Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

The Realm of Dreaming

The ritual magic system that is detailed within the Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition Player’s Handbook provides your characters with the ability to create interesting and useful effects. By building on that system, you could introduce a new element to your campaign: the realm of Dreaming. This article introduces new rituals, an item, and a

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Gen Con Seminars

Here’s the scoop on when and where to see Wolfgang Baur and the Kobold Crew at the show. Kobold publisher Wolfgang is an Industry Guest of Honor this year so they’re working him hard. You’ll find him and various freelancers at the following panels and events: Homebrewers Guide to RPG Worldbuilding Admit it: Sometimes the

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Born Heroic: A Player’s Guide to Childhood (Part 2 of 2)

Last week, we presented part 1 of “Born Heroic,” and you can read it now before diving into the second part. Enamored When you were young you met a real-life hero. This hero might have been passing through your community on Very Important Business; or maybe your hometown was the focus of your hero’s quest

Born Heroic: A Player’s Guide to Childhood (Part 2 of 2) Read More »

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