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Midgard Campaign Setting Pre-Order Now Available

The gods of the North tremble! The Great Old Ones stir in their sleep!  All of Midgard looks to the skies in wonder, for the long-awaited Midgard Campaign Setting is now available for pre-order in the Kobold Store . By popular demand you can ensure that you’ll receive the gorgeous, full color 296-page hardcover or softcover (plus […]

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Midgard Is Coming

Deep within an ancient forest, a trembling young woman enters the clearing where a ramshackle hut crouches on birds’ legs. Far below the earth, a caravan of kobold merchants passes through a stone archway carved with the faces of leering ghouls. High atop a northern mountain, a dwarf grips his battle-axe and gazes over the

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Monsters of Sin: Gluttony Now Available

Monsters of Sin epitomize the very worst of our natures—and they prey on others’ weaknesses. This third book in the Monsters of Sin series for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is devoted to Gluttony, the irresistable desire for pleasures of all sorts, so there’s bound to be one to tempt any character. It includes: The Bottomless

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ENnie Award Nominations for Open Design!

There is singing, dancing and drinking in the kobold mines today: Open Design received four ENnie Award 2012 nominations. Here’s what we’re up for this year: Best Adventure: Streets of Zobeck Best Art, Interior: Book of Drakes Best RPG Related Product: Complete Kobold Guide to Game Design Best Writing: Your Whispering Homunculus Congratulations to Ben

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The Kobold World Conquest Challenge

I, Wolfgang Baur, eccentric game designer, receive letters from Kobold fans all over the globe. Kobold Quarterly and Open Design products are being played and enjoyed in North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia. This Fall I will release the Midgard Campaign Setting, a worldbook featuring seven fantastic regions of mystery and adventure. The other

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