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Tic, Tic, Tic…

Hurray, get your monsters in for King of the Monsters 2! Time’s almost up! Adam Daigle, Jason Bulmahn, Logan Bonner, and Wolfgang Baur are anxious for the fight to start. The blood starts today, on a very special Friday the 13th. Send your entries to kotm2(at)koboldquarterly(dot)com. Now!

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To the Birds: Legends of the Tengu (Part 3 of 4)

To support the “Ecology of the Tengu” article in the just released Kobold Quarterly #14, we bring you more feathery goodness. ___ Sojobo, Tengu King, and Myths of the Far East The tengu pervade early Japanese legends as tricksters and deviant beings whose intentions were not always pure of heart. Though once known as baby stealers

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Strangling Watcher (Urochar)

This horrible monster resembles a gigantic crimson leech slithering upright on four muscular black tentacles. At the top of its writhing trunk rest several quivering feathered antenna surrounding a great lidless eye that glows with baleful orange light. One of the most dreaded monsters of the underworld, strangling watchers (also known as urochars) have long

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The monstrosity appeared like a 50-ft.-long crocodile careened above the otherworldly battlefield, soaring on rigid leathery wings and coming to an awkward, upright landing among the scattered bodies of angels and fiends like. It charged straight into the celestials’ siege tower, both tails whipping wildly. Belviss fled in abject horror. Some minutes later, the gnome

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Giant Scorpion

In the old days, giant killer scorpions didn’t throw lightning bolts and fireballs. They had to rely merely on bone-snapping pincers and flesh-melting venom. Pine for those simpler days of bloodshed no more! ___ Nature DC 15—Giant scorpions hunt at night, using their large claws to hold prey while injecting paralytic poison. They typically eat

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Born of malice and contempt from corrupted magic, this vile dragon scours the landscape, attempting to sate his unwavering hunger. General Xaldraxis is an ancient dragon commander, having survived since the dawn of man. With a temper forged in a violent age, he emerged victorious after defeating entire swaths of foul creatures, beasts, and monstrosities.

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Gleam Shard

Gleam shards are small splinters of the massive crystal found at the blurred edge between the Abyss and raw chaos. They are 3-ft.-long crystalline structures that shift their coloration every few seconds, hurting the eyes of witnesses as they do so. They are content to serve and die for other beings, as long as it

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Mold Devil

Colored in various shades of gray, mauve, and olive, this fungal nightmare resembles a towering gargoyle or demon with many horn-like growths sprouting from its body to form vicious teeth and claws. Mold devils are sinister and twisted plant creatures that inhabit dense forests, waterlogged swamps, and large underground mushroom patches. While its normal form

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Splicer Beast

This doglike predator is covered in a jigsaw of thick brown scars. Three razored tusks jut from its lower jaw. With an ungodly thunder crack, the creature shreds itself into two identical beasts, each swiftly loping forward to encircle its prey. Then each beast divides again… The homely splicer beast can tear itself into duplicates,

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