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Gut Tiger

Poised on all fours, ready to strike, this gangly beast of matted fur and bony protrusions is barely as large as an ocelot. Nevertheless, the sheer savagery in its four slit-like eyes hints that it is more dangerous than its size suggests. Few predators are as feared as the notorious gut tiger. Rather then shred

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Roachling Feats and Paragon Path

(Illustration by Josef Sparrow) The print edition of Courts of the Shadow Fey for 4E recently shipped to patrons. Since roachlings and their demon patron Lord Akyishigal feature prominently in the adventure, new options—8 feats and a paragon path—are presented today for your roachling PC. Arthropod [Roachling, Heroic Tier] Benefit: You have grown two smaller, weaker arms

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(Illustration by Blanca Martinez de Rituerto) The print edition of Courts of the Shadow Fey for 4E recently shipped to patrons. Since roachlings and their demon patron Lord Akyishigal feature prominently in the adventure, roachlings—those oft-misunderstood monsters—are presented today as a playable race. __ Loathed, often unnoticed, and underestimated, roachlings scuttle in city alleys, subterranean systems, and

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Historical Steel: Straight to the Point

While the column Real Steel offers insights into the forging of weapons, Alex Putnams’s Historical Steel column details their origins and use throughout history. [previously] ___ As mentioned in my previous article, the sword carries a lot of cultural oomph behind it. Bows and spears were originally used for hunting. Swords, however, as a class

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Chimney Daemon

Count yourself lucky if all you got this year was a lump of coal… __ In cities dominated by urban sprawl, where the smokestacks of industry billow smog enough to block the midday sun, where poverty and hardship reign over the mass of commoners, little more than slaves to factories and ironworks, the chimney daemon

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Your Whispering Homunculus: 100 Curious Emporiums

Master Pett’s Your Whispering Homunculus presents only the finest in British gaming. Indeed, you are not likely to find a more comprehensive assortment of miscellany anywhere. (So much more than just another bloke in a dress.) [previously] __ “Sleep pretty master. Dream. Let me whisper in your ear whilst you slumber, casting my spell as

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