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Your Whispering Homunculus

Your Whispering Homunculus—10 Guaranteed Cure-Alls

Master Pett’s Your Whispering Homunculus presents only the finest in British gaming. Indeed, you are not likely to find a more comprehensive assortment of miscellany anywhere. (So much more than just another bloke in a dress.) “So, shall we proceed—new, er—menial?” “Indeed, Master—it is Master, isn’t it, not Mistress?” “Ah, the dress. No, it is

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Midgard With Eagle

Grand Duchy: Notorious Fey of Dornig Cities, Part 1

One expects to find sylvan fey—playful and capricious creatures such as nixies, sprites and satyrs—in the sprawling forests of the Grand Duchy. And lurking in the realm of shadow are their cousins, the conniving and tricksy Scaithsidhe who occupy the court of the shadow queen. But Dornig cities also attract other sorts of fey, who

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Collection of Curiosities: Trapped in the Snow Globe

Shake up a snow globe, and you can create a snow-filled (other other-filled) environment for that which lies within the snow globe. But sometimes snow globes can serve as prisons. Who—or what—is trapped in the next snow globe the characters find? You can roll randomly for a result below, or use the handy number provided

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Midgard With Eagle

Grand Duchy:  Handy Sandi and Her Cart o’ Wonders

Everyone in the elfmarked lands knows Handy Sandi Darville. She’s an itinerant peddler who sells utensils from her colorful vardo, and whose cheery smile and generosity has won friends in villages and hamlets stretching from the River Court to far off Krakova. Yet, as other travelers between villages have noted, she seems to be a

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Going to Market

Grand Duchy: Master Rasmus Pulling’s Peddler Arcana

The cart of the elfmarked peddler Rasmus Pulling is well-recognized across the Grand Duchy, and welcome in just about every village or city he and his clan visit. Adorned in splashes of starburst flower designs of yellow, red, orange, purple, and green, the lead cart is easily spotted from afar, which gives folk time to

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