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Mercenary Theme

To celebrate the impending release of Open Design’s Soldiers of Fortune sourcebook for 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons, author Matt James brings you additional material for a military campaign. __ Warfare has permeated history since the first mortals ever drew breath. Whether the motive is a matter of pride, a warm place to sleep, or […]

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Encounters of Fortune: The Camel Spiders (Part 1 of 5)

To celebrate the impending release of Open Design’s Soldiers of Fortune sourcebook for 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons, author Matt James brings you additional material for a military campaign. __ The riches and treasures diverted through the city of Cindass are quite remarkable and fuel a burgeoning enterprise for those motivated by money. Wealthy investors

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Kythernon the Cruel

To celebrate the impending release of Open Design’s Soldiers of Fortune sourcebook for 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons, author Matt James brings you additional material for a military campaign. __ This anecdotal history of an antagonist by the name of Kythernoncan be part of the background or this NPC an integral figure, interacting directly with

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Fists of Flurry: Twists on the Monk’s Signature Ability

There have been a variety of joke names for a monk’s flurry of blows class ability. “Flurry of misses” is a common one, and so is “death of 1,000 whiffs.” Sacrificing accuracy for additional attacks is a gamble, and it becomes an even bigger one if you’re combining the ability with Power Attack to try

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Memorable Factions: The Scond

Organizations provide a great way to add verisimilitude and dynamism to a campaign world. Each installment in this series presents a new organization, complete with shared attack and utility powers—akin to monster themes—which lend a unique, memorable feel to the organization’s members. Since each organization comes with several variants, you should find one which matches

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Sewer Sweep

A metallic, barrel-shaped, quadrupedal contraption systematically makes it way along the underground passageway. It pauses suddenly as the mechanical “head” on top spins around, pointing a glowing red gemstone and an odd-looking nozzle in your direction. Sewer sweeps were created ages ago to keep sewers and underground chambers clean of vermin, slime, mold, fungi, and

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Your Whispering Homunculus: For One Night Only—Heavy Rain and Wind in Urban Environs

Master Pett’s Your Whispering Homunculus presents only the finest in British gaming. Indeed, you are not likely to find a more comprehensive assortment of miscellany anywhere. (So much more than just another bloke in a dress.) [previously] __ “Listen to the rain pounding on the rooftops, the waters pouring down swollen guttering and over broken brickwork

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Time after Time

Manipulating time has long been a staple of fantasy worlds and—with a little planning—can add new dimensions to your games and your players’ characters. It can open up new and wondrous locations and leave your players wondering, “When will we wind up next?” Killing Time One way to make your players more aware of time

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Gut Tiger

Poised on all fours, ready to strike, this gangly beast of matted fur and bony protrusions is barely as large as an ocelot. Nevertheless, the sheer savagery in its four slit-like eyes hints that it is more dangerous than its size suggests. Few predators are as feared as the notorious gut tiger. Rather then shred

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