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The Sciathán

They are the Blue Hag’s “wings”—the Sciathán. Called Plaguewing and Frostwing, they are the twin, fell-touched herons of the Cailleach Bhéara. These monstrous, otherworldly creatures are said to be sometimes glimpsed from afar, soaring above lonely borderlands and craggy mountain heights during the last dying days of summer. Each year they unerringly seek out the […]

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The Far Side of the Table: What’s on the Horizon

Welcome to the table. This is the final part of a three-part installment of The Far Side of the Table about “teching” your game. In earlier parts, we discussed how you can use projectors to digitize the table and how GMs can turn tablets and cellphones into roleplaying opportunities. In this article, I focus on

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Artificer: Arcane Weaver

The arcane weaver—a new 5e subclass—uses mechanical expertise and arcane reinforcement to create deadly threads of magic and fiber that are spun from a pair of reels on fine-tuned gauntlets. The power of magic woven into threads is a powerful weapon and armor in the right hands. A cloaked drow rests against an alley wall,

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Warlock’s Apprentice: Legendary Works of Arshin the Enchanter

Bringing you a taste from the dark pages of Warlock… Infernist, madman, binder, crackpot, genius, saint: all these titles and more were set upon the shoulders of Arshin, legendary enchanter of the Winewood. Here, in your hands, is a tome containing information on the man, his followers, and his great works of magic. Though we

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Your Whispering Homunculus: Curious Locales—The Babcock Place, Part One

“Master, who’s in the portrait?” “Oh her? That’s my distant kin Wholesome Babcock. She’s not pretty is she? I’ve not been to see them for quite some time now, years in fact, but they—keep in touch with me.” “You’ve never mentioned them before, your strangeness.” “And for two good reasons. The first of which is

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Of Godly Might: Clerics of Loki (Part 1)

Known for his mischievousness and unpredictability, Loki’s ways are often emulated by scoundrels, charlatans, and imposters. Due to his predilection toward fickleness, he is less often followed by individuals that prefer rules or strict adherence to prescribed regimens. Though individuals may wish to elevate their wily ways to match that of Loki’s, the trickster god

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Writing a Better Homebrew Campaign: Resources for Writing the Other

Game worlds are often a lot like our own world, save some modifications. They might even be countries we know but with the serial numbers filed off. When your homebrew world involves lived experiences outside your own, it’s easy to slap a skin on the world and just call it a day. But we can

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