Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Tome of Beasts: Dream Eater

This tattered skeletal humanoid resembles a monster from a nightmare. A dream eater’s natural form is mostly human in appearance, though with vestigial skeletal wings with a few feathers, small horns, sharp teeth, and cloven hooves. Most often they use magic to disguise themselves as attractive members of a humanoid race. Drawn to Sin. Dream

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The Sorcery Stop: On the Care and Feeding of an Alchemical Laboratory

Magic is the lifeblood of fantasy. Arguably the dividing line between fantasy and other types of fiction, magic can be strange, mysterious, frightening, comical, or anything in between. And if you’re looking to explore the applications of magic in a fantasy roleplaying campaign, you want to visit the Sorcery Stop!

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The Far Side of the Table: Analyzing GM Mistakes, Part 2

Azreal smiled grimly as his shield blocked the flying debris. The paladin surveyed the scene before him. The tower room was decimated, and the vicious battle between Azreal’s companions and the red wizard was looking dire. Squaring off in the center of the room was Strass and the red mage, a freshly launched fireball forcing

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Your Whispering Homunculus: The Undiscovered Bestiary—Purple Worms, Part One

“I’m back from the Monster Mart, sluglet. Quickly! Get me the largest jar from the oozery!”    “Did you say Monster Mart, master? I thought you said Monster Mart, and that would be just silly. Eurgh, what’s that bag got in it? They look like tiny, slithering violet worms. Hundreds of them.”    “Purple worm

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Warlock’s Apprentice: Feast Halls of the Northlands

Among all the northern folk, the feast halls and the long halls are a gathering place for entire jarldoms, families, and clans. The enormous shield-hung rafters, the roaring fire pits, and the long benches and tables are unlike the more genteel dining and drinking halls of Dornig or the south. Beyond their warmth and sense

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