Delve into the Depths in the Kobold Blog

Lost City Playtest Preview: Trignotarbs

The patrons and designers have completed the first drafts of the The Lost City of Kadralhu patronage project, and now is a great time to jump on if you’re curious but haven’t yet signed up. This week, we continue to present pages from Logan Bonner, Michael Furlanetto, Tracy Hurley, and Quinn Murphy. We tried to choose sections that […]

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Lost City Playtest Preview: The Forbidden Archive

(Illustration by Darren Calvert) The patrons and designers have completed the first drafts of the The Lost City of Kadralhu patronage project, and now is a great time to jump on if you’re curious but haven’t yet signed up. Today and next week, we present a few pages from Logan Bonner, Michael Furlanetto, Tracy Hurley, and Quinn

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Encounter Codex: The Trial of Fate, Faith, and Fortune

Encounter Codex presents encounters you can quickly slot into any adventure. They are system neutral and easily adapted to any edition (and other games for that matter) with little effort—just add stats from your favorite monster manual. [previous encounter] __ A three-headed skeleton encased in ceremonial plate armor surveys this pillared hall from atop a

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Advanced Feats: The Cavalier’s Creed Now Available!

Riding forth from the pages of the Pathfinder Advanced Players Guide, the cavalier charges headlong into battle for honor, for justice, and for glory. Advanced Feats: The Cavalier’s Creed by Sigfried Trent brings you 30 new feats and 3 full character builds that no one should be without when taking the field. It begins with

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Your Whispering Homunculus: 20 Strange Days and Festivals

“It is true, is it not, slimething, that the worlds we populate are diverse and often horrifying?” “You speak the glorious truth as always, your mightiness.” “Then it should be true also that such peoples may have the strangest reasons for celebration…” A carnival adds color to a settlement, and for most folk, any excuse

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Use Skill Challenges to Start Combat (Part 1 of 3)

“I got it!” Mekken considered for a second. The sun had already begun to set, and the shadows of the forest grew darker, creeping rapidly closer to the abandoned hilltop monastery. An ominous presence could be felt in those shadows. “Thaln, gather variegated blue-leaf thyme from outside. Aildrer, I think the powdered crystal we need

Use Skill Challenges to Start Combat (Part 1 of 3) Read More »

Industrial Chemicals for Adventuring

Alchemists, craftsmen, and madmen with flasks have been known to make interesting discoveries with chemicals. This has not gone unnoticed by adventurers, monster hunters, and other generally crafty buggers. A few creative adventurers — the kind who can find an alternative use for some oddly glowing goo — have been adopted these items. Some adventurers may scoff at the

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