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Available Now: Player’s Guide to the Rothenian Plains

Ride Hard and Loot Everything! In Midgard’s Rothenian Plain, the dangers are everywhere: slavers, demonic warlock, raiding centaur bands, bandits and more . But on the open grasslands, it is easy to make a life of banditry and adventure as well, for a fresh start is just over the horizon. The centaur shamans, human horsemen, […]

Available Now: Player’s Guide to the Rothenian Plains Read More »

Advanced Feats: Might of the Magus is now available!

Who doesn’t want to be a master swordsman and a powerful mage at the same time? With the magus you can do exactly that – and players have been thrilled with the newest Pathfinder RPG class from Paizo’s Ultimate Magic. Advanced Feats: Might of the Magus by featmaster Sigfried Trent brings you 30 new feats

Advanced Feats: Might of the Magus is now available! Read More »

Secrets of the Alchemists: Feat Peek

I received a request for a sneak peek of one of the 30 feats from Advanced Feats: Secrets of the Alchemist, and I’m more than happy to oblige with Sundering Bomb. Sundering Bomb You can use bombs to destroy your opponent’s equipment. Prerequisite: Bomb class feature, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot. Benefit: You can use one of

Secrets of the Alchemists: Feat Peek Read More »

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