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Planar Boutiques, part 4: buy the trip of a lifetime!

A shrine makes for an odd storefront, but the Shrine of Portals and Passages is not a standard place of worship. It appears no different than hundreds of other shrines lining the roads and byways of various kingdoms. However, the Shrine of Portals and Passages can appear in any location across the Labyrinth, molding its form and decoration to match the conditions and culture of the area.

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Planar Boutiques, part 3: buy time in a bottle

When you enter the marketplace of a city or town, you might find an unassuming blue cart lurking among the other shops and stalls. No one appears to notice the time or method of the cart’s arrival or departure. Sometimes they don’t remember it at all. One moment a space is empty, and in the next, the cart has always been there.

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Staff Picks: Campaign Builder Cities & Towns Map Folio is on sale now!

Cities and towns are great places to set lots of terrific adventures, and they sometimes wind up as side notes in campaigns, places to cash in treasure, rest in comfort and safety, and purchase supplies for the next adventure “out there.” Hopefully, these maps give GMs inspiration for running encounters right in the middle of the crowds.

Staff Picks: Campaign Builder Cities & Towns Map Folio is on sale now! Read More »

Shades of Magic: Artifacts of Primordial Power

Primordial Magic Items The raw power of elements is called upon by druids, evokers, and sorcerers alike, for what mage does not wish to command the natural world itself? Long ago, these great spell-binders tamed the elements and forced their primordial power into these arcane tools. Should you come to possess these great magical tools,

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Magic & Munchausen: Mythical Items from Classical Literature

Magic & Munchausen The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen by Rudolf Erich Raspe (1736-1794) is one of the most widely known examples of proto-fantasy. In the book, which narrates the astounding and weird deeds of the fictional German adventurer, we can find a lot of elements familiar to tabletop RPG players, including monsters, space travels,

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Midgard Expanded: The Travels of Lucano Volpe, or Betik and the Book

Part Three, On Betik, Province of the Book A prominent province indeed, Betik is well known as one of the greatest provinces of the entire Mharoti Empire. The road from Qiresh to Betik runs some 550 miles through high passes of the Dragoncoil. Yet this is not a hard journey as well-appointed hostels and waystations

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Midgard Expanded: The Travels of Lucano Volpe, or So It Begins

Introduction, In Which We Meet Our Narrator and Learn Of His Reasons YE emperors, kings, dukes, marquises, earls, and knights, and all other people desirous of knowing the diversities of the races of Midgard, as well as the diversities of kingdoms, provinces, and regions of all parts of the East, read through this account, and

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