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4e D&D

Death Among the Dunes: Desert Monsters

With their punishing climate and near-total lack of precious water, deserts are one of the most hostile environments in existence. Those who spend enough time among the desert sands know that some monsters can thrive even in these hellish wastes. Such creatures are feared and respected by wise adventurers, for they are invariably predatory and […]

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4 New Adventures from Kobold Press

Summer’s almost here! With convention season coming and school letting out, there are more opportunities to play. You could probably use some new adventures to run, yes? The Kobolds have you covered with four new adventures for Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons. Over at Paizo.com you’ll find two new adventures for Pathfinder

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Announcing the Kobold Press Community Use Policy

The Midgard Campaign Setting fan community is growing faster than an ill-advised alchemy experiment in Maillon! It’s an active, vibrant community, full of people who want to take what we’ve created and run with it in exciting and fun directions. So we thought, why not make it easier for them? To encourage fan sites and free

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Legendary Locations of Midgard: Dynamic Environments (Part 2)

We continue the look at legendary locations of Midgard in part 2 of the Dynamic Encounters series. Next up is Missala, with its tortured inhabitants. Missala, the Indolent Island (Page 140) The ruins of the diamond palace are on this small island. Long abandoned, its only inhabitants are the pained remnants of the once living.

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Legendary Locations of Midgard: Dynamic Environments (Part 1)

The world of Midgard is filled with wondrous locations, from the Ghostlight Forest in the west to the Dragoncoil Mountains in the east. Some of these extraordinary places present a challenge to those who adventure there, such as the Bleak Expanse with its vicious cold that hampers mundane tasks, or the warped magic in the

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Transition Scenes: Hacking Story Games for Nontactical Combat and More (Part 2)

Brian continues his look at an option for adding transition scenes to your game by describing how to frame, play, and resolve a transition scene. If you missed the first part, you should read it first! Frame the Scene: Even when the GM suggests the scene, one player should be the focus of the scene. This

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Transition Scenes: Hacking Story Games for Nontactical Combat and More (Part 1)

When you look at the mechanics available to players in 4th Edition, there’s a heavy focus on combat options. Even themes and backgrounds are often geared toward, or at least chosen for, optimizing a character’s abilities in combat. Tactical combat is one of 4th Edition’s distinguishing strengths, but it can feel like the rest of

Transition Scenes: Hacking Story Games for Nontactical Combat and More (Part 1) Read More »

Transmutation: More New Spells (Part 5)

In this final installment of the transmutation series, David provides you with several new spells. Beholder’s Gaze     Wizard Attack 27 You suddenly sprout several eye stalks like a beholder and unleash an attack against your foes. Encounter * Arcane, Implement, Polymorph, Transmutation; Varies Standard Action     Ranged 20 Target: One, two, or three creatures Attack: Intelligence

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