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Midgard Notebook: Thoughts on the Midgard Races

The Midgard Races The revised edition of the Midgard Campaign Setting is coming along nicely, and it’s time to talk about what’s new and what’s changed. This article is part of an occasional series on the process of refining and sharpening the setting to address its development since its first hardcover compilation. One of the

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Dungeons & Decameron: Magic Items from Classical Literature

Dungeons & Decameron Storytelling games are as ancient as humankind. In his most-known book, The Decameron, the medieval Italian writer Giovanni Boccaccio (1313–1375) narrates how a group of young people manage to exorcise the fear of the Black Death spreading in Florence through the art of narrating stories. Many of them contain fantastic elements—even magic

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Midgard Expanded: The Travels of Lucano Volpe, or the Province of Hariz and the City of Tabur

Part Four, On Traveling Eastward Let us pause a moment and speak on the decision to leave for the East via the city of Tabur. There are some who would advise a traveler to depart instead from the fortress city of Sarkland in the Gizmiri province. This advice is the height of folly. Though it

Midgard Expanded: The Travels of Lucano Volpe, or the Province of Hariz and the City of Tabur Read More »

Your Whispering Homunculus: All Smiles, Part One

All Smiles, Part One “He’s still out there master.” “Good.” “But master, your great uncle Flobb is turning blue.” “Let him. I never liked the man.” “But master, it is the season of goodwill. Surely, you have some kindness in your bones at this, the happiest time of the year.” “Nope.”  This is the season

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5th Edition Deep Magic: Shadow Magic Now Available

Dark Power From the Realm of Shadow Let others wonder what dangers lurk within the shadows: you learned long ago that the true power is shadow itself. Through deep study and practice—or a long-ago mark on your bloodline—you can draw mysterious, unsettling energy from the alien dimension known as the Shadow Realm, and turn it

5th Edition Deep Magic: Shadow Magic Now Available Read More »

Con Report: MarsCon

Get Some Midgard in the Wild Are you looking for a table of Midgard-flavored gaming goodness? We’ve got tables showing up at conventions in the coming months. GM and designer Mike McKeown is going to be running “Madman at the Bridge” and “Debt of Blood” at Marscon 2017 on January 13-15th, 2017—Williamsburg, VA—Tidewater Virginia’s longest

Con Report: MarsCon Read More »

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