Shelly, Take a Bow

Shelly, Take a Bow

Edgar Degas - Dancer Taking a BowShelly Baur has been a mainstay of Kobold Press from the early days, and she proudly called herself Minion #1 during her tenure wearing at least 5 different hats — sometimes all at once! So it’s with some dismay that we announce she’s resigning her roles as the Kobold Press customer service contact and shipping coordinator.

Shelly, thank you for all the treasures you’ve shipped and the all troubles you unsnarled as the Mistress of All Minions. Folks, it’ll be rocky for a bit, but we have a plan to keep shipping going as best we can until we either remove the Kobold Store or find local help with shipping. (The current plan means giving the Overlord a third shift. That should work, right?) So we hope you’ll excuse any delays while Wolfgang comes up to speed on some of these things.

Although she’s hanging up a couple of her hats, Shelly will continue to be involved with the business as the company’s Finance Manager; or as we prefer to say, Keeper of the Coinage. Thank you, Shelly, and take a bow!

20 thoughts on “Shelly, Take a Bow”

  1. *Bows to Shelly*

    Mrs. Baur, I will miss your always kind and considerate questions regarding my shipments. Thank you very much for always being there.

    All the best and here’s to you!

  2. Thank you Shelly! I always knew my products were in good hands with you at the helm…and good luck Wolfgang. You may soon need one of those Harry Potter time turners to keep up.

  3. KQ’s customer service has always been topnotch, and Mrs. Baur has often been the face of that. I’m sorry to see her step down, but best wishes!

  4. Christina Stiles

    Shelly, whatever Wolf did to make you want to resign, we’ll beat him up for it! :)

    Really, though, best wishes! Enjoy your free time, Shelly!

  5. I understand that you’re leaving Kobold Press to pursue a career in soldiering of fortune, Shelly. I have to admit that I would have never… and I mean never in a thousand years would I have predicted that. But I wish you all of the luck in the world in your lethal new endeavors.

    You shall be missed!

  6. Thanks for getting all of my stuff here, and for being such a friendly face among friendly faces at the Kobold booth at PaizoCon 2011!

  7. Shelly,

    I wanted to take a moment to thank you for every time you helped me (rare as it was) with an issue with my subscription to the late ::snif, snif:: KQ. You were a pleasure to deal with, and I wish you nothing but the greatest of successes in the future.

  8. I will chime in with all the glowing comments.

    Every time I dealt with you, Shelly, it was always such a pleasure!

    You will be missed. Good luck in all your new endeavours!!!


  9. Shelly,

    A sincere thanks for your endless tasks as Minion #1. Many a tankard will be clanked in toasts to honor your contributions in adding joy to our gaming worlds.

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