Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Tour of the Empire: The Throttle, a Darakhul Outpost

A ghastly, green fire flickers in a long-forgotten tomb. From within comes a thunderous crash as the lid of a stone sarcophagus is contemptuously flung aside, followed by the clank of armor and the dread sound of footsteps. Something ancient and evil is coming to claim the night. That ancient evil is none other than Empire

Tour of the Empire: The Throttle, a Darakhul Outpost Read More »

Tome of Beasts: Xhkarsh

Watching with many rows of eyes, this mantis creature strikes with slashing claws and recurved barbs dripping with venom. Dimensional Travelers. The clandestine xhkarsh are beings from another cosmic cycle. Their devices and armor are incomprehensible to—possibly even incompatible with— creatures of this reality.

Tome of Beasts: Xhkarsh Read More »

Inside the Kobold Mines: A Conversation with Matt Corley

Midgard is my favorite campaign setting, and Tales of the Old Margreve is poised to be my favorite campaign book. Quite apart from my own contributions to the Player’s Guide—about which, more in a later article—I was able to playtest a lot of this in my own Midgard campaign, and it’s just deliciously chock-full of

Inside the Kobold Mines: A Conversation with Matt Corley Read More »

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