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July 2017 New Paths Compendium Wallpapers

2017 New Paths Compendium This month, we’re featuring the cover for the newly expanded, updated, full-color hardcover version of the New Paths Compendium (on Kickstarter now) with artwork by Claudio Pozas. The New Paths Compendium has almost everything from the original book and much more, including new classes, archetypes, feats, and spells.     ~

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New Paths Compendium Kickstarter Launch

New Paths Compendium Kickstarter An updated, reorganized, much expanded, full color, hardcover version of the New Paths Compendium has been a long time coming. Brand new classes, archetypes, feats, and spells. And here’s the Kickstarter for it! It started from humble enough beginnings. Way back in 2009, the spell-less ranger appeared in Kobold Quarterly #11, and

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Medieval Urbanism: The Labyrinthine Realities of the Medieval City, A Designer’s Primer

The Labyrinthine Realities of the Medieval City City planner and historian Lewis Mumford famously recognized the essence of medieval urbanism in “the secrecy and the surprise, the sudden opening and the lift upwards, the richness of the carved detail.” It is that very essence, along with the mysteries fantasy tradition has constructed within it, that

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Midgard Expanded: The Travels of Lucano Volpe, or Captured by Monks

Part 8, Captured by the Monks of Leng Woe and calamity! Imagine the worst that might befall a traveler, and that thought pales in comparison to what has happened to Agosto and I! Desert duststorms drove us Northward for three more days in clouds of choking grit and sand. But on the fourth day, the

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Writing a Better Homebrew Campaign: Different Ways to Tell Your Story

So you want to create your own campaign for your players? You want to craft adventures with thrilling action, compelling characters, and rich plot hooks? With cliffhangers and twists, treachery and redemption, complexity and surprises around every corner? A living, breathing world to explore with your friends? We want to help you do just that.

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Terrors of the Dragon Empire: Scorpion Assassin

The Mharoti Dragon Empire is the scourge of Midgard and the Southlands alike. The vast armies of the Dragon Empire march relentlessly across the known world in their endless wars of conquest, spreading fear and chaos wherever they go. The creatures that make up the Mharoti forces are powerful and frightful, ranging from deadly kobold

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Your Whispering Homunculus: Curious Locales—Slaughterhouse and Undertaking Emporium, Part Two

Filletess Crab’s Slaughterhouse and Undertaking Emporium, Part Two Curious locales are quirky locations for GMs to drop into their campaigns. Free of class and level, they can be used in any fantasy RPG system. They consist of a single locale with a colorful description, characters and relationships, and ideas for adventures and using them in

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Dragoncoil Guide: A Background

Dragoncoil Guide Like petrified waves of broken bone, the wind-scoured crags of the Dragoncoil Mountains undulate through the Eastern Dragon Empire. Looming like cyclopean gods, these jagged, snow-capped peaks dominate nearly every horizon of this vast, alpine region. Mezar, Betik, and sacred Kalpostan all lie nestled within the harsh embrace of these timeless mountains. From

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