Posts by Wolfgang Baur

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Midgard Notebook: Thoughts on the Midgard Races

The Midgard Races The revised edition of the Midgard Campaign Setting is coming along nicely, and it’s time to talk about what’s new and what’s changed. This article is part of an occasional series on the process of refining and sharpening the setting to address its development since its first hardcover compilation. One of the […]

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Judge’s Commentary: Monarch of the Monsters 5—Low CR Design

One of the joys of a monster design contest for me is always seeing monsters at the low end of the CR spectrum. It is much easier to design a monster at a medium-to-high power level, because you have more options: the creature can have more powers, more magical fallbacks, and elements that only a

Judge’s Commentary: Monarch of the Monsters 5—Low CR Design Read More »

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Deep Magic Special Edition

Special Editions and Forum Discussions: Southlands

Like many Kobold Press projects, the Southlands Kickstarter offers great gaming and great adventure at a good price. But if you’re looking to throw a few extra platinum pieces our way, we will try to make it worth your while. Two of the higher-pledge rewards are the Special Editions and the private forums for design

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Southlands Scarab

Why I Love the Southlands

For those who love high adventure in mysterious places…lost mines and desert tombs…mighty viziers and powerful djinn…jungle valleys where white apes and dinosaurs guard fabulous treasure…. the Southlands Kickstarter is here. Allow me to confess my deep and abiding love for all things wild and free, dangerous and ancient, roguish, magical, and lost in a

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ENnies 2014 Nominations Announced

The annual ENnie Awards have posted their list of nominations plus their Judges’ Spotlight awards — and the kobolds are in the running! I’m honored and delighted to see the Kobold Guide to Magic and the Midgard Bestiary: 13th Age Compatible Edition nominated. It’s always gratifying to have a book nominated that’s designed to bring new

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Kobold Guide to Magic: On Teleportation Magic

The Kobold Guide to Magic is written by a star-studded cast of designers and authors. In this preview of an essay titled “Why I Hate Teleport Spells,” the chief Kobold himself, Wolfgang Baur, tries to talk you out of using teleportation magic in your games.Pre-order the Kobold Guide to Magic at the Kobold Store! Here’s

Kobold Guide to Magic: On Teleportation Magic Read More »

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Kickstarting Deep Magic: A Possibly Fireproof Tome for the Ages

Today the Deep Magic Kickstarter launches. It’s pretty much my dream project for RPG crunch, which is to say: it’s all about the fire spells, baby! I’ve always loved wizards and clerics, and nothing makes me happier than fireballs coming online, that flame strike spell hitting, or (if I’m feeling especially sneaky) casting the fire

Kickstarting Deep Magic: A Possibly Fireproof Tome for the Ages Read More »

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1,000-Word Rebuttal: Against the Fetish of Progressive Design

This blog hosted “Penny Dreadfuls: Against the Nostalgia Fetish in Fantasy Roleplaying” yesterday, a pleasant-but-perhaps-confused rant against nostalgia in roleplaying game design, and in favor of progress and modernity. Maybe I’m just old enough to see the upside of the conservative worldview, but let me be the first to say “bah, nonsense!” and offer this

1,000-Word Rebuttal: Against the Fetish of Progressive Design Read More »

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Castle Contest Winners!

The turnout on the Castlespotting Contest was excellent, and I was amazed by your clever deductions and by strong Google-fu of many of the entries. Fortunately, many of the Castlespotting images were submitted by readers and not available online, and that’s where things got interesting… I was flat-out impressed at how many people got 20

Castle Contest Winners! Read More »

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