Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

The More Fantastical It Can Be:
Map Talk with Jonathan Roberts

Maps do much more than tell us where we are or how to get where we’re going. Maps tell us about the world they depict and the cartographer who created them. As RPG cartographer Jonathan Roberts says, “A good map should be functional. The primary purpose of any map is to be clear and precise.

The More Fantastical It Can Be:
Map Talk with Jonathan Roberts
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That Sense of Awe, Wonder, and Mystery:
a Conversation with Hank Woon, Jr.

Game designer Hank Woon, Jr. got his start with Demonblade, a 15,000-word adventure that appeared in Dungeon 97. The best part of Demonblade for Woon was that he got to include a new prestige class, the Keshen Blademaster, who hail from the land of Kesh and are fierce enough when encountered alone. And profoundly deadly

That Sense of Awe, Wonder, and Mystery:
a Conversation with Hank Woon, Jr.
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RPG Countdown

Kobold Quarterly 10 is making a lot of people’s lists, all of a sudden. It made it onto the RPG Countdown (a podcast covering the most popular items over at RPGNow). It’s #6 on the Paizo bestselling games list, and it’s also #6 on the DriveThruRPG list of Hottest Small Press. Yeah, we’re small press

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In Praise of External Limitations:
Map Talk with Ralf Schemmann

Ralf Schemmann is a designer for ProFantasy Software Limited. Currently, he works on “styles” for Campaign Cartographer. He is also a web designer and freelance cartographer with a love for classical fantasy campaign maps. “The guidelines I use are generally very loose, since maps vary so wildly,” said Schemmann. “The most important one is probably

In Praise of External Limitations:
Map Talk with Ralf Schemmann
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