Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Warlock’s Apprentice: Treasures of Perun’s Daughter

Oft threatened by raiding centaurs, dragon legions, and the bandits of the Ruby Despotate, the Duchy of Perun’s Daughter doesn’t take kindly to outsiders too curious about what lies in Perunalia’s vaults and armories—especially those who gawk at the duchy’s leadership of powerful women. Societies dominated by men are dominated too by their rampant emotions:

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Out of the Frying Pan: Point and Counterpoint

Encounters have consequences. Every slain bandit has friends who will want revenge, and every devil banished back to the Eleven Hells reports its failure to its dark lord. What happens when the PCs’ daring deeds come back to bite them? The following encounter chains are more than just random conflicts. Each event flows organically into

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Tome of Beasts: Fext

Taut dead skin, adorned entirely with tattooed fish scales, covers this woman’s face and hands. She wears scaled armor, sea green like verdigris on copper and wields a strange sword. Her pale eyes stare, unblinking. Undead Warlock Slaves. Ancient and powerful beings across the multiverse grant magical knowledge to mortals through dangerous pacts. Those bound

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Warlock’s Apprentice: Treasure Vaults of Midgard

Many are those needing to store wealth, information, and other odds and ends they’d prefer not fall into the hands of thieves. All across Midgard, special repositories are built to this end: difficult to locate and access and often featuring traps and guardians to destroy intruders. Here are detailed but a few of those.

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Warlock’s Apprentice: Bemmea’s Scheming Arcanists

“I’ve watched Gispara Ravensbark cast spells on several occasions, and I’ve never ceased to be amazed. The ancient gnome is almost nonchalant as she assumes a well-practiced stance, platinum ankh gently cradled in her left hand, her arm swinging loosely at her side. “There’s a devilish twinkle in her eyes as she begins the incantation.

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Boneshard Shaman

Among the dust-goblin tribes of the Wasted West, there exist some with traditions calling for certain tribal elders, spirit callers, and witch doctors to carry out enigmatic rituals among the wraith-haunted vales of the Flensing Gulch. Those who return, return changed—somehow less than alive, altered by deranged sacraments and the abhorrent, necrotic magicks of the wraiths

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Inside the Kobold Mines: Guide to the Shadow Realms

With Courts of the Shadow Fey just released, the timing couldn’t be better for the debut of a special edition Warlock booklet, Guide to the Shadow Realms. The guide was a threshold goal on the Warlock Patreon. If you’re not familiar, Kobold Press is producing Warlock (24–28 pages for 5th Edition in PDF and print),

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Welcome to Midgard: Free City of Zobeck

The Free City’s austere feudal history explains the city’s current freedom‑loving citizenry. After suffering under the long, harsh reign of the aristocratic Stross family, the people of Zobeck have little love for nobles or the institution of feudalism. They have vowed to never again accept a lord’s yoke. Instead, commerce and the ability of every

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