Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Last Day for Demon Cults & Secret Societies Kickstarter

Your local villains thank you! The Demon Cults & Secret Societies Kickstarter for 5th Edition and Pathfinder RPG has not only funded but has also added a pile of stretch goals, including two entirely new cults and their followers. It all ends on Halloween—today!—so join us… in taking over the world! The Demon Cults and Secret

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Your Whispering Homunculus: 50 Treasures of the Rajahs

“What’s that unpleasant smell?” “Which one, your unbeautifulness?” “That strangely sweet, smoky one.” “Ah, incense, your massiveness. I’ve just found a box of uncatalogued goods from your trip to the lands of the rajahs.” “Well, be careful. Those things can be dangerous. Now, help me adjust my sock gaiter.”  As a companion-piece to Treasures of the

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Midgard Expanded: The Travels of Lucano Volpe, or On the Road to Mharoti

Part Two, Qiresh and the Roads of the Mharoti Empire On the coast of the Ruby Sea is the town of Qiresh, which is a bustling centre of trade. You may depend on it that spices and cloths and all manner of valuable things from the interior are carried to this town. Qiresh possesses a sheltered harbor

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Mharoti Master Chef: A Background

Food, an essential—and delicious—component of life. Those that can work its magic are highly valued in any culture. Fine victuals are cherished in politics, business, and religion throughout Midgard, and you aspired to no less than the exceptional and the exotic. You were destined for more than lording over a three-star Trioloan restaurant or cooking aboard a luxury Siwali

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Deep Magic 5e - Chaos Magic

5th Edition Deep Magic: Chaos Magic Now Available

Unleash the Madness! The ability to channel and manipulate raw arcane power does not belong to sorcerers alone. A few wizards and bards have learned to dominate the chaotic energy of change itself, leading them along a narrow path that circles a pit of madness. Cling to the path, and avoid slipping into that roiling

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Out of the Frying Pan: Demons on the River Argent

Encounters have consequences. Every slain bandit has friends who want revenge, and every devil banished back to the Eleven Hells reports its failure to its Dark Lord. What happens when the PCs’ daring deeds come back to bite them? The following encounter chains are more than just random encounters. Each conflict flows organically into the

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Your Whispering Homunculus

Your Whispering Homunculus: 50 Troll Features

 “What is that?”       “What is what, oh Oft-Accidentally-Flatulent One?”       “That extra head.”       “Oh. That. Well, tonight is the homunculi and magically-birthed menials’ ball, and I’m going as a troll whose regeneration has birthed an extra head.”       “I don’t remember giving you the night

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Midgard Expanded: The Travels of Lucano Volpe, or So It Begins

Introduction, In Which We Meet Our Narrator and Learn Of His Reasons YE emperors, kings, dukes, marquises, earls, and knights, and all other people desirous of knowing the diversities of the races of Midgard, as well as the diversities of kingdoms, provinces, and regions of all parts of the East, read through this account, and

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Preview of Tome of Beasts: Selang

“Weird, ear-bending harmonies on alien pipes.” Why am I not surprised that Azathoth’s pipers are fey? This monster hates you! Or rather, it loves to bring you pain. (We’re not ready to be a tribute yet!) The selang was designed for mana-blasted wastelands, deep, whispering groves, and stony deserts haunted by ghosts. Ghosts that hate you. And the

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