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Monsters of Sin: Pride Now Available

Monsters of Sin: Pride Now Available

MOS5 Pride Cover

Monsters of Sin epitomize the very worst of our natures—and they prey on others’ weaknesses. This fifth book in the Monsters of Sinseries for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is devoted to Pride, the unshakeable belief in your own superiority, a sin that festers inside many player characters as their adventures become legend.

Monsters of Sin: Pride includes:

• The most spectacular representative of an unimpressive race, the Emperor Kobold.
• The Abominable Beauty, whose perfect appearance is a pain to behold.
• The deformed Mirror Hag, who confronts others with their own ugliness.
• The Embodiment of Pride itself, a mocking monument to the inferiority of all mortals.
Detail on Pride within the Midgard Campaign Setting.
Rules for incorporating Pride into your NPCs and monsters, and a Pride template.

Whether you’re running a Campaign of Sin, or simply want to poke some holes in the egos of your game’s heroes, Monsters of Sin: Pride is perfect in every respect.

Pick up your copy today from the Kobold Store!

1 thought on “Monsters of Sin: Pride Now Available”

  1. “Pride comes before a fall.” So it says in the Book of Proverbs.

    ENnie award? Pride? Better be on your watch fellas! :)

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