Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Oblivion’s Eye

Oblivion’s Eye hovers before you—throbbing, unblinking. The massive, unwholesome eyeball — 5 ft. in diameter — is marked by a violet iris, mixed with orange patterns like radiating flames. Called forth by terrible cults on moonless nights, Oblivion’s Eye is regarded as the herald of annihilation. Precious and unique items are brought before it to

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The Pett Scale

The gruesome, the ghastly, the horrific, the sick. How often have we come across monsters, traps, or adventure scenes and wondered just how morbidly dreadful they are? Sure, I’m both drawn and repelled by it, but how much? Is it more grisly than the last book I read? Less so than the last guest I

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Living Carpet

The oddly metallic red carpet shifts and rolls beneath the witch’s feet, carrying her forward amid the clattering of a thousand little legs. With gravity-defying precision, the beetles’ legs interlock and bend to form a crisply angled staircase. A living carpet is found under the feet of fey spellcasters, who use this unusual mount to

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Your Whispering Homunculus: When You’re Alone, You’re Alone

Master Pett’s Your Whispering Homunculus presents only the finest in British gaming. Indeed, you are not likely to find a more comprehensive assortment of miscellany anywhere. (So much more than just another bloke in a dress.) [previously] ___ “Tonight, mucoid thing, our brave heroes must venture into the wilds!” “You are so clever master, but

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All the Rage: A Kinder, Gentler Barbarian Totem?

Inspired by our article on barbarian totems, “All the Rage” [part 1][part 2] by Matthew Cicci, fan and forum regular Simon the Overthinker celebrates the idea in a slightly different way. ___ Mathew Cicci did an excellent job of capturing the essence of the barbarian totems and their meaning to the tribes and clans

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Gnome Pretender

The creature before you seems to be a gnomish child yet so immaculately groomed and outlandishly dressed as to resemble a living doll. Its grin is wide and wicked. A gnome pretender is a creature born of deep and hysterical fear—fear the likes of which only a child can know. Pretenders are fickle and powerful

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Real Steel: The Mystery of Steel—Myth and Fact of Forge Folding

Of all the bladesmithing processes, the one surrounded by the most mystery, the process that has spawned the most legend and myth, is unquestionably forge folding. Forge folding, the process that yields folded steel, is a general term to describe several different processes that different cultures have used since steel was first made. The physics

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Courier #9 Has Shipped

The Welcome to Fall edition of the Kobold Courier was sent out today. It’s packed with news on the just-released-to-patrons Tales of the Old Margreve and an interview with bladesmith Todd Gdula, author of the Real Steel column. Also a cartography contest, reviews of Advanced Feats: The Witch’s Brew, news on the Dragon Age RPG Beta,

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Encounter Codex: The Gargoyle and the Gauntlet

“Encounter Codex” presents individual encounters that can be quickly slotted into any adventure. They are system neutral and easily adapted to any edition (and other games for that matter) with little effort—just add stats. [Previous Encounter] ___ A narrow catacomb stretches toward a T-intersection roughly 20 paces ahead. The jaw and limbs of a four-armed gargoyle

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