Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Out of the Frying Pan: Muttering Madness

Encounters have consequences. Every slain bandit has friends who will want revenge, and every devil banished back to the Eleven Hells reports its failure to its Dark Lord. What happens when the PCs’ daring deeds come back to bite them? Muttering Madness The following encounter chains are more than just random encounters. Each conflict flows

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Your Whispering Homunculus: Fifty More Passersby, Part Two

“Are you sure you didn’t just make these up, sluglet?” “Lie to you? Never, master!” Continuing our encounters with more peculiar (and some frankly improbable) NPCs, here are 25 more strange or odd characters your PCs may pass in the street, have a conversation with, or have to interact with to gain some vital clue

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Rogue’s Gallery: Ga’rok Tok, Warlord of the Wastes

Unable and uninterested in controlling his baser urges since his transformation, Ga’rok has betrayed his employees often enough that no one trusts him anymore. What were once just rumors that enhanced his reputation as a dangerous warrior are now taken at face value as a warning to stay away. Ga’rok has never been particularly well-liked,

Rogue’s Gallery: Ga’rok Tok, Warlord of the Wastes Read More »

The Far Side of the Table: Non-Traditional Currency

Hoping to avoid Countess Farsight’s rage for having killed a duke during a party in her estate, the adventurers made their way north. Looking out across an icy, wind-swept tundra, the adventurers trudged wearily toward a solitary fortress on the horizon. The adventurers wondered about what kind of life would await them in this new

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