Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Warlock’s Apprentice: Terrors of the Dragon Empire

The Mharoti Dragon Empire is the scourge of Midgard and the Southlands alike. The vast armies of the Dragon Empire march relentlessly across the known world in their endless wars of conquest, spreading fear and chaos wherever they go. The creatures that make up the Mharoti forces are powerful and frightful, ranging from deadly kobold

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Grimalkin: A New Adventure for Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

Strange Doings in the Sultan’s Charnel House Grimalkin is here! Lo! The corpse of poor, departed Scholar Zubayr, washed up on the shores of the River of Sand, lies in the charnel house… destined to become dinner for a cult of cannibals. Though distasteful in the extreme, this isn’t your concern—except that Princess Karima Gamila,

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Midgard Worldbook

Adventure In a Dark World of Deep Magic! The Midgard Worldbook is here! It is an age of war. Civilization slowly gives way to encroaching wilderness, and once-mighty empires now lie beneath the waves. Only magic and the warmth of hope keeps lights aglow when dread things prowl, and priestly wardings are bent by demonic

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