Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

The Far Side of the Table: Analyzing GM Mistakes, Part 1

Welcome to the table. Every GM makes mistakes. Sometimes the mistake goes unnoticed, or the GM quickly remedies the situation without the players ever being aware that there was a problem in the first place. Other times, GMs make mistakes that bring the game to a halt, forcing both the players and the GM to […]

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On the Road with Phileus J. Abbertale: Beneath the Canopy

No predicament frightens me more than the terrifying realization of being lost. My first brush with the unsettling sensation took place during my teenage years. My parents introduced me to the unspoiled wilderness at an early age. Under their tutelage and vigilant gaze, I explored dark forests and other feral areas where many adults feared

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Warlock’s Apprentice: Owls, Roses, and Thorns

Elvish courts have always been strange places—to mortals anyway. They are somewhat like royal courts among humans, but because of elvish and fey longevity, the fey courts are far more dominated by single figures and for much longer periods, and these factors invariably leave their mark across centuries, setting down quirks, customs, traditions, and arcane

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Dungeons of Midgard: Vault of the Vermilion Star

For 10th-level characters. Angarika Flagellum is an ambitious flame dragon (Tome of Beasts) who established her lair in the Haunted Lands of the Giants, that portion of the Wasted West in the hinterlands of the Pytonne Mountains. Angarika plays a dangerous game, luring unsuspecting adventures to her lair, then slaying them to acquire their magic.

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Coming Soon: Tales of the Old Margreve

The forest surrounds you, darkness filling the spaces between the massive boles, as you try to keep the path. There is a certain stillness—a slumbering immensity—just under the surface that is simultaneously inspiring and terrifying, disorienting in its primacy. But the inevitable snap of twig or wind in the leaves continues to bring you back

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Your Whispering Homunculus: 100 Notable Kobolds, Part Two

“Here he is master. Young Nadger at your service.” “M’nar, Great Master. How may a humble kobold of the bloodline of dragon turtles, so clearly shown by my attire, mighty voice, and bearing, be of assistance to you, my lord?” “Well now, Nadger. I’m having trouble with this squid necromancer…” Continuing our look at peculiarly

Your Whispering Homunculus: 100 Notable Kobolds, Part Two Read More »

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