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Midgard Expanded: The Travels of Lucano Volpe, or Bowing Before the Spider Gods

Part 9, Bowing Before the Spider Gods (Ruined Pages—Fragments) Monks…slavers… …affixed the chains to our wrists and connected us to the line of other slaves. …they eat their foes….dragged…. A portal in the archway… …elsewhere…high-plateau, very arid… …now near a brackish lake, we… …thermal spring…leaping snake shot like an arrow…which poisoned Agosto!… ….Never should have […]

Midgard Expanded: The Travels of Lucano Volpe, or Bowing Before the Spider Gods Read More »

Of Magic & Monsters: Variant Goblins from English Poetry

Variant Goblins from English Poetry The sister of the renowned pre-raphaelite painter Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Christina Georgina (1830-1894) was a feminist poet involved in the pre-romantic English literary movement. In her most famous poem, “Goblin Market,” she describes a band of goblins characterized by beastly features. 5E stats are provided for those unusual monsters, aimed

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Your Whispering Homunculus: Evocative Words, Part One

Evocative Words—Part One “Reading, master?” “Silence maggot, or I’ll have you flensed. I’m too busy consuming Mugwort’s Tome of Evocative Words to communicate with you in any way. Now go and put some more lard on the cat’s boil. Her yowling is irritating me.” Words, beautiful, lovely words. Each paints a glorious picture, and though

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Alchemical Warfare

Alchemical Warfare Alchemical weapons have a long history in RPGs. It is a safe bet that the first gamers found themselves in a situation where igniting a flask of oil seemed like a great idea. Thumbing through the pages of history it is easy to find references to chemical weaponry. Chinese generals used clouds of

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Shades of Magic: Artifacts of Primordial Power

Primordial Magic Items The raw power of elements is called upon by druids, evokers, and sorcerers alike, for what mage does not wish to command the natural world itself? Long ago, these great spell-binders tamed the elements and forced their primordial power into these arcane tools. Should you come to possess these great magical tools,

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The Egg Thief, Part 2: A Sidetrek

Pernicious Template (and 3 examples) Pernicious Creature (CR +0 or +1) Creatures with the pernicious template live anywhere evil fey are found. Pernicious creatures acquire the physical characteristics (such as green feathers, fur, or scales, and red spots), locomotion, and feeding habits of the pernicious platypus. A pernicious creature’s CR increases by +1 only if

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The Far Side of the Table: “Click! Now What?”

“Click! Now What?” Our heroes find themselves standing in the Tangle, a sprawling market square filled with local merchants and their patrons. Before them sits one of the city’s grand masters, Lady Rena Ambar, master of brewers. She waves them to join her at the small plaza table, topped with fine foods. Welcome to the

The Far Side of the Table: “Click! Now What?” Read More »

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