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Courts of the Shadow Fey

“A five-star adventure that everyone should play at some point in their gaming career.” (Reviewer at DriveThruRPG) We first released Courts of the Shadow Fey in 2013 for the 4th Edition of the world’s first roleplaying game, and for Pathfinder 1st Edition. Now, years later, we’re bringing this enduring classic to 5th Edition in a revised, full-color hardcover edition!

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Tome of Beasts: Beli

These small, winter faeries are vicious and deadly. With their pale skin and translucent wings, they blend perfectly into their snowy environment; only their beady black eyes stand out against the snow and ice. These malevolent ice-sprites are a plague upon the people of snowy climates, ambushing unwary prey with icy arrows and freezing spell-like

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Your Whispering Homunculus: Crooked Characters—Master Jebediah Leam, Part Two

“I think he may have gone, Master. Thank goodness. What was that revolting shambling thing outside?” Crooked Characters are detailed NPCs to slip into your adventures however you wish. Free from class and statistics, they can be used in any fantasy gaming system. Each comes with a detailed description and character motivation for you to

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The Far Side of the Table: Adding New Characters to Your Game

Val clumsily brought his eighth glass of whiskey to his lips, wondering if, finally, this would be the shot that would do him in. The shouts of combat and explosions rang in his ears, and through his swimming vision and equally muddled thoughts, the image of Tyrash, his grim smile and the explosive barrel at

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