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Of Godly Might: Clerics of Boreas (Part 1)

Clerics of Boreas Boreas, Son of the Winter Maiden, is defined by his single-minded obsession to bring to Midgard an eternal winter with all of its deadly aspects, including biting cold, blinding blizzards, and bloodthirsty snow beasts. Those who worship Boreas are either creatures that delight in extreme cold environs due to their genetic composition,

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Dirty Jobs: Parent

Parenthood Hervard the Steady was one of the greatest wizards of his time: a capable adventurer and a renowned university lecturer. Intelligence and perseverance made him a great wizard; generosity and patience made him a great teacher. And he had great talent for divination. Legend has it that on his last day of life at

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Dirty Jobs: Brewer

“Do you want the job or not? You got pretty good qualifications, but I won’t lie to you—there’s a lot of guys just as qualified right behind you.” Jerfren had, in fact, lied at least three times already in their short conversation. Merippik had been counting The first lie was that the job paid well.

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