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Pathfinder RPG Advanced Races: Tosculi Now Available

Whir of Wings, Clash of Steel! The tosculi are alien beings, operating under a shared consciousness and hostile to all but their hive-mates. Their cities are run with a ruthless efficiency and ruled by fearsome queens; any who do not conform are destroyed or driven out. Known as the Hiveless, these outcasts attempt to thrive […]

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Narrow Escapes & Twists of Fate: The Art of the Cliffhanger

” ‘Yonder in the unknown vastness’—his long finger stabbed at the black silent jungle which brooded beyond the firelight—’yonder lies mystery and adventure and nameless terror.’ ” -Robert E. Howard, “The Hills of the Dead” The road may go ever on, but each game session has an assured – and often untimely – conclusion. And

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Grand Duchy: Forested Cathedral Is the Traveler’s Sanctuary (Part 2)

Visitors to the abbey may experience any or all of the following; roll a d20 if you wish for the result to be random. Stantannis, a centaur cellarer. He is always eager to share the message that accurate accounting leads to good stewardship of the bounty the green gods provide. Festugal Rime, a gnome master

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Grand Duchy: Forested Cathedral Is the Traveler’s Sanctuary (Part 1)

The Forested Cathedral—often called the Gem of Jerriberg—is the centerpiece of a vibrant abbey that venerates the green gods of Yarila and Porevit. Larger temples buildings exist, notably the Twinned Cathedral in Reywald. Epitomizing the heart of the faith, though, is this sprawling campus, with its vineyards, cultivated fields, meditative fountains, libraries and scriptoriums, open

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Treasure Tables: Workshops and Laboratories

Magical and alchemical workshops are packed to the brim with valuables for adventurers who know what to look for, but certain things will stand out even to the untrained eye. If your adventurers decide they’re willing to risk annoying the previous owners, the following can be used to add a little variety to your loot

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Real Steel: ABS Journeyman Smith Performance Test

The American Bladesmith Society was founded to promote the art and science of the forged blade. It provides resources for bladesmithing students, as well as a rating system for smiths and standardized testing for the achievement of those ratings. The earned ratings are Journeyman Smith and Master Smith. There is also an Apprentice Smith rating,

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