Where to Start

New to Kobold Press? We’ll walk you through our bestsellers and help get you started!

What We Make

Since 2006, Kobold Press has published imaginative, top-quality content for tabletop roleplaying games. Advanced player options, GM advice, spells, magic items, and epic adventures fill our hobby gaming books, offering breadth and depth that will enrich your roleplaying experience.

In 2024, we proudly released the Tales of the Valiant roleplaying game, a fresh, independent 5E-compatible game. With the support of our vibrant community of players and GMs, the Kobolds constantly push our creative energy to build better worlds, tell better stories, and make better content for your game.

Monster Books

Challenge your players with fresh new foes from our critically acclaimed monster books!

  • Tome of Beasts 1, Tome of Beasts 2, and Tome of Beasts 3 provide hundreds of new foes for your fifth edition games! Use these monsters in your favorite published setting, or populate worlds of your own creation!
  • Creature Codex has you covered with nearly 400 new foes for your fifth edition game–from acid ants and grave behemoths to void giants and zombie lords.
  • Monster Pawns bring life to your tactical fantasy battles! Unleash an army of foes with our pawns, featuring art pulled straight from the stable of Kobold Press monsters. Choose from Tome of Beasts 1, Creature Codex, and Monster Vault to add delightful threat to your next encounter!
  • Lairs books provide monstrous adventure! These collections of one-shot adventures for all levels are written to showcase a particular monster from a Tome of Beasts or other affiliated product. Each adventure plays to its monster’s strengths, drawing players into a memorable confrontation.
Tome of Beasts cover
Tome of Beasts 2 cover
Creature Codex Cover

Tales of the Valiant

Featuring exciting new and refined character classes, mechanics and a slimmed-down ruleset, the Tales of the Valiant RPG is a fiercely independent 5E-compatible fantasy roleplaying game.

With ToV, Kobold Press gives you a fifth edition compatible game that is easy to learn, fun to play, and lets you and your friends tell your tales, your way.

  • The Tales of the Valiant Player’s Guide is the heart of the game. Everything players and GMs need for their next great adventure is in these pages. Choose from 13 base classes, build a character with a unique heritage and lineage, tell stories, and live out a great campaign, using a guide written for players AND game masters!
  • The Monster Vault contains over 400 monsters to hound, vex, and maybe even devour your party. From mighty void dragons to not-so-lowly kobolds, the Monster Vault is the first resort for GMs looking for a fight!
  • Your ultimate homebrewer’s toolkit is the Game Master’s Guide. Get under the skin of the game with advanced mechanics, storytelling techniques, and encounter building strategies to enhance your games to legendary proportions. Intended for players with an interest in building advanced campaigns and homebrew content, the GMG is a comprehensive resource for aspiring game masters.
  • The Labyrinth: an endless maze of hidden pathways and tunnels, each connecting far-flung worlds and disparate realities. The Labyrinth Worldbook explores these pathways that connect our settings to yours in a sprawling universe of adventure. Resist the encroaching Void, maintain the paths, or let all worlds fall to ruin.
  • Love Tales of the Valiant? Want to bring your existing fifth edition content to ToV? Want to make your own? Look no further than the Black Flag Reference Document (BFRD), featuring the complete, open, ruleset for Tales of the Valiant.
  • Our handy Conversion Guide is also free to help you bring your beloved fifth edition material to your ToV table.


Bring the action to your table with our ready-to-play adventures!

  • Scarlet Citadel The ultimate dungeon crawler is here! Once a fortress where wizards honed their eldritch craft, the Scarlet Citadel is now a sprawling megadungeon taking characters from 1st to 10th level. Battle your way through six labyrinthine levels, face down original monsters, solve challenging puzzles, and explore strange new environs. Level up your adventure with the accompanying Scarlet Citadel Map Folio!
  • Prepared! Expanded Collection Did your players wander off into unplotted territory? Were you summoned to GM at the last minute? The low-prep solution for every situation is the Prepared! Expanded Collection. Featuring over 25 adventures for levels 1–15, Prepared! Expanded Collection offers up one-session adventures and side quests to save you time between sessions.
  • Setting Adventures Journey through new worlds of heroic adventure with our Kobold Press setting adventures. Walk the dusty streets of Per Bastet in City of Cats. Tread lightly through the Shadow Realm in Tales from the Shadows. Scout magic-blasted barrens in Tales from the Wastes or journey to the heart of a sentient forest in Tales of the Old Margreve. Each setting adventure series features original foes, new NPCs, and compelling quests that draw your players into the world.
  • Seeking more adventure? Kobold Press has an extensive library of Warlock Lair zines featuring standalone adventures for PCs of all levels. Explore our adventure archives today!
Scarlet Citadel Cover
Tales of Old Margreve cover

Player Options

Create unique new characters and expand your arsenal of options with our player-focused products!

  • Deep Magic, Volumes 1 and 2 introduce nearly 1,000 new spells to your game, a great resource for GMs and spell-minded players! If a wizard’s ransom in spells wasn’t enough, this potent pair of powerful tomes summons up new subclasses, magic items, and two new base classes—the mystical theurge and the primal witch.
  • Tome of Heroes delivers character options galore—new styles of magic, weapon options, subclasses, character races, backgrounds—and much more to expand your game in new directions!
  • Vault of Magic introduces 800 new magic items to bring wild surprises to your gaming table, from unknown potions to fabled weapons and armor to everyday magic items. There’s something here for your game—for the heroes and the villains!
Deep Magic Vol 1.
Deep Magic Vol 2
Tome of Heroes Cover
Vault of Magic cover

Game Master Guides

Featuring practical essays from industry legends for all aspects of gameplay, the Kobold Guide series equips you with everything you need to jump into the role of game master or sharpen existing skills!

  • Kobold Guide to Gamemastering With the Kobold Guide to Gamemastering, Kobold Press assembled the best minds in the tabletop industry to answer the question, “How do I run better games?”

    Whether you’re new to the hobby, or a seasoned grognard running your hundredth campaign, these 21 essays offer insights into the craft of storytelling, working with players, prepping for the next session, and much more!
  • Kobold Guide to Monsters shares wisdom from the brightest stars in the gaming industry about conceptualizing, developing, and maximizing the “Wow!” factor of monsters. Step by step, you can see how to think up a new idea or modify an existing one. Then refine and test the design and get the absolute most out of your new creature. ENNIE-Award-winner!
  • Kobold Guide to Worldbuilding puts a team of master story architects at your side to help you build vibrant worlds to enthrall your players or write the next hit fantasy series! ENNIE-Award-winner!
  • Kobold Guide to Worldbuilding Vol. 2 Running a game is hard. Building a world is even harder. Read what 15 creative wizards know about it, providing practical insight on how to build a world and engage players to get into it. Build pantheons, craft unique cultures, and find ways to get players to worldbuild for you with a team of industry veterans at your side!
  • Kobold Guide to Roleplaying Take your roleplaying to new heights! Develop compelling characters, create believable villains, and master the art of the character arc with tips and tricks from over 100 pages of essays from writers, roleplayers, and tabletop legends. ENNIE-Award-winner!
  • Looking for more advice? Our Kobold Guide series features advice on every aspect of tabletop gaming. From game design and writing plots to designing monsters and running combat, we bring a wealth of industry experience to your bookshelf!
Kobold Guide to Gamemastering cover
Kobold Guide to Monsters cover


Expand your tabletop adventure beyond the pages of a book with our collection of maps and accessories! Our Map Folios offer large, erasable, and folding maps for epic encounters in a wide-array of fantasy locales.

For smaller-scale adventures and combats, choose from our collection of erasable Map Tiles designed to drop players into the action.

The Kobold Community

Keep up to date on everything Kobold Press with our weekly talk show, Kobold Chats! Host Little Red Dot interviews various kobolds, showcases GM prep techniques, and creates various scenarios with viewers!

Kobold Chronicles is a monthly virtual organized play event. Connect with new friends from around the world and roll some dice!

Organized Play

Join the incredible Kobold Community on our Discord! Participate in playtesting, attend LIVE Kobold Press events, and qualify for exclusive rewards as a Discord Subscriber!

Looking for a game? Join our Organized Play community and start playing Tales of the Valiant RPG today!


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Libraries & Charities

Are you a library, school club, or charity looking for Kobold Press titles? Connect with us and see how we can help!

Content Creators

Are you a creator who wants to work with Kobold Press to make great tabletop content? Fill out a Kobold Connection form and start the process! We review applications regularly and reach out based on our ability to meet your needs.

Gnome with Newspaper, Heinrich Schlitt, 1923. Public Domain.


Press inquiries and solicitations can be submitted to us at [email protected].

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