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The Far Side of the Table: Player-Controlled NPCs

Welcome to the table. Weeks of investigation led the adventurers to the Farsight Estate, where a gathering of nobles provides a perfect opportunity to identify who wants them dead. During this session, the players experienced a new design for social encounters—one that required them to roleplay as the nobles from whom they wanted information. Let’s

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New Paths Compendium Hardcover Preview: Trickster

Next up in our preview series on the New Paths Compendium classes—the trickster! Utilizing cunning, magic, and deception, tricksters live lives of endless adventure. These crafty scoundrels combine a variety of useful, if questionable, skills with the science of arcane scholars and the natural might of innate casters. Tricksters are silver-tongued manipulators, stealthy combatants, and

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Warlock’s Apprentice: Phosus, Dread Wyrm of the Falls

Bringing you a taste from the dark pages of Warlock… In the belly of the Dragoncoil Mountains lies an ancient and spectacular set of magma falls. The falls have many names but are most commonly known as the Firefalls of Ghoss. The story tells of a young dragonfolk sorcerer who, fleeing through the mountains from

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New Release: Eldritch Lairs

To seasoned adventurers, the doom-laden chanting of priests and the cackling of evil wizards means only one thing: deadly peril and the chance for treasure! (Okay, that’s two things.) Eldritch Lairs brings you eight complete 5th Edition compatible adventures for 4th‑ to 8th-level player characters, set in magic‑blasted wastes, dungeons, and deserts. Venture into the dark depths of the earth, through the

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Your Whispering Homunculus: Curious Locales—The Lean Tree House Gambling Inn and Mistress Smedge’s Seamstery, Part Two

“Anyway slug, stop staring at that picture and empty my chamber pot.” Curious Locales presents quirky locations for GMs to drop into their campaigns. Free of class and level, they can be used in any fantasy RPG system.

Your Whispering Homunculus: Curious Locales—The Lean Tree House Gambling Inn and Mistress Smedge’s Seamstery, Part Two Read More »

New Paths Compendium Hardcover Preview: Mystic Archer

Ever want to play a spell-using, kick-ass archer right from 1st level? Introducing the mystic archer, one of the 12 new and expanded Pathfinder Roleplaying Game classes in the recently released hardcover edition of the New Paths Compendium. Dedicated to mastery of the bow, a mystic archer seamlessly blends the damage-dealing potential of the arcane with the

New Paths Compendium Hardcover Preview: Mystic Archer Read More »

Under the City: The Laboratorium

There’s a city not far from here, much like any other. On its surface, it’s full of life in the usual well-kept, mostly ordered snapshot of urban living you’re familiar with. But below its streets, there lies abominations, filth, and history. Complete with alchemical vaults, dungeon cells, moonshine pubs, secret libraries, and unnervingly sterile laboratories,

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