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Writing a Better Homebrew Campaign: Feeding the Beast

So you want to create your own campaign for your players? You want to craft adventures with thrilling action, compelling characters, and rich plot hooks? With cliffhangers and twists, treachery and redemption, complexity and surprises around every corner? A living, breathing world to explore with your friends? We want to help you do just that.

Writing a Better Homebrew Campaign: Feeding the Beast Read More »

Of Godly Might: Clerics of Boreas (Part 1)

Clerics of Boreas Boreas, Son of the Winter Maiden, is defined by his single-minded obsession to bring to Midgard an eternal winter with all of its deadly aspects, including biting cold, blinding blizzards, and bloodthirsty snow beasts. Those who worship Boreas are either creatures that delight in extreme cold environs due to their genetic composition,

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Terrors of the Dragon Empire: Wyvern Knight

The Dragon Empire is a fierce and unrelenting force, bringing to bear unique terrors to destroy all who stand in their way. Who can hope to survive such an onslaught? Wyvern Knight For centuries, Midgard’s many realms have been safeguarded by knights on horseback, their advanced mobility and powerful steeds cutting through infantry lines like

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Deep Magic: Blood & Doom Now Available

Dark Magic of Unutterable Evil “A field produces no crops until the farmer slices it open with a blade.” —Mstislav, Butcher of the Steppes Antipaladins and blood mages are amoral, self-centered, and uncompromising. This is a bad combination where party harmony is concerned—but they make excellent evil NPCs and villains for your campaign. Deep Magic:

Deep Magic: Blood & Doom Now Available Read More »

Medieval Urbanism: A Fantasist’s Introduction

Medieval Urbanism and Geography The medieval city in all its multitude of forms and guises has been a staple in contemporary myths, storytelling, and fairy tales, and has profoundly influenced fantasy RPGs. The instantly recognizable civic styles of Tolkien, the Forgotten Realms, and even the Witcher do after all draw their inspirations from places like

Medieval Urbanism: A Fantasist’s Introduction Read More »

Your Whispering Homunculus: Curious Locales—Slaughterhouse and Undertaking Emporium, Part One

Curious Locales—Filletess Honeysuckle Crab’s Slaughterhouse and Undertaking Emporium “Master!” “What is it now, slug?” “Look, I’ve found a property for sale in the Citystate Gazetteer. It sounds ideal for a summer retreat: quirky, cheap but in need of a major fumigation, let me read it to you…” Curious locales are quirky locations for GMs to

Your Whispering Homunculus: Curious Locales—Slaughterhouse and Undertaking Emporium, Part One Read More »

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