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Kobold Press Joins Tabletop Library

Kobold Press, Frog God Games, Troll Lord Games, Green Ronin, Hero Games, Rogue Comet, Pacesetter Games and Simulations, Eldritch Enterprises, Far Future Enterprises, and TableTopLibrary.com are jointly announcing that, effective immediately, our companies will all be offering our Fifth Edition, Pathfinder, Traveller, OSR, Hero System, Castles and Crusades, Fate, and other products through a new

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Smuggler: A Fifth Edition Background

Knife blades and harness buckles smeared with black soot; muffled oar-locks and a moonless, midnight-rendezvous, torchlights on the moors and signal lights beyond the breakers . . . Throughout the ages and across civilizations, there has and will always arise the inevitable desire, demand, even desperate need, for those things regulated or forbidden. These desires and

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Don’t Look Now: Handling Fear and Suspense in Fifth Edition, Part 3

Part 3: The Monster After You Monsters are an important staple of horror-themed games. They are the threat that keeps player characters wary about entering the next room, or nervous about peering around the next corner. Unfortunately, scary monsters don’t frighten characters in fantasy tabletop games quite the same way they do characters in a

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"Suushi Yurei" by Sawaki Suushi (佐脇嵩之, Japanese, *1707, †1772)

Don’t Look Now: Handling Fear and Suspense in Fifth Edition, Part 2

Part 2: Appealing to the Senses One of the hallmarks of a spooky or suspenseful RPG adventure is how the environment is described. Every part of the world surrounding the player characters should unnerve, unsettle, and frighten. One important trick gamemasters use to do this is to appeal to all five of their players’ senses,

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Howling Tower: Monster Stats, Part 5

This installment is about deconstructing dragons. The Monster Manual contains 20 chromatic dragons, 20 metallic dragons, 1 shadow dragon, and 1 undead dragon. The Tome of Monsters and the Southlands Bestiary introduce several more. With all those stat blocks spread over three books, you’d expect to find plenty of variety—and you’d be right. But even

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Lady Constance Arthur and Salisbury Henry Fuseli 1783

Don’t Look Now: Handling Fear and Suspense in Fifth Edition

Part 1: The Birth of Something Creepy When running a horror/suspense-themed game, you can have better results when player characters have something about them that makes them vulnerable: an element to their character that triggers a fearful reaction. It can be something as simple as a common phobia (spiders, heights, and so on) or it

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