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Now on Kindle: The Kobold Guide to Worldbuilding

The Kobold Guide to Worldbuilding: Kindle Edition brings to your electronical reading-device our new collection of thought-provoking and informative essays by Wolfgang Baur, Keith Baker, Monte Cook, David “Zeb” Cook, Jeff Grubb, Scott Hungerford, Chris Pramas, Jonathan Roberts, Michael A. Stackpole and Steve Winter. Activate your futuristic book-machine and learn the secrets of making a high-magic […]

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Midgard Legends Now Available for Pathfinder

Now available at DriveThruRPG and the Paizo Store! Bring dramatic history and wondrous myths to your game table: the legends of heroes, villains, monsters, and magic that define Midgard’s most prominent regions. Midgard Legends is part of the Midgard Tales project and features contributions by Ben McFarland, Wolfgang Baur, Christina Stiles, Richard Green, and other talented

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Kobold Guide to Worldbuilding Now Available

How would you like to create the next Forgotten Realms, or Glorantha? To design a world as rich, fascinating and enduring as  Narnia, Middle-Earth, Nehwon or Barsoom? Building a world doesn’t require supernatural power. The designers and authors who created those famous settings did so through imagination, careful thought and planning. The Kobold Guide to Worldbuilding brings together

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Defenders of Midgard Are Here! Seven New D&D Themes and More

The next edition of Dungeons & Dragons is on the horizon, and players have more options than ever to get their tabletop fantasy fix. It’s in this spirit that we present The Defenders of Midgard, available at DriveThruRPG and Paizo, with 7 outstanding new themes — and lots of other crunchy D&D goodness — made

Defenders of Midgard Are Here! Seven New D&D Themes and More Read More »

Journeys to the West Adventure Anthology Now Available

Let the Journeys begin! Journeys to the West, the new 8-island, 5-adventure anthology of seafaring excitement for Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is out from Kobold Press! Set sail from Barsella, the City at the Edge of the world, home of adventurers and pirates, and explore the vast, uncharted waters of the Western Ocean of the Midgard

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Player’s Guide to the Dragon Empire Now Available

Scales, claws, and elemental dragon magic, from the coin swarm to the wyvern’s sting! Player’s Guide to the Dragon Empire is a collection of Pathfinder RPG feats, spells, and exotic animals and dragon magic for the Midgard Campaign Setting! The Dragon Empire region is the exotic land of a conquering Sultana, a land of elemental

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Pirates of the Western Ocean Now Available

You’ve explored the Western Ocean from Barsella to Terminus Island, but you’ll never truly experience it until you raise the Jolly Roger and strand law at the shore! Come join the ranks of pirates plying the shipping lanes, and make your own rules out on the high seas with ENnie award-winning designer Ben McFarland’s new

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Valhalla Calling: An Adventure Design Competition for Pathfinder and AGE

Adventure Designers Wanted Sound the horns of Valhalla! Adventure awaits, and you might be the one who provides this adventure to a multitude of stalwart heroes! Valhalla Calling is our newest and most awesome contest from Kobold Press. If you have an idea for a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game or AGE System adventure that you’d love to

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Players Guide to the Crossroads Now Available

Shadow Magic and Clockwork Kings! The Crossroads region is the heart of Midgard. Here’s where you’ll find the alleys of Zobeck, the mighty dwarven cantons, the dark pathways of the Margreve forest, the undead principalities, and the subterranean empire of the ghouls. The Players Guide to the Crossroads has new options for those who seek adventure

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