace the Size entry with the following:

Size. Quicksteps are between 3 and 4 feet tall and weigh between 25 and 40 pounds. Your size is Small.

Page 41: In the Circle Spells section, replace the second sentence with the following sentence:

Your connection to this energy grants you access to some spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Circle of Shadow Spells table.

Page 42: In the Circle of Shadow Spells table, replace the “Cleric Level” column heading with “Druid Level”

[New] Page 198: In the shield of blinding item, replace the first sentence with the following sentence:

While holding this shield, you can use an action to speak its command word and choose one creature that you can see within 30 feet of you to make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw.

Page 202: In the final sentence of the road seed magic item, replace the spell shadow walk with the spell ebon tide.

Pages 233 to 245: In the Appendix: Shadow Realm Creatures by Terrain, remove the following creatures: Bearfolk Ley Walker, Cave Bear, Cyclops, Goblin Boss, Pixie, Revenant, Scarecrow, and Troglodyte.

Pages 241 and 245: In the Appendix: Shadow Realm Creatures by Terrain, replace “Seeping Death Skeleton (CC)” with “Seeping Death Skeleton (Suppurating Ooze) (CC)”

Page 242: In the Appendix: Shadow Realm Creatures by Terrain, under the CR 3 heading, replace “Shadow Freezing Ooze (CC)” with “Freezing Shadow Ooze (CC)”

Midgard Worldbook

Errata 02/01/2023

The errata on pages 438 and beyond applies to the 5th Edition version of the Midgard Worldbook. All errata in this document will appear in the next printing of the Midgard Worldbook.

Page 70: In the Free Cantons of the Ironcrags heading, replace the second sentence of the fourth paragraph with the following sentence:

Most notably, the small settlements of Rogglett and Mynnasgard have been inhabited for about 60 and 90 years, respectively.

Pages 75, 79, 208, and 210:
 Replace the city name Brescia with Brixia and replace the city name Schio with Schion.

Page 154: In the Lonely Spire heading, replace the second sentence with the following sentence:

Prior to the invasion, the Archmage Kolos the Lame (N male human wizard 20) molded students into mages of uniformly excellent character and skill.

Page 206: In the Blood of the Sea Arena heading, replace the third sentence of the second paragraph with the following sentence:

The master of fighters is Captain Shushu (LE male human fighter 5/rogue 5), a braggart from Nuria Natal whose skill with a blade matches his claims.

Page 210: In the Scarlet Citadel subheading of the Other Sites heading, replace the final sentence with the following sentence:

He scrupulously swears fealty to the censors each year and defends the border against the creatures of the White Forest and war wagons of the Magdar—though sometimes he fights for the Magdar Kingdom as well, and his loyalty is suspect at best.

Page 312: In the Rook’s Cove subheading of the Tanserhall heading, replace the first sentence with the following sentence:

A trollkin and human settlement ruled by Hengist Staffbreaker (CN male trollkin barbarian 14) on the frigid shore of the Nieder Straits, Rook’s Cove serves as a port of call for pirates and outlaws who stalk the waves of the Northlands.

Page 312: In the Adventures in Tanserhall sidebar, replace the first sentence with the following sentence:

Adventures in Tanserhall involve interacting with the dwarves and helping them resolve issues within their lands.

Page 317: In the Amberhall subheading of the Noatun heading, replace the first sentence with the following sentence:

A large coastal village with a lively trading post, Amberhall thrives under the direction of a capable jarl named Gunhilda the Lefthanded (CG female human ranger 13), though she swears fealty to Uffi Toothless in Noatun.

Page 317: In the Varnerhall subheading of the Noatun heading, replace the second sentence of the second paragraph with the following sentence:

Jarl Yngvarr Ironsides (NG male human fighter 12) has granted the nomads and even a clan of goblins shelter within his fortifications and defended them when they have sought his aid in the past, and in return, they provide valuable intelligence about anything from hostile creatures headed toward the hall to inclement weather on its way.

Page 378: In the Worshippers heading under Bastet’s deity entry, replace Kesh with Kush in the first paragraph.

Page 403: In the Antipaladin’s Oath of the Giving Grave, replace the Oath of the Giving Grave Spells table with the following table:

Oath of the Giving Grave Spells
Paladin LevelSpells
3bloody smite*, disguise self
5bloodshot*, caustic blood*
9blood armor*, vampiric touch
13blight, freedom of movement
17insect plague, seeming

Page 404: In the Lust Domain’s Gifts of Lust feature, replace the cantrip friends with the cantrip message.

Page 411: In the Taergash’s Exsanguinating Tome magic item, replace the 2nd and 3rd level spell lists with the following:

2nd Level: bloodlure*, bloodshot*, caustic blood*, ray of enfeeblement

3rd Level: animate dead, blood armor*, fear, vampiric touch, vital mark*

Page 415: In the New Condition: Shadow Thrall heading, replace the final sentence in the third bullet point with the following sentences:

This charmed effect can’t be removed as long as the creature is a shadow thrall. However, a remove curse or lesser restoration spell suppresses the effect for 24 hours.

Page 438: In the Realms of Dornig and Arbonesse table, replace lines 2 and 3 with the following:

2              A deathsworn elf (CC) uncovers an old cache of military gear left buried near Aucken.

3              Uncovered by peasants scavenging cut stone, a deathwisp (ToB) haunts its unmarked grave.

Page 440: In the Southlands table, remove the extra numbers in lines 2-8.

Page 443: In the Middle Seas and Ruby Despotate table, replace line 3 with the following:

3              Enroute to Efsis, a sea dragon (ToB) escorts three tribute ships loaded with edjet initiates (ToB2).

Page 444: In the Summerlands table, replace line 8 with the following:

8              Coating a fallen giant’s carcass, a periwinkle death butterfly swarm (ToB) flexes their wings in unison.

Southlands Worldbook

Errata 02/01/2023

All errata in this document will appear in the next printing of the Southlands Worldbook.

Page 2: Add Ben McFarland and Brian Suskind to the Additional Design credit line.

Page 28: Change the Population subheading of the Nuria Natal sidebar to the following:

Population: 13,495,000 (12,360,000 humans, 501,500 gnolls, 351,050 dwarves, 130,390 heruti, 110,000 minotaurs, 22,060 gearforged, 15,000 basteti, 21,000 other)

Page 88: In the third paragraph of the Ama’s Sight heading, replace barlgura with hezrou.

Page 119: In the Kanjar heading, replace the second and third sentences with the following sentences:

Its governor is Sakhmakh, a tiefling with prophetic powers that were bestowed on them by the dark deities of Kush. Sakhmakh previously served as Nula Nagao’s most trusted councilor until the lich grew tired of the tiefling cryptic visions and moved them to Kanjar to get them out of the way.

Page 121: Replace the first sentence of the Expedition to Verdant Falls heading with the following sentence:

Governor Sakhmakh’s recent visions have revealed the presence of druids to the north of Kanjar, and they are preparing to send a team into the jungle to investigate.

Page 138: In the Avawa subheading of the Major Cities heading, replace the penultimate sentence with the following sentence:

Demna argued that joining the Coil would offer an unwanted distraction from making as much money as possible for the kingdom in their gubernatorial role.

Page 147: In the first paragraph of the Kingdom of Free Constructs heading, replace the first sentence of the first paragraph with the following sentence:

Master Kawef of the Brotherhood of the Wheel was renowned among the dwarf golemwrights for his incredibly lifelike constructs, but his most recent masterpiece turned out to be a little too lifelike.

Page 147: In the third paragraph of the Kingdom of Free Constructs heading, replace the first sentence of the third paragraph with the following sentence:

So far, Aware has resisted all attempts by the dwarves of the Brotherhood of the Wheel to dislodge it and has lit the forges so it can manufacture additional defenders.

Page 271: In the Kijani’s Innate Spellcasting trait, replace the spell thorn whip with the spell shillelagh.

Page 283: In the First Servant’s Spellcasting trait, replace the spell hex with the spell command.

Page 289: In the Warlock Genie Lord’s Spellcasting trait, replace the spell chromatic orb with the spell wind tunnel* and add the following note at the end of the list of spells:

*indicates a spell in Deep Magic for 5th Edition

Errata 03/01/2024

The phrase “[Next Printing]” appearing before errata indicates this change has not yet been made to the print book, but it will appear in the next printing of Wastes of Chaos. All updates not labeled with the phrase “[Next Printing]” appear in the PDF and VTT versions of Wastes of Chaos.

[New] Page 29: In the Slake Thirst feature, replace the full text of the feature with the following paragraphs:

Starting when you reach 6th level, the runeblade demands that you slake its thirst for life energy. During your rage, the first creature the sword damages takes an extra 3d6 necrotic damage. The runeblade then transfers some of the target’s energy to you, healing an amount of hit points equal to the necrotic damage dealt.

            At 10th level, this feature affects the first two successful attacks you make with your runeblade during your rage. At 14th level, this feature deals an extra 5d6 necrotic damage, and it affects the first three successful attacks you make with your runeblade during your rage.

[New] Page 34: In the Minor Spellcasting feature, replace the third sentence of the first paragraph with the following two sentences:

At 9th level, you can add one additional 1st-level, 2nd-level, or 3rd-level spell of your choice from the cleric spell list to the spells above. At 13th level, you can add one additional 4th-level, 5th-level, or 6th-level spell of your choice from the cleric spell list to the spells above.

[New] Page 36: In the Mark of Chaos feature, replace the first sentence with the following sentence:

Starting at 3rd level, your attacks mark your foes with the touch of chaos itself.

[New] Page 36: In the Demonic Tutor Expanded Spells table, replace “Warlock Level” with “Spell Level”

Page 116: On the Doom Champion stat block, remove all Legendary Actions and replace Multiattack with the following:
Multiattack. The doom champion makes three Greataxe attacks. It can replace one attack with a grapple.

Page 117: On the Doom Champion Overlord stat block, replace Multiattack with the following:
Multiattack. The doom champion overlord makes three Maul or Lance attacks. If it is riding a nightmare, its mount can then make one Hooves attack.

[New] Page 131: In the Song Spider’s statistics, replace its STR with 1 (−5)

[New] Page 142: In the Warped Treant’s statistics, replace its CHA with 5 (−3)

[New] Page 144: In the Warpling’s statistics, replace its WIS with 14 (+2)

[New] Page 156: In the spell lists, remove the Paladin’s spell list.

[New] Page 156: In the draconic essence spell, remove “paladin” from the list of classes with access to the spell.

Page 162: Remove the doom of stolen breath spell from the Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, and Wizard spell lists.

Page 170: In the table for the Bead of Monster Summoning magic item, replace Cyclops (CR 6) with Hill Giant (CR 5).

Errata 03/01/2024

[New] Page 90: At the end of the Real Estate tables, add the following notes for clarification:

District 1: Gear District, Merchant District, and Temple District

District 2: College District, Lower Zobeck, and the Market District

District 3: Upper Zobeck and Citadel District

District 4: Kobold Ghetto and Dock District


Book of Lairs

Errata 02/01/2023

All errata in this document will appear in the next printing of the Book of Lairs.

Page 8: In the Living Lair heading, replace the first bullet point with: 10 kobolds led by 1 kobold trapsmith (ToB)

Pages 18-19: In the Area 5 Energy Source heading, replace the third sentence of the first paragraph with the following sentence:

The golden sphere allows any elemental, anyone holding a wand of lightning bolts, or any character within 50 feet who succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check to cast the shocking grasp spell once, using the caster’s level or CR.

Page 46: In the Area 2 Jungle heading, replace water weird with water elemental.

Page 55: In the Talitheosian Knitting Needles magic item, replace the second sentence with the following sentences:

They can be used to create vines in a particular location. This effect works like the black tentacles spell, except the tentacles look like vines and deal piercing damage instead of bludgeoning damage.

Page 67: In the Area 5 Rubble heading, replace galeb duhr with earth elemental and add the following sentence after the first sentence of the first paragraph:

Longwinter has an Intelligence of 8 (−0) and knows some rudimentary Common.

Page 70: In the Area 8 Bleeding Bride’s Final Rest heading, replace banshee with ghost.

Page 72: In the Background heading, replace the first sentence of the third paragraph with the following sentence:

An undead aboleth, a creature known as a nihileth, rose from the waters below and settled in a small grotto a mile outside of town, bringing a small band of adoring underwater creatures with it.

Page 74: In the Area 5 Worshipper’s Chamber heading, replace the third sentence in the first paragraph with the following sentence:

A sharkjaw skeleton (ToB) and five sahuagin are in this chamber gathering equipment, ritual components, and other items.

Page 74: In the Area 5 Worshipper’s Chamber heading, replace the first sentence with the following sentence:

After defeating the sahuagin and their skeletal pet, the party hears a loud splash and grunting sounds coming from the southeast.

Page 75: In the Area 6 Sahuagin Shrine heading, replace sahuagin priestess with drowned maiden (ToB) and replace the final sentence of the descriptive text with the following sentence:

A blue-skinned woman stands at the altar, arms raised in evocation.

Page 75: In the Area 6 Sahuagin Shrine heading, replace the second sentence in the first paragraph with the following sentence:
The aboleth itself is raising the zombies, but it has the maiden convinced that she is powerful enough to do so.

Page 75: In the Area 6 Sahuagin Shrine heading, replace the second sentence in the second paragraph with the following sentence:

The drowned maiden attacks the PCs as soon as they enter the shrine.

Page 75: In the Area 7 Aboleth’s Pool heading, replace sahuagin baron with sharkjaw skeleton (ToB) and replace the final sentence in the descriptive text with the following sentence:

And as if that weren’t enough, a giant skeleton made of shark jaws enters the fray, followed by two sahuagin.

Page 92: In the Travelers and Pilgrims sidebar under the Ozmir Al-Mhareshi subheading, replace cleric with priest.

Midgard Sagas

Errata 02/01/2023

This errata doesn’t include minor spelling corrections, such as correcting “thief’s tools” to “thieves’ tools” or correcting “Tennrick” to “Tennrik,” and it doesn’t include minor formatting adjustments, such as adding bold or italics to words missing that formatting. All errata in this document will appear in the next printing of the Midgard Sagas.

Page 9: In the Area 3 Grand Hall heading, replace the sentence under the Part 2 subheading with the following sentences:

Two bearded devils lurk in this room. One draws infernal symbols on the floor with blood, while the other keeps watch from one of the chandeliers.

Pages 10, 12, 25: Replace all instances of “Captain Rakell” or simply “Rakell” with “Captain Lucia” or “Lucia,” respectively.

Page 12: In the Area 6 Library heading, remove the final sentence under the Part 2 subheading.

Page 13: In the Area 8 Major Domo’s Quarter’s heading, replace the spell witch bolt under the Part 1 subheading with the spell magic missile.

Page 14: In the Area 13 Overhall heading, replace the first sentence of the second paragraph under the Part 2 subheading with the following sentence:

Nearby devils (including the bearded devils in Area 3) avoid contact with humans in the Overhall.

Pages 15 and 16: In the Area 16 Wyvern Suite heading, replace all text under the Part 2 subheading with the following text:

Hakar and his crew fortify themselves in the practice salle (Area 12), leaving this area empty. If the characters spend more than a few moments in this chamber, the wyvern statue animates and attacks. This effect works like the animate objects spell, except the wyvern is permanently animated and loyal to Hakar. The wyvern uses the statistics of a Large animated object. The wyvern settles back onto its plinth if everyone leaves the chamber, but it animates again when people not led by Hakar, Tennrik, or Hakar’s crew enter the area.

Page 18: In the Area 19 Lord’s Quarters heading, replace all text under the Part 2 subheading with the following text:

Before descending into the undermanor, Adderly activates two of the manor’s defenders, animated armors, and commands them to kill anyone they encounter. Fortunately, the constructs are very literal. Since they weren’t ordered to leave the General’s quarters, they remain here. They will, however, try to kill anyone who enters.

Page 19: In the Area 21 Gallery of Burning Souls heading, replace all instances of fire snakes with magma mephits.

Page 19: In the Area 22 Gate Chamber heading, replace the bulleted list beneath the fourth paragraph with the following bulleted list:

  • Physically smashing a sigil with a weapon destroys it.
  • Spells that normally affect more than one target weaken every sigil in the affected area. If at least four sigils are weakened, halve the number of lemures that exit the gate each round.
  • Spells that normally affect just one target destroys the targeted sigil.
  • Channel Divinity destroys one sigil within 30 feet with each use.

Page 25: In the Bertram Bodkin entry, replace “Hakar’s Lieutenant” with “Lucia’s Lieutenant” in his heading. In addition, replace “Captain Hakar” with “Captain Lucia” in the Personality subheading.

Page 25: In the Tennrik Gervastag entry, replace “Rakell’s Lieutenant” with “Hakar’s Lieutenant” in his heading. In addition, replace the fourth sentence of the first paragraph with the following sentence:

Tennrik likes Hakar well enough, but he has no loyalty to the Company.

Page 30: In the Scene 2: Firebombs! Heading, replace the third sentence of the Treasure subheading with the following sentence:

A character who spends at least 10 minutes studying the documents and succeeds on a DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check, or succeeds on a DC 15 Dexterity check while taking measurements from the blueprints with clockwork tools (treat as tinker’s tools), realizes that the scribblings in the margins reflect a keen interest in gauges, control mechanisms, and weak points of the mechanism.

Page 32: In the Scene 5: The Boiler Whistles and Rivets Pop heading, replace the spell crown of madness in Mandebbok’s spell list with the spell hold person.

Page 38: In the Scene 2: Legwork heading, replace “Luck’s Lady” with “Lady Luck” in the final two sentences of the fifth bullet point under the Wazen Al-Shamuri’s Aid subheading.

Page 43: In the Area B Abu’s DayDream (Restaurant) heading, replace the Alerted subheading with the following:

Alerted: If security has reason to suspect a problem, two guards are stationed here: one by each entrance.

Page 43: In the Area D Counting Room heading, remove the (commoner) parenthetical from the Alarmed subheading.

Page 45: In the Area H Guest Rooms heading, replace the second sentence of the second paragraph with the following:

Some hosts and hostesses visit the guests, bringing them whatever they’ve requested from the Lounge’s many offerings.

Page 57: In the Area 3 Gnoll Hunting Party heading, replace the first sentence of the second paragraph with the following sentence:

The hunting party consists of Oglek, a female gnoll havoc runner, and five gnolls.

Page 60: In the Area 10 Great Journey heading, replace the first sentence of the third paragraph after the descriptive text with the following sentence:
A black staff lies at the bottom of the tank in the area outlined on the map.

Page 60: In the Area 10 Great Journey heading, replace the first paragraph after the second descriptive text (Through the water, pairs of yellow eyes blink at you through the glass.) with the following text:

Inhabiting the tank are two swarms of quippers. They are aggressive and territorial and attack anyone who enters the tank. They focus their attacks on anyone carrying the staff.

Page 61: In the Obstacles and Encounters table, replace entry 6 with the following:

6              A reckless party of three sahuagin spring from the river; one lands in each boat and attacks someone.

Page 72: In the Optional Scene 2C: Raiders! heading, replace the final sentence of the second paragraph with the following sentence:

This group can be any size to challenge the characters, but 2 gnoll havoc runners and 8 gnolls is a good starting size.

Page 74: In the Scene 3: The Dust Goblin Camp heading, replace the Treasure subheading with the following:

Treasure. The cart’s escort carries 4 vril rifles (see page 106), each with 1d6 shots remaining. In addition, it carries 35 gp, 63 sp, 6 potions of healing, 2 potions of greater healing, and a spell scroll of see invisibility. The cart is loaded with food and drink of the sort goblins prefer.

Page 87: In the Beryksheim Reavers heading, replace the final sentence under the Herrga Wotansdottir subheading with the following sentence:

She wears her blonde hair in dozens of small braids, and she uses the statistics of a war chaplain (see Creature Codex).

Page 92: In the second paragraph under the After the Battle subheading of the Raid Event 3: A Chieftain Falls heading, replace Vorsheim with Vorstaag.

Page 93: In the Dinner Interrupted heading, remove the final sentence of the first paragraph and replace the second paragraph with the following:

The pack consists of 2 darakhuls, 2 ghasts, and 3 beggar ghouls.

Page 94: In the Dinner Interrupted heading, replace the Treasure subheading with the following:

Treasure. Two jeweled, gold rings (alexandrite and peridot, 600 gp each) and a ring of resistance (psychic, jade gemstone) are worn by a severed hand.

Page 95: In the Area 1 The Camp heading, replace the first sentence with the following sentence:

Gundren Stoneheart (use the statistics of a wolf reaver dwarf from Tome of Beasts), the former warleader of Vorstaag, and his few remaining warriors (6 zombies) camp here.

Page 96: In the Area 4 Spore Nursery heading, replace the final sentence of the first paragraph with the following sentence:

These use the statistics of shriekers but with the following additional traits and action:

Page 100: In Captain Lucia Rakell’s statistics, change her Strength saving throw to +3 and her Constitution saving throw to +2.

Scarlet Citadel

Errata 02/01/2023

This errata doesn’t include minor spelling corrections, such as correcting “bodygaurd” to “bodyguard” or correcting “Chttrk” to “Chittr’k’k,” and it doesn’t include minor formatting adjustments, such as adding bold or italics to words missing that formatting. All errata in this document will appear in the next printing of the Scarlet Citadel.

Page 23: In the Gossip Table, replace Entry 20 with the following:

20           The party is alerted to the existence of a lifeless clearing in E3 and to the suspicion that Gabe from the orchard (R13) snuck out there recently and has been acting strangely since. Additionally, Gellert’s henchmen have been spotted in the area more often.

Page 27: In the Area E4 Zula’s Cottage heading, replace the second sentence of the fourth paragraph with the following sentence:

Zula is a pale, dark-haired, tattooed woman constantly puttering about her cottage, and she offers the party slightly discounted (10%) potions of healing and access to her limited repertoire of healing magic in exchange for any news from town.

Page 34: In the Hidden Dungeon Entrance heading, replace the first sentence of the second paragraph with the following sentence:

This entrance leads directly to the dwarven barracks on Level 3 (see Area 301).

Page 36: In the Level 1: Dungeon and Crypts heading, replace the second sentence of the third paragraph with the following sentence:

He has an assistant—a tusked crimson ogre called Scar—and a compatriot of sorts, a human blood cultist named Ushulx (see appendix for both), who is here for her own reasons.

Page 43: In the Area 107 Shrine to Charun heading, replace the second sentence of the third paragraph (second paragraph after the read-aloud text) with the following sentence:

She perceives the river as a metaphor for blood flowing through arteries and believes Charun is connected to the Dry Lands because of the proximity of this shrine to the crypt (Areas 116–119) and its connection to the Dry Lands.

Page 44: In the Area 110 Water Torture Chamber heading, replace the first sentence of the third paragraph (second paragraph after the read-aloud text) with the following sentence:

A steam mephit that enjoys watching the occasional torment floats near the ceiling of the chamber in a cloud of steam, effectively invisible.

Page 48: In the Restocking heading, replace the final sentence of the third paragraph with the following sentence:

As characters gain levels, you can add ghouls, ghasts, wraiths, and other powerful undead to keep fights challenging.

Page 54: In the Area 204 Dust Goblins’ Lair heading, replace the final sentence under the Treasure subheading with the following sentence:

Tucked in among the sleeping furs and sacks of supplies are one each of potions of growth, healing, and thunder resistance.

Page 58: In the Area 208 Ooze Plasma Holding Tanks heading, replace the third sentence of the second paragraph (first paragraph after the read-aloud text) with the following sentence:

The sloshing is caused by four ooze (magma) mephits swimming through the plasma.

Page 60: In the Area 214 Dry Lands Pathway heading, replace the first three sentences of the second paragraph with the following sentences:

What appears to be a crumbling hole in the wall between Area 213 and the pit was sealed by Cagoth-ze with a wall of fire spell of his own devising. The wall appears as a translucent, fiery shimmer in the air. An object or creature can pass right through it, but a creature takes 22 (5d8) fire damage if it does so.

Page 62: In the Area 214 Dry Lands Pathway heading, replace the second and third sentence of the third paragraph (first paragraph after the read-aloud text) with the following sentences:

Catching a glimpse of the party, the undead plunge through the wall of fire and attack. Even fairly powerful undead, such as a wight, wraith, or vampire spawn, won’t be an overpowering threat to the characters because they’ll be weakened significantly by coming through the fire.

Page 66: In the Area 217 Cagoth-ze’s Chamber heading, replace the first sentence with the following sentence:

This is Cagoth-ze’s personal living chamber and where the characters encounter him if they didn’t encounter him elsewhere.

Page 67: In the Restocking heading, replace the second sentence of the fourth paragraph with the following sentence:

If the level is completely emptied if other enemies, undead batter down Cagoth-ze’s wall of fire so they can roam freely throughout the level.

Page 71: In the Trolkin Encounter Groups table, reduce the lich hounds to 1 in the Weak B entry and change the XP to 2,750 in the Medium A entry.

Page 72: In the Area 301 Entry Hall heading, replace the first sentence of the second paragraph with the following sentence:

The spiral stairs connect to the hidden staircase on the surface, about 250 feet from the northwest corner of the old fortress (see page 34).

Page 98: In the Cult of Camazotz heading, replace the first sentence of the second paragraph with the following sentence:

A derro speaker to the darkness (Creature Codex) named Gilsfeyr led his band of outcasts along the Black River until they found this cavern and its population of giant vampire bats, saber-toothed bats, bat swarms, and flame eater swarms.

Page 99: In the Option 1: Into the Fray heading, replace the last sentence in the last paragraph with the following sentence:

Imortra casts mage armor on herself beforehand and plans to cast banishment on whomever she perceives to be the most powerful spellcaster in the group as an initial volley.

Page 105: In the Area 407 Radiant Mushroom Cave heading, replace the last sentence in the third paragraph (second paragraph after the read-aloud text) with the following sentence:

The pariahs’ dose is small enough that the effect on them is similar to a charm person spell, whereas Drakustanz is effectively dominated.

Page 108: In the Area 413 Crystal Platform heading, replace the last sentence of the second paragraph with the following sentence:

Since they almost certainly haven’t cast true seeing and probably haven’t been affected by weapons coated in potions of augmented reality (see appendix) yet, they see the chamber as empty.

Page 113: In the Area 415 Derro Village heading, replace the fourth sentence of the fourth paragraph (second paragraph after the read-aloud text) with the following sentence:

The effect is disorienting and unsettling; if a character sees it for the first time while frightened, the character uses all their movement and actions to flee the cavern as quickly as they can and stay out until they’re no longer frightened.

Page 116: In the Area 416 Prisoner Quarters heading, under the Aftermath subheading, replace the first sentence of the fourth paragraph with the following sentence:

The better solution is to teleport out using the spell scroll of teleportation circle from Cagoth-ze’s belongings or the skull circle in Area 417.

Page 125: In the Area 502 Gellert’s Larder heading, replace the final paragraph with the following sentence:

Other than fresh food, the only other things of value to be found here are three bottles of scarlet mead (see sidebar) and a recipe to make the mead (see Player Handout 2 in the appendix).

Page 131: In the Area 506 Xymargshra’s Hoard heading, replace the fourth sentence in the second paragraph (the first paragraph after the read-aloud text) with the following sentence:

A creature who touches it must make a successful DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or become restrained by the webs until they break free with a successful DC 14 Strength check.

Page 142: In the Area 515 Llagfel’s Crypt heading, replace the second sentence of the second paragraph under the Llagfel’s Myrmidons subheading with the following sentence:

Make all Llagfel’s myrmidons wraiths or even spectral guardians (Tome of Beasts).

Page 155: In the Level 6: Howling Halls heading, replace the first sentence under the Wind subheading with the following sentence:

The sphere of annihilation in Area 614 destroys everything, including the air touching it.

Page 156: In the Ley Lines heading, remove the final sentence of the second paragraph.

Page 163: In the Area 608 Bones of the Fallen heading, replace the second sentence of the fifth paragraph (the first paragraph after the read-aloud text) with the following sentence:

Hidden among them is a bonepowder ghoul (Tome of Beasts) named Morgaryv.

Page 164: In the Area 608 Bones of the Fallen heading, replace the second sentence under the Treasure subheading with the following sentence:

There are also potions of longevity and invisibility, spell scrolls of feeblemind, maze, and antimagic field, a +1 shield, a wind fan, a cloak of elvenkind, a belt of hill giant strength, and a brass horn of Valhalla.

Page 166: In the Area 611 Abandoned Refuge heading, replace the first sentence of the fifth paragraph (second paragraph after the read-aloud text) with the following sentence:

Among the other gear stowed in the cave are enough rations for 8 days (tough from being frozen for years but edible if boiled), 50 feet of silk rope with a grappling hook, two ice axes, one flask of alchemist’s fire, a healer’s kit, potions of greater healing, superior healing, clairvoyance, and gelatinous form (see the appendix), a sheet of parchment containing writing in both Common and Illyrian (an aristocratic court tongue used in a region south of the Scarlet Citadel), and the spellbook of an 8th-level wizard (fill it with any spells you choose) named Ravaulze the Shrewd who apparently had connections to the Arcane Collegium in Zobeck.

Page 167: In the Area 612 Elemental Prison heading, replace the second sentence of the first bullet point under the Conversing with Evil subheading with the following sentence:

(Like all other spellcasting on this level, this is subject to chaos effects.)

Page 175: In the Derro Pariah’s Innate Spellcasting trait, replace the spell blade ward with the spell true strike.

Page 179: In Gellert the Gruesome’s traits, replace the Ley Line Acclimatization with the following trait:

Ley Line Acclimatization. Gellert’s spellcasting and other magic use doesn’t trigger chaos magic surges.

Page 180: In Gellert the Gruesome’s Spellcasting trait, replace the spell ray of sickness with the spell burning hands.

Page 181: In the Ghostly Foe’s statistics, change its Dexterity saving throw to +4 and its Wisdom saving throw to +2.

Page 181: In the Ghostly Foe’s statistics, replace Damage Resistances with the following:Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks

Tales from the Shadows

Errata 02/01/2023

All errata in this document will appear in the next printing of Tales from the Shadows.

Page 13: In the fifth paragraph of the Road to Corremel location, remove the third sentence, which reads “She follows up that attack by targeting a heavily armored PC with ray of sickness and casts shield when she comes under fire.”

Page 34: In The Old Ruined Bridge location, replace the Creatures subheading with the following:

Creatures. The mildewed waters surrounding the arched bridge contain a shadow-touched giant constrictor snake. The snake watches those on shore, preferring to attack characters in the deeper water, which gets progressively deeper away from the sunken path, going from 10 feet to 20 feet deep. If any PC falls off the sunken causeway and into the water, the snake chooses that moment to attack.

Page 167: In The Putrid Bog location, replace the final paragraph of the first column with the following:

When a non-evil creature enters the ring of standing stones or starts its turn there, it is affected by the power word stun spell. When the stunning effect ends, that creature is immune to this effect of the altar for 1 hour.

Tales from the Wastes

Errata 03/01/2024

[New] Page 9: In The Pool subheading of The Pool area, replace the second and third sentences with the following sentences:

These pockets of deeper water are hard to detect without moving through the pool or knowing the safe route through the pool to avoid them. For every 10 feet a PC moves through the pool, the PC must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or slip and fall into the deeper water.

[New] Page 10: In the description of the Tower of Bacana area, remove “circular” from the first sentence.

[New] Page 11: In the Goat’s Blessing area, remove the first three sentences (all of the text that appears before the description).

[New] Page 25: In the DC 12 row of the Grinzerrialt and the Arc table, replace “greater gibbering mouther” with “dread gibbering mouther”

[New] Page 25: In the Creatures subheading of the Dealing with Chuck heading, replace “greater gibbering mouther” with “dread gibbering mouther”

[New] Page 46: In the Desert Wastes Encounters table, replace entry 4 with “1d4 dust mephits

[New] Page 50: In the Flaying Star (Phase 1) statistics, replace its INT with 16 (+3)

[New] Page 65: In the Security Office area, replace the Goo section with the following:

Goo. A creature that comes into contact with this sticky, viscous substance takes 5 (1d10) acid damage, and the goo sticks to it. Until a creature uses an action to scrape off the goo, the creature covered in goo takes 5 (1d10) acid damage at the start of each of its turns.

[New] Page 65: In the Bio Sciences Laboratory area, replace the Rivers of Goo section with the following:

River of Goo. A creature that comes into contact with this sticky, viscous substance takes 5 (1d10) acid damage, and the goo sticks to it. Until a creature uses an action to scrape off the goo, the creature covered in goo takes 5 (1d10) acid damage at the start of each of its turns. The heggarna that thrive here subsist on the goo and are immune to its effects.

[New] Page 76: In the Escort subheading of the Awakening heading, replace “doombringer” with “doom champion”

[New] Page 115: In the Crossing the Wastes heading, replace the third paragraph with the following paragraph:

The surrounding Wastes can be customized to suit the needs of the campaign. The journey to Ssileficus’s body takes half a day.

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