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Journeys to the West: The Isle of Morphoi and Its Creatures (Part 1)

Adventure! Excitement! These things and more await you in Journeys to the West, a Kickstarter project by Open Design. The project, which you can help fund as of this writing, will have six adventures for the Pathfinder system, and it plans to give adventurers of levels 1 to 12 plenty of opportunities to explore and

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A pool of oily black water ripples as you approach. Darkwater can be both an unexpected terrain hazard and a potential story hook for assassination plots. If your adventurers are moving through a dark and dank cavern system, they might walk right into a puddle of darkwater. If they’re mixing among the social elite in

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Amazon Spider

Lurking in jungles and thick caves, many eyes watch your movement. Not an unusual feeling for adventurers. What is unusual is that this creature locals fear not just because it’s deadly, but because, if you survive, life will never be the same again. The Amazon spider is an oddity among beasts. At first, it seems

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Deadly Harmony: Birds of a Feather

It’s not easy being a monster in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Over time, adventurers and monster hunters have a significant impact on monster populations, leaving only the strongest, luckiest, and most cunning to survive. Sometimes, though, monsters band together to increase their chances. They use their powers to complement one another and, in turn, present

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Bait & Switch: Trolling for Change

It’s not easy being a monster in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Over time, adventurers and monster hunters have a significant impact on monster populations, leaving only the strongest, luckiest, and most cunning to survive. Sometimes, though, monsters band together to increase their chances. They use their powers to complement one another and, in turn, present

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Flesh Mime

The predatory forbearers of doppelgangers, flesh mimes are feared for their ability to shapechange into mirror-like duplicates of their prey. Flesh mimes are carnivores in every sense of the word, feeding on the bodies of their quarry and the psychic energy of their prey’s accumulated experience. Channeling this energy, flesh mimes are able to duplicate

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Lemming Swarm

Anton Swordbender swaggered out of the tavern, heading for Puffin Bluff after a full night of drinking. While he hadn’t succeeded in finding company before he left, he knew he caught the eye of at least one lass who would be easier to persuade later. A forced cough interrupted his thoughts as he reached the

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Star Drake

(Illustration by Chris McFann) It’s raining drakes! Find a whole slew of these fierce mini-dragons in the Book of Drakes. Masters Daigle and Welham can show you the way… __ Oftentimes, a drake’s curiosity about the world around it drives the creature to seek out experiences beyond the physical realms. The drake finds companions with

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Skum Temple Guards

Wearing bronze helmets green with age and armor made of seashells, each scowling fish man passes its hand over an odd-looking, tube-like device at its hip attached by a line to a round metal shield. A magnetic whine is heard and each shield thrums with energy as each warrior draws a deadly looking trident and

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