Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Your Whispering Homunculus: 50 Treasures of the Southlands, Part One

“Well?” “Well, what, your domeness?” “You’re covered in dust—explain.” “Ah, the dust. Yes, well, I was under the Great Stair and—” “You are not to go under-stairs, ever. You’ve only been briefly in my employ and would do well to remember the last homunculus that pried too deeply into my affairs and property.” “Yes, master.

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Magic & Munchausen: Mythical Items from Classical Literature

Magic & Munchausen The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen by Rudolf Erich Raspe (1736-1794) is one of the most widely known examples of proto-fantasy. In the book, which narrates the astounding and weird deeds of the fictional German adventurer, we can find a lot of elements familiar to tabletop RPG players, including monsters, space travels,

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Midgard Notebook: Villains and Corruption

Villains and Corruption One of the great elements of Midgard since the earliest days has been its villains and cults. These draw their power partly from their magic and secrets but also from the flaws of each heroic race. In particular, cults and villains thrive because humans are especially susceptible to corruption, such as by

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Howling Tower: Cardtography

Cardtography: The Basics Since the introduction of computer RPGs, randomly generated dungeons are everywhere. Software developers prefer to call them procedurally generated rather than random because they aren’t truly random; they’re created according to a rigid procedure. Developing a procedure that spits out satisfying dungeons is a popular problem among programmers, and the web is

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Out of the Frying Pan: Loyalty Beyond Death

Loyalty Beyond Death Encounters have consequences. Every slain bandit has friends who will want revenge, and every devil banished back to the Eleven Hells reports its failure to its Dark Lord. What happens when the PCs’ daring deeds come back to bite them? The following encounter chains are more than just random encounters. Each conflict

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Midgard Expanded: The Travels of Lucano Volpe, or Parthia’s on Fire

Part 5, On Parthia and the Fire-Worshippers of Atashkala Upon leaving Tabur by barge, it’s a twelve-day journey upon the Lumeta River. We fended off centaur raiders twice before reaching the eastern edge of the empire at the fortress town of Kazan. An impressive fortification, the town rests on both sides of the water and

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Midgard Kickstarter for 5th Edition and Pathfinder is Live!

Like the strong, dark dwarven beer of the Ironcrags, the Midgard Kickstarter project has been a long time fermenting—and it’s now live! The dark roads await us, and the deep magic calls. Check it out here. This Kickstarter will bring a whole new world to 5th Edition, and expand the options for Pathfinder RPG players. We’re

Midgard Kickstarter for 5th Edition and Pathfinder is Live! Read More »

Midgard Notebook: New and Old Schools of Midgardian Magic

Midgardian Magic One of the principles behind the revised Midgard Campaign Setting is the “Dark Roads & Deep Magic” ethos. Not surprisingly, this means additions to player and game master options alike with the incorporation of new schools of magic from the Deep Magic series. The existing school of heavily Midgardian magic are well known:

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Dirty Jobs: Parent

Parenthood Hervard the Steady was one of the greatest wizards of his time: a capable adventurer and a renowned university lecturer. Intelligence and perseverance made him a great wizard; generosity and patience made him a great teacher. And he had great talent for divination. Legend has it that on his last day of life at

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