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Gleam Shard

Gleam shards are small splinters of the massive crystal found at the blurred edge between the Abyss and raw chaos. They are 3-ft.-long crystalline structures that shift their coloration every few seconds, hurting the eyes of witnesses as they do so. They are content to serve and die for other beings, as long as it […]

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Mold Devil

Colored in various shades of gray, mauve, and olive, this fungal nightmare resembles a towering gargoyle or demon with many horn-like growths sprouting from its body to form vicious teeth and claws. Mold devils are sinister and twisted plant creatures that inhabit dense forests, waterlogged swamps, and large underground mushroom patches. While its normal form

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Splicer Beast

This doglike predator is covered in a jigsaw of thick brown scars. Three razored tusks jut from its lower jaw. With an ungodly thunder crack, the creature shreds itself into two identical beasts, each swiftly loping forward to encircle its prey. Then each beast divides again… The homely splicer beast can tear itself into duplicates,

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Tar Fiend

The hulking black creature, ever so vaguely humanoid in shape, rises from the tar pit. Its small eyes glow red, its body covered with all manner of items—tree limbs, leaves, carcasses of small animals, and even a few weapons. The incorrectly named tar fiend—for it is an elemental, not a fiend—lives in tar pits. It

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(Art by Eli Arndt) From the darkest depths of forgotten seas, an ancient evil has been pulled into the light. The venerable sailing bark The Lusty Elf has made an unexpected catch while weighing anchor off a nameless isle. The four hale and hearty sailors who manned the anchor windlass, struggling mightily to reel in

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Wrapping up last week’s celebration of the release of Sunken Empires is a brand new monster, ready to terrorize PCs visiting the Underdeep. ___ (Illustration by Hugo Solis) This small creature swims in playful circles, appearing as a cross between a child and a manta ray. Its large, unblinking eyes and incessant smile give a

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Review of Monster Chronicles: The Nightmare

Monster Chronicles: The Nightmare just released and reviewers are posting their comments. Find out what the buzz is about. Forget bad dreams and wild horses, this is something quite different and—in this interpretation—a LOT more scary! There’s an amazing amount of detail crammed into the 8 pages of this book, a fine example of an

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Salt Golem

This crystalline automaton is crudely sculpted, with only the vaguest humanoid features. As it shuffles forward on wide, stump-like feet, thousands of tiny salt crystals fall from its body, creating a glittering cloud. A salt golem has a crudely formed humanoid body made of crystalline salts. It wears no clothing or armor and carries no

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Pallid Herald

Pallid heralds spread fear and chaos, terrorizing areas as small as strategically important villages or as large as entire countries. Intelligent and cunning, these monsters immerse themselves fully in their missions, never allowing themselves to be distracted from their goals. Varying in methods, some pallid heralds prefer acting as figurehead for an assaulting wave of

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Monster Chronicles Invades Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

Every so often, we lose our minds at Kobold World Headquarters and launch a new product just because we feel like it. Well, we’re off into the wild frontier again with the Monster Chronicles PDF series for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Monster Chronicles provides ecologies and variants for lesser-known monsters as well as some gaming

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Trap Wisp

Welcome to 4th Edition week here at KQ.com. All this week will feature wonderful material designed for 4th Edition (while still being inspirational for any edition). ___ Found most often in abandoned kobold warrens, trap wisps maintain the snares and pitfalls left behind. Retaining only shadowy memories of their past lives, they are both cunning

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Enock stumbled through the forest, the bite wound on his left leg burned. He continuously scanned his surroundings for his catlike assailant. There was a startling black flash to his left, and he raised his crossbow. There it was, peering around a tree. Enock lined up his shot, but the cat brazenly stepped out of

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