Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Warlock’s Apprentice: Bazaar of Ineffable Wonders

Author’s Note. Parts of this article are taken from the Nine Chthonic Papyri of Heknusret the Temerarious, former member of the Honorable Society of Portal Wizards, a secretive order of Nurian mages based in the city of Per-Anu who seek to control the mysterious Red Portals. Heknusret travelled through dozens of Red Portals to many […]

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Midgard Dungeons: Profahnter Water Station, Zobeck

The verdigris plaque is barely a hand’s width wide, set into the door frame. Its raised letters have an antique flourish, an artful design from the days when the Trade Tongue alphabet resembled Dwarvish script. For a spot in the Cartways, such an embellishment is unheard of. It’s a wonder that someone hasn’t pried it

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Your Whispering Homunculus: Crooked Characters—Emilia Bittersweet, Part One

“Master, we have a visitor.” “Good, I’ve been expecting her. I have a little gentle pilfering to commission. Fetch my finest absinthe and then bring me the bottled imps. I’m not entirely sure I can trust this guest…” Crooked Characters are detailed NPCs to slip into your adventures however you wish. Free from class and

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Under the City: Salon of Higher Studies

An arcane college offers endless opportunities to its students with its centuries of intellect suffused into its foundation and fortifying an arsenal of knowledge. But unlike most universities, this arcane college houses information not only above ground but also below in the depths of the under-city in a parallel institution with more sinister intent. The

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On the Road with Phileus J. Abbertale: Fields of Doom

Well met and well-traveled, friend. Introductions are certainly in order. I am Phileus J. Abbertale—explorer, naturalist, and scholar. Neophytes refer to me as a guide, but I personally find the term lacking, considering the breadth of knowledge I impart to those willing to listen. Indeed, the title Journey Facilitator best captures the range of services

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Warlock’s Apprentice: Jann of the Burnished City

The genies of the Elemental Planes keep slaves, but they also need servants—individuals powerful enough to run their petty citadels and elemental empires but not rise to become rivals to their power. These are the jann, beings made of multiple primal elements. A beautiful people of striking appearance and demeanor, they suffer the egos of

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Midgard Dungeons: Hecate’s Moon Temple (Near Mount Parini)

The mountain at the heart of the island rumbles—smoke and lava vent from fissures and craters, geologic might being the most persistent guardian of Hecate’s Moon Temple. Nearby, the doorway to a shadowy byway crackles with arcane energy, detectable and accessible only by those who are initiated in one of Midgard’s most enduring mysteries. But for all

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