Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

RPG Countdown

Kobold Quarterly 10 is making a lot of people’s lists, all of a sudden. It made it onto the RPG Countdown (a podcast covering the most popular items over at RPGNow). It’s #6 on the Paizo bestselling games list, and it’s also #6 on the DriveThruRPG list of Hottest Small Press. Yeah, we’re small press […]

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In Praise of External Limitations:
Map Talk with Ralf Schemmann

Ralf Schemmann is a designer for ProFantasy Software Limited. Currently, he works on “styles” for Campaign Cartographer. He is also a web designer and freelance cartographer with a love for classical fantasy campaign maps. “The guidelines I use are generally very loose, since maps vary so wildly,” said Schemmann. “The most important one is probably

In Praise of External Limitations:
Map Talk with Ralf Schemmann
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Trapsmith: the Mauruvian Harp
and the Corridor of Remembrance

When the sun’s rays shone through the airshaft and struck the corridor’s murals, the Maruvian caste-nobles ended their long vigil and touched the door of their father’s tomb, whispering their final farewells. The caste-nobles gathered where the corridor led out, patiently waiting for the Lifesinger priest to appear. When he finally arrived, he struck his

Trapsmith: the Mauruvian Harp
and the Corridor of Remembrance
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Open Design 003: Kobold Quarterly 10

Open Design 003: Kobold Quarterly 10 Chaos and Creativity edition Welcome to the Open Design Podcast, a discussion about game design and game mastery with hosts Wolfgang Baur, Ed Healy and Rone Barton. Regular Features: * ‘Ask the Kobold’ with Skip Williams * ‘Game Theories’ with Monte Cook John Wick created Legend of the Five

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Tea Leaves! Rat People! Odin!
A Conversation with Greg Stolze

Greg Stolze has worked on games for White Wolf, Atlas Games and Arc Dream Publishing, among others. He’s a game designer with a love of streamlined rules and good storytelling. Stolze, in the words of James Lowder, editor of the Origins award-winning Hobby Games: The 100 Best, has been “a key player in several of

Tea Leaves! Rat People! Odin!
A Conversation with Greg Stolze
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Five ENnie Nominations for Open Design

We’re very happy to report that Open Design has been nominated for five ENnie Awards this year, including: Best Writing (Kobold Quarterly) Best Aid or Accessory (Kobold Quarterly) Best Electronic Book (Blood of the Gorgon) Best Electronic Book (Tales of Zobeck) Best Web Site (Kobold Quarterly) As always, the competition looks fierce, but that’s all

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