Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Preview of Tome of Beasts: Mithral Dragon

As we kobolds are fond of joking: “Dragon!!!” But seriously, mithral? Where’s the candy floss dragon? Like staying alive isn’t hard enough already. The mithral dragon spits metal shards. That’s how badass [and completely metal \m/] they are. This  shiny partykiller was originally designed by Mike McArtor and updated to 5E for the Tome of Beasts by Chris Harris with art

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Con Report: Shadows of the Dusk Queen

Paizocon may be over, but our enjoyment of it certainly is not! Mike Welham braved the lovely weather and terrific gamers of the Northwest to run Shadows of the Dusk Queen for some Pathfinders ready for action. Sounds like they had a wonderfully fun time—and even had a surprise teammate in the form of artist Bryan Syme. Needless to say, there are

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Unlikely Heroes for 5th Edition is Now Available

 I really want to play a jinnborn. Wait, a dhampir. No, no, a dust goblin it is…! And all I need is Unlikely Heroes for 5th Edition, the just released player’s guide. This one growls at you when you open it. It’s now available in the Kobold store. Now, I love me some gnomes. And the dragonborn are certainly dandy. And humans do have

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Preview of Tome of Beasts: Flab Giant

We kobolds have a saying: “When a giant’s in the mines, workday’s over.” The flab giant is not someone you want to stop and ask directions from. It only wants you for one out of a handful of possible reasons… and none of them are good. This walking mountain was originally designed by Ryan Costello, Jr. and updated to

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Midgard Maps: The Lady of White Rose Manor (page 3)

The Kobold King, in his scaly wisdom, became a patron of the famed cartographer, Dyson Logos (Fantasy RPG Cartography by Dyson Logos)! Magnificent maps were attained, thereby, which our Squamous Sovereign decreed would become part of the landscape of Midgard. With great celerity and a stolen thesaurus, one of his minions did set about transforming

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Let’s All Go to the ENnies

It’s that time of year! Yes, it is the time for picking blueberries and for tending to fireworks burns. But it’s also the time to announce the 2016 Nominees for the 2016 Gen Con EN World RPG Award—those most illustrious ENnies. We gleeful kobolds are ecstatic to announce two nominations: Southlands Campaign for Best Setting Southlands Campaign Map for Best Cartography Polls open next Monday (July 11).

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Deep Magic: Clockwork is Now Available

I got my goggles. And my hat. And my boom-clanking automaton. And… I got my Deep Magic: Clockwork, the just released magical tome that whirs and sparks when you dive inside. It’s now available in the Kobold store. When the Great Machine talks, great machinists need to listen. This book reveals new options for clerics, wizards, and warlocks in 5th

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Midgard Maps: The Lady of White Rose Manor (page 2)

The Kobold King, in his scaly wisdom, became a patron of the famed cartographer, Dyson Logos (Fantasy RPG Cartography by Dyson Logos)! Magnificent maps were attained, thereby, which our Squamous Sovereign decreed would become part of the landscape of Midgard. With great celerity and a stolen thesaurus, one of his minions did set about transforming

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A Hoard Fit for a Kobold: Anthony Jennings, Real Steel Contest Winner

Just a little window into the days and nights of the Kobold Blog-Mines… Here’s a pic of Anthony Jennings, Real Steel contest winner. This talented wizard designed the fantastic Blade of Ancient Visions for the recent Real Steel contest.  Winning the contest. And this is the fat treasure pile he received. Notice the cutter from blacksmith Todd Gdula. Anthony will

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Midgard Maps: The Lady of White Rose Manor

The Kobold King, in his scaly wisdom, became a patron of the famed cartographer, Dyson Logos (Fantasy RPG Cartography by Dyson Logos)! Magnificent maps were attained, thereby, which our Squamous Sovereign decreed would become part of the landscape of Midgard. With great celerity and a stolen thesaurus, one of his minions did set about transforming

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