Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog


Before you hovers a black blob with two large, bat-like wings and a huge reptilian eye in its center. Whipping wildly behind it are three long tails, each terminating in a nasty stinger. Occasionally, when an evil soul is passing into its eternal torment, something happens to shatter it. Each of these soul fragments becomes

Yarang Read More »

5th Anniversary Sale: Come Feast at the Kobold King’s Table!

The Kobold King is in an unusually generous mood this week! March 20th was the 5th anniversary of Open Design, and to celebrate, he wishes to bestow his riches upon all. Kobold ideas of “riches” are often different than humans’, so we advised him that he shouldn’t give away items from his collection of filthy

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Advanced Feats: The Inquisitor’s Edge Now Available!

Our bestselling Advanced Feats series roars to a finish with one of the most intriguing new classes from the Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide. The inquisitor is a lone wolf who walks in darkness in search of his or her target, relentlessly driven by holy (or unholy) resolve. Advanced Feats: The Inquisitor’s Edge by Sigfried Trent

Advanced Feats: The Inquisitor’s Edge Now Available! Read More »

Use Skill Challenges to Start Combat (Part 3 of 3)

[previously] As you enter the abandoned monastery, you notice scrawled chalk markings covering the floor and walls. They all appear to be variations on the same obscure religious symbol. In the center of the room, next to a badly decayed corpse, is written the following: “Beware the setting sun. Something comes from the forest. The

Use Skill Challenges to Start Combat (Part 3 of 3) Read More »


A pair of pony-sized frogs leap headfirst into massive trees, which splinter and fall after being struck by the creatures’ bony heads. Seeing a lone orc, the two frogs croak at each other and turn their attention to it. They maneuver into position on opposite sides of the orc, then propel themselves at the hapless

Metoprana Read More »

Kids & Kobolds: Encounters with Rukus the Half-Orc Fighter

She stands on her chair, arms raised to the gods, and announces, “I am going to use my action point!” An hour ago, she had never heard of an action point. Three encounters ago, she was a fair-haired 6-year-old with a shoebox full of polyhedral dice and a carrion crawler mini named Lenny. Now, she

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Real Steel: Rumble! What Are You Bringing To The Party?

In physics, an interesting way to work out a problem is something called a thought experiment. This allows physicists to build what is essentially an imaginary environment and create conditions that would be very difficult to create in the real world. What I am proposing to you here is that we craft a thought experiment

Real Steel: Rumble! What Are You Bringing To The Party? Read More »

It’s Alive!

Get ready to channel your inner Dr. Frankenstein as we launch March Monster Madness! During the month of March, we at the Dragon Age Oracle are running an AGE System Monster Design Challenge in partnership with Open Design/Kobold Quarterly. Check out the following threads on the Kobold forums: Best Midgard Monster: Any creature originally published by

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Your Whispering Homunculus: 100 Pointless Objects

Master Pett’s Your Whispering Homunculus presents only the finest in British gaming. Indeed, you are not likely to find a more comprehensive assortment of miscellany anywhere. (So much more than just another bloke in a dress.) [previously] __ “Flotsam, jetsam. Do you know their true names, underslug?” “You, lord and master are the brains.” “Indeed I

Your Whispering Homunculus: 100 Pointless Objects Read More »

Midgard: Order of the Septime Lancers

The Midgard campaign setting continues to develop setting, characters, and adventure hooks galore, but the patrons and designers are also venturing into Pathfinder RPG rules material. Here’s one result of that work. The Order of the Septime Lancers The constant warfare and border skirmishes of the Seven Cities spawn many mercenary companies and warrior orders.

Midgard: Order of the Septime Lancers Read More »

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