Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Midgard Maps: The Lady of White Rose Manor (page 6)

The Kobold King, in his scaly wisdom, became a patron of the famed cartographer, Dyson Logos (Fantasy RPG Cartography by Dyson Logos)! Magnificent maps were attained, thereby, which our Squamous Sovereign decreed would become part of the landscape of Midgard. With great celerity and a stolen thesaurus, one of his minions did set about transforming

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Makurian Caravan Guard: A Background

Like many that hail from the desert city-states, you learned to read the language of the Lotus and Tamasheq Trails before you could even read the simplest Nurian scroll. Before you knew how to lace your own sandals, you knew the flicker of a camel’s ear that told of approaching riders and which of the desert falcon’s cries

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Your Whispering Homunculus

Your Whispering Homunculus: For One Night Only… Funny Weather, Too

“Close the shutters, grotesquelet. I have it on good authority we’re in for a stormy night.” “With pleasure, Oh Round One. Hail?” “Don’t grovel. My dear friend Ragwort the Amaranth Wizard tells me he’s expecting toads.” “Please, proffer him my congratulations master.” “Don’t be impertinent, and get that cat oiled.” For One Night Only are occasional

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Preview of Tome of Beasts: Loxoda

There’s a reason why kobold mine entrances are so small. I mean, who wants to get stepped on in their own mine? Is that an ogre? Or an elephant? Yup. Meet the loxoda. They trample, stomp, and maul, and they’re huge. And they come in herds. Huge trampling herds! This was designed by Ryan Shatford with art by Bryan Syme for the Tome

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Milton & Magic: Mythical Items from English Literature

  In his tragic closet drama Samson Agonistes, John Milton, renowned author of Paradise Lost, narrates the sorrowful life of Samson, the archetypal barbarian of the ancient tradition. Some mythical items are described in that text. Here we detail them with 5E stats. The Sword of Bone Weapon (greatclub), rare (requires attunement by a barbarian with

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Deep Magic: Illumination Magic is Now Available

The stars are right! And they paint a vivid picture, foretelling many things, not least of which… Deep Magic: Illumination Magic, the magic guide to light and shadow, has just released. The words and sigils flicker as you read, despite being broad daylight. It’s now available in the Kobold store. Dance to the cosmic song, illuminator. Sow the shadow, spread the

Deep Magic: Illumination Magic is Now Available Read More »

Adventurer’s Field Guide: Great Balls of Fire

The fireball spell has long been the go-to spell for casters wanting to inflict a large amount of damage to multiple targets. How many times have you heard the archetypal and unimaginative “My character casts fireball!” description from your players? If you’d like to add some flare to your game, give each caster their own signature

Adventurer’s Field Guide: Great Balls of Fire Read More »

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