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Kobold Quarterly 23 Now Available

Bursting from the infernal depths in a cloud of fire and brimstone comes Kobold Quarterly’s Fall 2012 issue! Either this is the promised “demons and devils” issue, or the magazine is being guest-edited by Ronnie James Dio. This issue is packed with Stygian foes, diabolical adventure, cannibal demon apes, soul-sundering artifacts and evil chocolatiers. Kobold Quarterly # […]

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Free Midgard Preview: New Huginn PC Race, Fiction by Jeff Grubb

The kobolds have cooked up a free preview of the Midgard Campaign Setting, and you can download it now in the Kobold Store. The Midgard Preview includes: “The Bloodtide” and “At the Sign of the World Serpent”, two new Midgard stories by Jeff Grubb and Wade Rockett Huginn, a new ravenfolk PC race including notable

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Midgard Bestiary for 4th edition D&D Now Available

In the passage ahead you see a golem made of eyes, holding a screaming psychic derro fetus in a cage. Roll for initiative! As we draw near to the big release of the Midgard Campaign Setting worldbook, we’ve hit the bestiary trifecta: our latest product brings the wonder and terror (mostly terror) of Midgard to 4th

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Midgard Atlas: A World of Deep Magic on Your iPad

The first app from Kobold Press hit the iTunes App Store this weekend. Midgard Atlas by WyvernX puts the world of Zobeck, the Empire of the Ghouls, and the dwarven Cantons at your fingertips! Midgard Atlas is an animated, totally zoomable map of the entire heartland of Midgard, from the Western Ocean to the Mharoti

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Newest Addition to the Kobold Warrens: Marc Radle, Art Director

We here at Kobold Quarterly would like to give a hearty kobold welcome to Marc Radle, who will take up the reins of art director. Marc, welcome to the crew! Marc is a professional graphic artist and designer by trade. In his copious amount of spare time, he also does freelance illustration, writing, and graphic

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Monsters of Sin: Pride Now Available

Monsters of Sin epitomize the very worst of our natures—and they prey on others’ weaknesses. This fifth book in the Monsters of Sinseries for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is devoted to Pride, the unshakeable belief in your own superiority, a sin that festers inside many player characters as their adventures become legend. Monsters of Sin: Pride includes: •

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Endzeitgeist Reviews Open Design’s New Planar Releases

We just saw a couple of great reviews from Endzeitgeist over at Paizo.com, and wanted to wave them at you! First, he calls Dark Roads & Golden Hells “One of the best planar sourcebooks ever made”. As if that weren’t enough, he also deems Shadow Planes & Pocket Worlds: A Dark Roads and Golden Hells Supplement “a stellar supplement at an

Endzeitgeist Reviews Open Design’s New Planar Releases Read More »

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