Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

The Far Side of the Table: Breaking Expectations

Kara’s chest flared painfully with each breath. Next to her, Strass’s left arm hung uselessly at his side. Thick, muscular tentacles lay around them, writhing as if still controlled by their monstrous master. A few dozen feet before them, the kraken lay defeated, its great yellow eyes unmoving. Nearby, Azreal tended to the large gash […]

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Designing with Style: Unlocking the Style Guide Using Thieves’ Tools

The Designing with Style series breaks down the official 5th Edition style guide to help designers create content that’s well-written, polished, and precise. Using consistent language for rules and mechanics makes it easier for new players to understand the game and helps to avoid confusion that slows play. For example, the range of hold person

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So You Want to Play in Midgard? (But You Don’t Know Where to Start)

You’ve picked up the Tome of Beasts or maybe the Creature Codex. Maybe you have the Midgard Heroes Handbook. You were thinking about just dropping these monsters into your homebrew or adding those subclasses. But you keep hearing about this Midgard place, this amazing campaign setting that everyone’s talking about. So you take the next

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The Far Side of the Table: All about the Experience

It was a sunny, clear day in Greychapel. A light breeze carried the smell of last night’s rain. Markus, Holly, and Sebastian stood outside the Goldfinch Inn, soaking in the atmosphere around them. Markus laughed, struck by the difference of the fine day before him and the dark, cavernous sewers that they were trudging through

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