Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Making Monsters in Las Vegas: Desiccating Stalker

(Art by Ashton Sperry) A few weeks ago at NeonCon 2010, I ran a workshop called Monster in an Hour. The plan was to do some crowd-sourced monster design. I wanted participants to think up the things that horrify them not only as a player but also as a person—then we’d build it together. After […]

Making Monsters in Las Vegas: Desiccating Stalker Read More »

One Too Many (Voices in My Head): There’s No J in Kevin, but there’s a K in Paybacks

Welcome to Greg “Not a Wus” Vaughan’s One Too Many (Voices in My Head). His last, best chance to exercise those pesky demons. In his column, you’ll find… I really have no idea, but he gave me $20, so… all yours Greg! [previously] ___ As an RPG writer, I am sometimes beholden to that merciless

One Too Many (Voices in My Head): There’s No J in Kevin, but there’s a K in Paybacks Read More »

Memorable Factions: The Distant Virga

Organizations add verisimilitude and dynamism to a campaign world. They support ongoing storylines, provide stable reference points between adventures, and make the world evolve even when the PCs are busy elsewhere. Each installment in this series will present a new organization, complete with shared attack and utility powers—akin to monster themes. Each will include variable

Memorable Factions: The Distant Virga Read More »

25 Reskinned Creatures of the Margreve

Last week saw the release of Tales of the Old Margreve (in print and PDF), and already bursting at the seams, there was simply too much material for its pages alone. This week, to celebrate, presents new gaming bits, complementing what’s already packed within Tales of the Old Margreve, and all from the same designers.

25 Reskinned Creatures of the Margreve Read More »

The Shipping News: Swagfest!

Welcome to the Dark Deeds in Freeport patronage project! ___ Swagfest begins tomorrow! Excitement is running high for this year’s Swagfest. After a decade filled with war and fell deeds, normalcy has returned. Bribery, corruption, hidden agendas, shady deals… Freeport is once more herself. All can enjoy this year’s Swagfest secure in the knowledge that

The Shipping News: Swagfest! Read More »

Margreve Bloodline

Last week saw the release of Tales of the Old Margreve (in print and PDF), and already bursting at the seams, there was simply too much material for its pages alone. This week, to celebrate, presents new gaming bits, complementing what’s already packed within Tales of the Old Margreve, and all from the same great

Margreve Bloodline Read More »


Guided by the stench of corpses, Sergeant of the Watch Tarvoss slowly descended the cellar’s rickety stairs. Enki and Jorgan, both capable veterans of the watch, followed in his wake. Ahead, their target was busy butchering a corpse in the light of a dozen candles. “Cervis Thaan,” Tarvoss bellowed, “you are under arrest!” Cervis lifted

Meatpuppet Read More »

Your Whispering Homunculus: 20 Quick Village Legends

Master Pett’s Your Whispering Homunculus presents only the finest in British gaming. Indeed, you are not likely to find a more comprehensive assortment of miscellany anywhere. (So much more than just another bloke in a dress.) [previously] ___ “Lord, you are weary, rest awhile and allow me, your impling, to provide a modicum of gloss to

Your Whispering Homunculus: 20 Quick Village Legends Read More »

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