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Streets of Zobeck: It Would Be a Shame If Yous Were to Miss Out on this here Opportunity, You Unnerstand Me?

We’ve nearly hit the greenlight for Streets of Zobeck! What does this mean? It means this might be your last chance to get in before the price goes up and the brainstorming starts in earnest. That’s right, our brainstorming has been pretty light up until now. We’ve limited ourselves to a few preview items and

Streets of Zobeck: It Would Be a Shame If Yous Were to Miss Out on this here Opportunity, You Unnerstand Me? Read More »

Tic, Tic, Tic…

Hurray, get your monsters in for King of the Monsters 2! Time’s almost up! Adam Daigle, Jason Bulmahn, Logan Bonner, and Wolfgang Baur are anxious for the fight to start. The blood starts today, on a very special Friday the 13th. Send your entries to kotm2(at)koboldquarterly(dot)com. Now!

Tic, Tic, Tic… Read More »

To the Birds: Legends of the Tengu (Part 3 of 4)

To support the “Ecology of the Tengu” article in the just released Kobold Quarterly #14, we bring you more feathery goodness. ___ Sojobo, Tengu King, and Myths of the Far East The tengu pervade early Japanese legends as tricksters and deviant beings whose intentions were not always pure of heart. Though once known as baby stealers

To the Birds: Legends of the Tengu (Part 3 of 4) Read More »

Hoard Magic (Part 2)

This article presents a direct adaption for 3.5 Edition/Pathfinder Roleplaying Game of the new article in Kobold Quarterly #14 introducing a new type of magic for 4th Edition that arises from the accumulation of treasure.  That monster’s treasure hoard is now just as deadly as it is precious! Check out the latest issue of Kobold Quarterly to learn

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Hoard Magic (Part 1)

This article presents a direct adaption for 3.5 Edition/Pathfinder Roleplaying Game of the new article in Kobold Quarterly #14 introducing a new type of magic for 4th Edition that arises from the accumulation of treasure.  That monster’s treasure hoard is now just as deadly as it is precious! Check out the latest issue of Kobold Quarterly

Hoard Magic (Part 1) Read More »

Report from Gen Con: A/C is For Customers

(Photos by Ben McFarland) Indianapolis, IN: The first thing you learn about booth setup is to pace yourself. The kobolds arrived in Indianapolis on Tuesday night, got the badges organized, and found some of the booth materials already in place at #2439. Kobold-in-Chief Wolfgang Baur (your humble narrator) and Chief Cryptoanalyst and Booth Monkey #1

Report from Gen Con: A/C is For Customers Read More »

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